Mt. Carmel Center Headquarters in Salem/Tamassee, So. Carolina, is pleased to announce from God's storehouse to all Davidians, that it has completed a three-volume alpha/numeric Index of the entire original writings found in The Shepherd's Rod Series book, or any other SRod literature. It is entitled:
INDEX TO THE WRITINGS OF V.T. HOUTEFFAll the major key words in these books are listed in the "Contents" (9 pgs), which is inserted in the front of each of the three volumes, which are 8-1/2 X 11 book size. Each page contains 89 complete quotation lines with its title and the reference where it can be located in your SRod literature. The Index has 2,832 pages in three volumes; which comes to a total of about 250,100 lines of sentence quotations of information to help all Davidian students find any thought in their individual pieces of SRod literature.
We are releasing them to those in the United States of America on a first-come first-serve basis, because we have ordered 300 copies. If you want your copy of this three-volume quotation Index, then send a money order for $175.00 (which includes packaging and surface postage), payable to Mt. Carmel Center. We have randomly selected two pages of the Index and enclosed it with this advertisement flyer (sent to those Davidians on our mailing list), so that you may see what the Index is like and what it can do for you as a study help. We are offering this Index for sale late in the year, in case unforseen events or circumstances may make it difficult for us to print our Index in the year 2000. Your immediate response to this flyer will insure you a better opportunity of our reserving your copy of the three-volume alpha/numeric quotation Index, by mailing to Mt. Carmel Center your order as soon as possible.
The printers told us that there would be some overruns of our index, and also gave us a low cost to print another 100 copies while they were printing the the 300 copies. This was after we had sent out our flyers advertising the book for $175.00. We accepted their generous offer of a total of 400 books, because it wound bring the price of the index lower than $175.00. So we figured our cost for a new price, and to our surprise we are now able to sell all three volumes of the Quotation Index for only
If you want to see a sample sheet of the Index, please write to the address below and ask for the Index flyers; or FAX your request to us at our FAX number below. If you want to see the covers of the three books, click on---->
Return this entire page with your printed name
and address to the address below;
or print a copy of this form with other books by clicking on---->ORDER FORM
Name:__________________________________________________________Phone No. (________)_________-_________________
Address___________________________________________________________________________________Apt. No.____________
Please send one copy of this three-volume Quotation Index to the above address, which includes printing costs, packing, postage, and book rate shipping. I enclose a payment of only $150.00!
All money orders must be payable to:
Mt. Carmel Center
282 Davidian Way
Tamassee, S.C. 29686
Phone: (864) 944-1254