STUDY 12 |
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THE POOR IN TRUTH DAVIDIANS EXPOSING USURPERS NO. 2 "The enemy made Laodiceans believe they have no need of more truth, that they have all Truth that is necessary to get them through heaven's portals, although God has declared that they are in need of everything, and are about to be 'spued out' (Rev. 3:16)."--11 Symbolic Code, No. 2, pg. 11:1. (Given May 13, 1944) (bold emphasis added). "Now we {Davidians} really are enriched with truth if we have studied and assimilated what has been given us, for we have had made available to us the 'gold that is tried in the fire' that we might be rich, the 'eyesalve' that we 'might see,' and the 'raiment' with which we may be covered (Rev. 3), and the 'extra oil' that our way might be lighted (Matt. 25). Therefore the Devil is not going to attack us where he attacked Laodiceans, but he will tell us that we {Davidians} are poor in truth. He will do this in almost any way."--11 Symbolic Code, No. 2, pg. 11:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). In spite of Elijah's (V.T. Houteff) specific warning to all the Davidians that Satan would attack them differently than the Laodiceans, and tell them that they are "poor in truth," yet, there are some Davidians today who have fallen snare to his attack, and believe his lie that "we are poor in truth," which leads them to think that they must find another prophet to take Brother Houteff's place to give then more truth! It was scarcely after Brother Houteff had passed away on Feb. 5, 1955 that there began to arise among the Davidians some Satan-inspired "usurpers" (1TG14:22:0), who claimed to hold the titles of porter-prophet-presidents with new messages in order to deceive the Davidians into believing the lie that "we are poor in truth." And though Satan expresses his lie through different "usurpers" with various false teachings (for "He will do this in almost anyway"--1lSC2:11:2), yet the overall purpose of the lie is to cause Davidians to no longer "hear ye the Rod," but instead to hear his hellish voice through his SRod "usurpers." And once Satan deceives these Davidians into believing his lie that "we are poor in truth," then his usurpers, while claiming to be porter-prophet-presidents to draw such Davidians to themselves as "Satan-inspired disciple-seekers" (2TG28:16:1), are enabled to promulgate almost any false teaching as a substitute for the message of The Shepherd's Rod. And their lies will be accepted by these deceived ones who trust in man instead of God. Thus, after accepting his lie that "we are poor in truth," Satan leads such Davidians further away from hearing the Shepherd's Rod message through his "usurpers," who teach the lie that while the servant of the Lord (Sis. E.G. White) was alive, she represented: THE EVER-LIVING SPIRIT OF PROPHECY By playing on the word "living," and by misapplying its meaning to be referring to a living person, the "usurpers" try to make it appear to their followers that when Ellen G. White died in 1915, the "living" Spirit of Prophecy then became the "dead" Spirit of Prophecy. Later, in 1930 when V.T. Houteff came, the Spirit of Prophecy was supposed to be "living" again; but when he died in 1955 the Spirit of Prophecy was supposed to have died also. The obvious reason why the "usurpers" teach this lie is because they want all Davidians to believe that they are the "living" Spirit of Prophecy come to life again; and that all Rod believers should no longer "hear ye the Rod" message, because it is supposed to be "dead" since 1955. Instead, they want all Davidians to follow them and their new so-called "living" Spirit of Prophecy. These "Satan inspired disciple seekers" misquote and misapply two references below to deceive Davidians into believing Satan's lie--"we are poor in truth." "...that the prophetic gift in the Seventh-day Adventist church (through the medium of which the church was brought forth in 1844 and nurtured and preserved for seven decades) ceased its manifestation in 1915 and was not remanifestated until 1930..."--2 Timely Greetings, 10, pgs. 28, 29 (bold emphasis added). "Upon the death of Sister White, in 1915, the gift of Inspiration, the active Spirit of Prophecy {which never dies}, became quiescent no longer manifesting Itself for a time."--3 Answerer Book, pg. 60:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). Note that the "prophetic gift," the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy, which came "through the medium" (E.G. White) "ceased its manifestation in 1915" when she died. That is, it "became quiescent;" but the "manifestation"--the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy unfolded--did not die! And even though the "prophetic gift" was "not remanifested until 1930" when the "medium" (V.T. Houteff) came as Elijah the last prophet; yet, this "manifestation" did not die in 1955 when the "medium" died; for "the present the 'addition' anticipated in Early Writings, pg. 277." (2TG10:29:1). And that "addition" is none other than the message of The Shepherd's Rod, which will still be alive when God's kingdom is set up! "The message swells to a Loud Cry by virtue of an 'addition' which gives it 'power and force.'--Early Writings, pg. 277. The only conclusion admissible, therefore, is that since the church has never accepted an additional message {in 1888 or 1929}, and since there has never come one (other than that in The Shepherd's Rod publications) that would give 'power and force' to the old message, the Loud Cry could not have begun at any time previous to this."--1 Answerer Book, pg. 82:3 (bold emphasis, braces added). Did that "present manifestation...the addition" (SRod message) die in 1955 when the "medium" (V.T. Houteff) died? NO! NEVER! Yet, that is what the "usurpers" would have all Davidians believe--that the SRod message, the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy, died in 1955 when the "medium" (V.T. Houteff) died. Thus, they deny that Elijah is the last prophet and say that unless another "living" prophet comes, then the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy will stay "dead," and all Davidians will stay "poor in truth." But if The Shepherd's Rod message (the "addition" in E.W. 277)--the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy--died in 1955, then how could the same "addition" lighten the earth with its glory during the loud cry if it is dead? "The message of Elijah {The Shepherd's Rod--GCS35,36} that restores all things is indeed an addition to the Third Angel's Message, and it shall certainly swell into a loud cry. It shall gather God's people from the four corners of the earth, and bring them out of Babylon as the earth is lightened with the glory of the angel (Rev. 18:1-4). (See Early Writings, pg. 277)"--2 Timely Greetings, 31, pgs. 8, 9 (bold emphasis, braces added). Now since it is crystal clear that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is the Shepherd's Rod message and that it is not dead, then if the Davidians are to forever escape the snare of the "usurpers" lie that "we are poor in truth," they must know for certain just what is the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy. Is it a "living" person, or is it THE EVER-LIVING TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."--Revelation 19:10 (bold emphasis added). "Here is the Bible's own answer, which says that there is to be a people who will have the Testimony of Jesus Christ at the time the earth swallows up the flood, the hypocrites. And since this incident {slaughter of Ezek. 9} is yet future, it shows that there is to be a prophet {Elijah--V.T. Houteff} in the Church {who predicted the coming slaughter since 1929}, for the Bible's own interpretation of 'the Testimony of Jesus Christ,' is 'the Spirit of Prophecy' (Rev. 19:10). The first part of chapter 19 you will note explains that the Spirit of Prophecy is brought to them by a man, a 'fellowservant,' and that those who receive him feel like worshiping him, but he directs them to worship God, not a man." --2 Timely Greetings, No. 24, pg. 23:1 (bold emphasis added). The usurpers say the statement above proves there will be a prophet living at the time of the slaughter, but that is not what it says for this reason: All three, prophets (Ezekiel and V.T. Houteff and prophetess E.G. White), lived before the slaughter was fulfilled, and all three predicted that it was to come, but all three died and none will be alive when it does occur. That is why Elijah (V.T.H.) said that "this incident" (the slaughter) "is yet future;" but he did not say that the "incident" of another prophet to come "is yet future"! "Here it is seen that as the prophecies were unfolded to John by one of his brethren, thereby was revealed to him the Testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of Prophecy. Plainly, then, an inspired servant of God {today--Elijah the last prophet--V.T. Houteff} who bears a message to his brethren, bears the Testimony of Jesus to them. To illustrate: suppose the Lord Jesus communicated a personal message to you by a messenger, would not His message be His testimony to you? And should God endow the messenger with the gift of His Spirit to unfold to you the prophecies which are in the Scriptures, would he not be coming to you with the Spirit of Prophecy?"--2 Timely Greetings, No. 45, pg. 6:4 (bold emphasis, braces added). The above statements prove that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is brought to us by "a man" (prophet), and that it is not "a man." The ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "the Testimony of Jesus," not the testimony of "a man;" because Elijah the last prophet (V.T. Houteff), our "fellowservant" and "medium" died, but "the testimony of Jesus" never dies! And that is why it is called "the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy." Now consider these important facts: (1) That the Spirit of Prophecy is brought to them by a man, a "fellowservant" (V.T. Houteff); (2) That this "man" was Elijah (V.T. Houteff), "the last prophet to the church of this day" (GCS23:3,32:0); (3) That some of the idolatrous Davidians "who receive him" (V.T. Houteff) will "feel like worshiping him;" (4) That he (V.T. Houteff) has directed them "to worship God, not a man" (1TG27:7:6; 1TG27:8:1); (5) That this "man" (Elijah the last prophet), the "fellowservant" and "medium," died in 1955; (6) And that the "Testimony of Jesus," "the Lord's voice," (Mic. 6:9) not only commanded all Davidians to "hear ye {all of} the Rod," but it also stated irrefutably that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy did NOT die, but still lives to this very day, even forever. Yet, in spite of all these facts, we still find some Davidians (the usurpers) who are believing and teaching to other Davidians that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "a man." Why? Because they are idolatrous Davidians who not only desire to trust in "a man" (a usurper) but they also desire to worship him, not God! It was after the death of Elijah the "fellowservant" in 1955 that the "usurpers" began to arise, each claiming to be a porter, prophet, or president; and teaching that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "a man" (a prophet who died in 1955), rather than teach that the "Testimony of Jesus" is the SRod message which never dies! And all the Davidian idolators who "feel like worshiping" the usurpers as they worshiped Elijah (V.T. Houteff), will be led to worship "a man," not God, and fall snare to Satan's lie: "we are poor in truth." And with their eyes blinded to the fact that "the Testimony of Jesus" (the message of The Shepherd's Rod) represents the "gold tried in the fire" to make them "rich" (Rev. 3:18), these "poor in truth" Davidian idol worshipers have become easy prey to the "fool's gold" offered to them by the false prophet (usurper) Davidians. And instead of worshiping God, they are led to worship "a man" (a false prophet); and instead of hearing the message of the SRod, they have been led to hear the "usurpers;" all because they have been deceived into believing that they "are poor in truth." "The testimony of Jesus Christ, Inspiration explains, is 'the Spirit of Prophecy.' Rev. 19:10. To have the Spirit of Prophecy, is to have the Spirit Who uttered the prophecies and who only can interpret them, for 'no prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation,' nor without the inspiration of the same Spirit. 'For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.' (2 Pet. 1:20,21), and consequently only men of God {a prophetess--Sis. E.G. White and a prophet--Bro. V.T. Houteff} in the Spirit can interpret the Scriptures."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 14, pg. 17:3 (bold emphasis, and braces were added). "Then, too, it alone has the testimony of Jesus Christ--the living Spirit of Prophecy {contained in the writings of E.G. White and V.T. Houteff} in its midst (Rev. 19:10),--the Spirit Who alone leads into all Truth, Who alone can rightly interpret the Scriptures (2 Pet. 1:20,21). Plainly, then, Inspiration would have you join no sect but this 'remnant.'"--2 Timely Greetings, No. 34, pg. 20:6 (bold emphasis, braces added). Since it is "the Spirit Who alone leads into all Truth," and since "to have the Spirit of Prophecy, is to have the Spirit Who uttered the prophecies and who only can interpret them," and since only holy men of God in the Spirit can interpret the Scriptures, then Sister E.G. White or Brother V.T. Houteff could never be identified as the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy. Instead, they are "holy men of God"--the "medium" through which the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "manifested." And even though these "holy men of God" have died (Sis. E.G. White in 1915 and Bro. V.T. Houteff in 1955), the "Testimony of Jesus" can never die. It is "ever-living," because its the: EVER-LIVING SPIRIT OF PROPHECY--THE INSPIRED WRITINGS "And the 'testimony' of His living Word passed on by His chosen and Spirit-filled messengers {or mediums--Sis. E.G. White and also Bro. V.T. Houteff, whose inspired writings are known as} --'the Spirit of Prophecy' at work (Rev. 19:10)."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 41, pg. 21:6 (bold emphasis, braces added). "...The work of the denominations founder, Mrs. E.G. White, whose writings {and books} are known by the organization {of God's church} to be the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 12:17; 19:10)."--6 Tract, pg. 3:2 (bold emphasis and braces were added). "You well know the Truth in which we have greatly rejoiced since 1844, has come through God's appointed servant {Sis. E.G.White} whose writings we call the 'Spirit of Prophecy.'"--1 Tract, pg. 50:4 (bold emphasis, braces added). "...Mrs. White's writings, along with what is revealed here {in the writings of the message of The Shepherd's Rod}, are the Spirit of Prophecy--the 'Testimony of Jesus.' Rev. 19:10."--6 Tract, pg. 78:0 (bold emphasis and braces were added). "'For He hath given you the former rain moderately' is the light of truth that is characterized by the former rain which must have fallen previous to the time of the latter rain {the SRod by V.T. Houteff}. Therefore, the former rain is none other than the writings of the 'Spirit of Prophecy {by E.G. White}.'"--2 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 257:0 (bold emphasis and braces added). "The truths revealed prior to 1844, and up to 1929, are found in the writings of the 'Spirit of Prophecy,' and that which is not written there, is of no value."--2 Shepherd's Rod, pgs. 288, 289 (bold emphasis added). "They are restudying the Bible in the Divine Light of The Shepherd's Rod. The Three Angel's Messages have become to them as clear and sweet as a mountain stream. And those who never owned, and even those who never believed, the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, are now purchasing all the volumes."--4 Answerer Book, pg. 27:0 (bold emphasis added). "The interpretation of these scriptures {which were previously not understood until Elijah came} is supported entirely by the writings of Sr. E.G. White, that is termed the Spirit of Prophecy."--1 Shepherd's Rod, Introduction (bold emphasis and braces added). "'To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.' Isa. 8:20. The contents in this publication are not only in perfect harmony with the text, but it does 'exalt' the law and the testimony as well as the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy."--1 S.R 234:1 (bold emphasis added). "The Bible and the books {writings} of the Spirit of Prophecy being the sole source of The Shepherd's Rod message, therefore when the Rod is taught, the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are taught."--5 Answerer Book, pg. 55:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Thus it is clear that the 'Testimony of Jesus' and 'the Spirit of Prophecy' are synonymous terms for a timely message {writings} sent from God--'meat in due season.' The Spirit of Prophecy, therefore, is God's means of communicating from Heaven directly to His church on earth, as well as of unfolding the sealed prophecies to her."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 45, pg. 6:4 (boldings, braces added). "Since it is now as clear as sunlight that the ever-unfolding, Inspired interpretation of the Scriptures is the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy, the eyes of the church at work (1 Sam. 9:9), then to be without these spiritual eyes {writings} is to try to walk, as it were, in dense darkness."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 45, pg. 8:2 (bold emphasis and the braces were added). The foregoing references should prove, by the "weight of evidence" (3T255) to the "poor in truth" Davidians, that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is the "inspired writings," the "books of the Spirit of Prophecy," "His living Word," "a timely message," "inspired interpretation," and cannot ever be "a man." If, however, they want to believe that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "a man," that it is not "ever-living," but died in 1955 when V.T. Houteff died; if they must have "a man" to worship instead of God; and if they refuse to believe that Elijah (V.T. Houteff) was the "last prophet to the church today" (GCS23), the last "medium" through which the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy comes before the Ezek. 9 slaughter, then they will be led by Satan to exchange their true "gold tried in the fire" (the SRod) for the "fool's gold" of the "usurpers." And they will find themselves feeding upon the stale oil of "Satan-inspired disciple-seekers," rather than feeding upon the SRod--fresh oil right from: THE GOLDEN BOWL--THE EVER-LIVING SPIRIT OF PROPHECY "The oil represents the revealed Word of God from the Bible as it is explained through His appointed servants, and the bowl describes the publications into which these revelations are compiled. This is the 'Testimony of Jesus'--the Spirit of Prophecy' (Rev. 12:17; 19:10). (See Rev. 1:9). Therefore, the testimony of Jesus is also the Spirit of Prophecy, because His testimony is revealed only by the Holy Spirit through a human channel {prophetess or prophet}. Thus the Scriptures interpreted by Inspiration, is the only testimony that can be, 'The testimony of Jesus'--truth without error."--2 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 285:1 (boldings, braces added). "...The bowl in which the oil is deposited represents the container or the store in which the compilations of--Inspired Bible interpretations {Spirit of Prophecy publications} are stored, and that from it, not the olive trees, the ministers help themselves with oil and carry it to the seven lamps (to the Church)."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 14, pg. 19:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The two golden pipes (God's inspired interpreters) stole the golden oil in the golden bowl (Spirit of Prophecy publications)."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 14, pg. 22:3 (bold emphasis added). "And the bowl, the container of that which the pipes (interpreters) place therein, can be only the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy."--3 Answerer Book, pg. 32:1 (bold emphasis added). "Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth--the Word interpreted. The only 'storehouse' that contains inspired comments on both Testaments is the books {writings} of the {ever-living} Spirit of Prophecy."--6 Tract, pg. 23:3 (bold emphasis and braces added). If the "poor in truth" Davidians had not been blinded by Satan's lies, they would see that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is not "a man," but "publications," "compilations," "writings," "books of the Spirit of Prophecy," "the storehouse of Present Truth,"--"truth without error." They would know their safety from Satan comes not from the errors of the usurpers, but from the "golden bowl," containing the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy that never dies. "Those who do not avail themselves of the golden oil, and those who continue ever to hunt for some kind of oil, or whoever try to extract their own, will, of course, drop into the pit when the earth opens her mouth to swallow up the flood {1TG21:14:2}. Then it is that ism-breathers {usurpers} and ism-seekers {idolaters} shall forever pass away {die in the Ezek. 9 slaughter}."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 14, pg. 20:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Find your explanations 'in the Bowl' {writings of the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy} and you will have no trouble in knowing the truth, or of avoiding the ever ready trap of deception. Thus the difficulty in knowing the difference between truth and error is eliminated." --2 S.R. 289:0 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Under this perfect system {pipes, oil, bowl, tubes, candlestick} of preparing, and dispensing the Word of God, 'meat in due season,' to His people, there need be no fear that the reservoir {golden bowl} will run dry, or that the lamps {of the candlestick--church} will grow dim."--1 T.G. 14:22:4 (bold emphasis and braces added). If the Spirit of Prophecy died in 1915 when Sis. White died and again in 1955 when Bro. Houteff died, then how could Davidians go to the ever-living "golden bowl" (which will never "run dry") if it is dead, to know the "difference between truth and error"? If its contents has been dead since 1915, then how can we believe " to come" with a "message" (TM475:3)? Is not this what the laity say about pg. 475--that it is dead and no Elijah is to come? Are they not despising the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy that never dies? Are they not following leaders who rejected it as dead? And what about Davidians who profess to accept this Elijah? His SRod message said he was the last prophet (GCS32:3), but the usurpers say he is not the last because pg. 32 is dead; and some Davidians who follow them believe it! Are they not also despising and rejecting the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy which never dies? What a tragedy! "This everlasting tragedy would be chargeable only to their despising the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy, the eyes {writings} of the church (1 Sam. 9:9; Isa. 29:10), which alone can see to draw into a state of oneness, of unbreakable unity."--6 Tract, pg. 12:1 (bold emphasis and braces added). What a tragedy! The usurpers and Davidian idolaters say that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy died in 1955! But why? So they can say that Elijah (V.T. Houteff) is not the last prophet with the last message--the "gold...inspired truth" "Rev. 3:18--I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; ...The gold tried in the fire obviously represents inspired Truth {from the golden bowl--Spirit of Prophecy} for this time, the only truth that saves, the only kind God would sell."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 20, pg. 20:1 (boldings, braces added). Therefore, when the "poor in truth" Davidians say they are NOT rich with "gold tried in the fire"--"inspired Truth" of the SRod message, and when they say they must have another "man" (porter-prophet-president) to follow with more truth, are they not despising the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy by saying that the message of the SRod is dead since 1955 when Elijah (V.T. Houteff) died? And if the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is dead, as the usurpers say, and if Elijah is not the "last prophet to the church of his day" (GCS32:0), then what inspiration is there for the Davidians to follow except that of Satan's porter-prophet-president usurpers who say that "we are poor in truth"? "But while there flows from the golden bowl (Zech. 4:2) that Inspiration {ever-living Spirit of Prophecy} which enables one to be a true Christian {Davidian}, there flows from the cauldron of hell that opposite inspiration that works to make one a false Christian {Davidian usurper or an idolater}."--1 Answerer Book, pg. 56:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). While the Inspiration of the Lord from the "golden bowl," the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy--SRod message by Elijah the last prophet, says "we are enriched with truth" (11SC2:11:2), Satan's inspiration from "the cauldron of hell"--the ever-dead spirit of prophecy, says "we are poor in truth," and that Davidians must find another "man" (false prophet) to follow, because they do not follow THE EVER-LIVING SPIRIT OF PROPHECY--A YOUNG COW "The two sheep, not being young, and two of a kind, must be symbolical of the Bible Itself, both Old and New Testaments. The cow being young and larger in size, is obviously symbolical of something of later origin, and more voluminous than the Bible Itself. Hence, it is none other than the published works of {the writings of Sis. E.G. White which is} the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy--the inspired interpretation of the Scriptures."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 20, pg. 24:3 (bold emphasis and braces were added). "As butter is churned from milk, and as the milk from which this spiritual 'butter' is made, comes from the 'two sheep' and the 'young cow,' the truth flows forth that these three milk-producing creatures symbolize three different sources from which the Word of the Lord (butter) is obtained. The cow is young; the sheep are not. Accordingly, the source of the butter, God's Word, represented by the young cow {Spirit of Prophecy}, is of later origin than the sources represented by the two sheep {Bible}. The two-of-a-kind therefore can only represent the Old and New Testament Scriptures; whereas the cow, being larger and younger than the sheep, represents sacred volumes of correspondingly larger proportions and of later origin than the Bible. These volumes manifestly are the latter-day writings of {Sis. E.G. White} the 'Spirit of Prophecy' (Rev. 19:10), which enable their patrons to 'refuse the evil, and choose the good,' and which bring to them the {butter--SRod message and} honey."--6 Tract, pgs. 29, 30 (bold emphasis, braces added). "And the cow being young, and therefore of later origin than the sheep and its also being of larger size than they, it can accordingly only be figurative of inspired writings {of Ellen G. White which are} of later origin and of greater volume than the Bible Itself. The only such besides the Bible are those which bring to us 'the testimony of Jesus:...for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy' (Rev. 19:10)--the inspired interpretation of the Scriptures."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 45, pg. 5:4 (bold emphasis, braces added). "As we have already seen that the two sheep are symbolical of the Old and New Testaments, we now see also that the 'young cow' is symbolical of the inspired interpretations of the Bible {the writings of Sis. Ellen G. White which is}, the Spirit of Prophecy in our day. It is obvious that the product of these three creatures necessarily must become our spiritual diet if we expect to be 'left' and permitted to live in the Holy Land, and that there is no use of our thinking to abide the judgment in some other way."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 45, pgs. 6, 7 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Come, my brethren, while there is an abundace of butter {message of The Shepherd's Rod} for your upkeep, honey to make you glad, and a 'golden bowl' full of 'oil' to make you 'shine.' Why any longer languish in darkness, starving on husks, when God bids you become friends with His 'young cow' {writings of the Spirit of Prophecy} and His 'two sheep' {writings of the Bible}? But after all, you need for your own sake, not for theirs, to feed on butter {writings of the SRod}. So come get it, for says the Lord, 'a man shall nourish them.'"--6 Tract, pg. 44:1 (boldings, braces added). "Here the Lord tells us that the milking of the two sheep and the young cow (the unfolding of the heaven-sent scrolls) is not entrusted to all, but to 'a man' (prophet) {Elijah the last prophet}. This means that the one {Bro. V.T. Houteff} through whom the light {butter--Shepherd's Rod message from the cow and two sheep} is revealed, nourishes these sources of supply by arousing widespread interest in them, thus keeping them alive and producing."--6 Tract, pg. 44:2 (bold emphasis and braces were added). "The figures, 'a young cow and two sheep,' unique in their milk-producing ability, make clear that their product can sustain life for eternity, and that to the 'man' {Elijah the last prophet--Bro. V.T. Houteff} who nourishes them are the {Davidian} saints to go for their butter {the SRod message}."--6 Tract, pg. 45:0 (bold emphasis, braces added). In spite of the fact that the "poor in truth" Davidians will readily admit that the "one" who "nourishes" the "young cow"--the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy--and milks it, too, is none other than V.T. Houteff, Elijah, the "last prophet to the church today" (GCS23:3); yet, they foolishly believe that in 1915, when Sis. E.G. White died, that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy also died. And for the "poor in truth" Davidians to believe this, is to believe that the "man (prophet)" --V.T. Houteff who nourished the "young cow," was feeding a dead cow! Yes, that is right, such false reasoning is saying that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy was not living, but dead since the year 1915! These facts prove conclusively that Sis. E.G. White could not have been the "young cow," the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy for this reason: When the "man," V.T. Houteff, fed the "cow" in 1930, she had been dead 15 years. And since Bro. V.T. Houteff could NOT have milked a dead cow either, then these facts prove that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy was not dead when Elijah the "man (prophet)" nourished and milked the "young cow," but was very much "alive" (1SM55:5). All of this proves conclusively that when the "medium" (prophet) dies, it does NOT mean that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy also dies. Furthermore, for the "poor in truth" Davidian idolaters to believe that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy (the young cow) had died when Sister E.G. White (the medium) died, is to believe that the ever-living Bible (two sheep) died when the prophets of the Old and the New Testament Scriptures died! To believe this would mean that Bro. Houteff not only milked a dead cow, but he also milked two dead sheep! Yet, this is what the "usurpers" want the "poor in truth" Davidian idolaters to believe! But if the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy (the young cow), and the ever-living Bible (two sheep) are dead, then how vain is our faith in their teachings. Therefore, why should the Davidians waste their time studying or teaching them to others? Why should we follow them? And why should we: EAT BUTTER AND HONEY TO LIVE IN THE LAND "Those that are left in the land, therefore, when Christ takes His scepter to reign, are those who live on the butter {SRod message} and honey which only the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy can supply. All others are to perish with the modern Edomites and Moabites."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 20, pg. 24:4 (bold emphasis, braces added). Now if the two sheep (writings of theBible by the prophets) and the young cow {writings of the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen G. White) are dead, then of what value would the "butter" (the SRod message) from their milk be to Elijah the "man (prophet)," and to all those Davidians who follow his teachings? Would not such "butter" be a dead food? And if so, how could the "butter" help the Davidians "know to refuse the evil, and choose the good" if it is dead food? How can they "live on the butter and honey which only the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy can supply," if the cow and the two sheep, the"three milk-producing creatures" (6Tr29:3) are dead? Rthe fact is, neither the message of the SRod (butter) by Bro. V.T. Houteff, or the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy (cow) by Sis. E.G. White is dead, because she said so: "Abundant light has been given to our people in these last days. Whether or not my life is spared, my writings {Spirit of Prophecy--'cow'} will constantly speak, and their work will go forward as long as time shall last. My writings are kept on file in the office, and even though I should not live, these words that have been given to me by the Lord will still have life and will speak to the people."--1 Selected Messages, pg. 55:5 (bold emphasis and braces added). Yet, all this is what the "poor in truth" Davidians believe when the "usurpers" tell them that the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy is "a man;" and that when Bro. V.T. Houteff died in 1955, so the SRod message (butter) died with him; because it was produced from a dead cow (writings of Spirit of Prophecy) and two dead sheep (writings of Bible)! It is this kind of false teachings that cause idolatrous Davidians to be easily snared into believing the "usurpers" lie: (1) That Elijah was not "the last prophet to the church today." (2) And that there must be another prophet with another message for the Davidian idolaters to hear. And why do the usurpers teach the lie that the Davidians "are poor in truth"? To turn the Davidian idolaters away from studying the message of The Shepherd's Rod (the butter--ever-living Spirit of Prophecy). Were these "poor in truth" Davidians feasting as they should upon the life-giving butter--the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy (SRod), they would believe that Elijah is the "last prophet to the church today." Then they would know that anyone else claiming to be a porter-prophet-president is a "usurper" of Elijah's office (1TG14:22:0), a self-appointed false prophet who is trying the impossible--to inspire himself with the Spirit of Prophecy. "Since 'the Revelation,' the book that speaks to the people of God at this time, recommends the sect that keeps the commandments and that has the gift of prophecy, you cannot wisely connect yourself with any other sect....But since there are no two sects that agree with each other, the truth that there is but one sect that has the Gift is an absolute reality. And while you may choose to keep the Sabbath commandment, you cannot inspire yourself with the Spirit of Prophecy--this Gift is bestowed upon the remnant by God Himself."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 34, pg. 23:1 (bold emphasis added). "When this thorough reformation takes place then the cleansing fountain {in God's kingdom} shall be opened to the whole house of David. In that day the wicked shall be cut off and kept out of the house of David, and the false teachers, 'prophets' {especially all the Davidian usurpers}, shall feel ashamed of having ever taught their private interpretations of the Scriptures. Then shall men {usurpers} fully realize that though they could be taught by men to keep cattle, yet no man could teach them to prophecy; that this office is restricted to the Spirit of Prophecy {writings of Sis. E.G. White as well as Bro. V.T. Houteff}, that no prophecy of the Scriptures is of private interpretation."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 44, pg. 48:2. (bold emphasis, braces added). "Men {the Davidian usurpers who appoint themselves as prophets} are walking in the light of the sparks of their own kindling."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 87:0 (bolding emphasis, braces added). "Behold, all ye {Davidian usurpers} that kindle a fire {to inspire themselves as false prophets} that compass yourselves about with sparks; walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand: ye shall lie down in sorrow {die in slaughter of Ezek. 9}."--Isaiah 50:11 (bold emphasis, braces added). IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ANSWER What about you, Brother, Sister, Davidian? How would you answer these important questions? (1) Do you think that the inspired Scriptures (the two sheep) died when the prophets died after their writings were put in the Bible? (2) Do you think that the inspired writings of the Spirit of Prophecy (a young cow) died when Sis. E.G. White died in 1915? (3) Do you think that the inspired writings of The Shepherd's Rod message died when Bro. V.T. Houteff died in 1955? (4) Do you think that Elijah (V.T. Houteff) was NOT the "last prophet to the church today"? (5) Do you think that the death of Elijah in 1955 left you spiritually a "poor-in-truth" Davidian who needs more truth? (6) Do you think that Davidians, after Elijah's death in 1955, should follow another porter-prophet-president to give them more truth? If your answer to these questions is an emphatic "NO," then you must still be eating the "live" butter, and still hearing the "inspired writings" of The Shepherd's Rod message, the ever-living Spirit of Prophecy--the Testimony of Jesus Christ. And if this is true, then it is obvious that you are NOT a "poor in truth" Davidian, because you believe and teach this very important statement in the message of The Shepherd's Rod: "Nevertheless, one's {a true Davidian} only safety will be in the teaching of Elijah {V.T. Houteff the last prophet}, for there will be no other voice {of a usurper} of timely Truth and authority {the porter-prophet- presidents} to whom one may turn. Any others {besides Elijah} will lead their victims blind-folded into perdition."--General Conference Special, pg. 8:0 (bold emphasis, braces added). Authored and written by Don Adair 282 Davidian Way Tamassee, SC 29686 Phone/Fax (864) 944-1254 END OF STUDY 12 OTHER USURPER ARTICLES The "Usurper Articles" were written for the students in the "School of the Prophets" classes at the Salem Headquarters. They are designed to expose the usurpers (Davidian false prophets) and the doctrinal errors they teach to their followers (Davidian idolaters). Click on---> STUDY13 for the next usurper article no. 3. |