STUDY 16 |
(This study was authored and written by Bro. Don Adair. You can print a copy for yourself and share it with others, if you include this notification in this parenthesis, if you make no changes in the study, if you take no credit for it, and if you include my name, address, and phone number at the bottom.) SMITE THE SHEPHERD EXPOSING USURPERS NO. 6
E ND OF STUDY 16 Authored and written byDon Adair 282 Davidian Way Tamassee, SC 29686 Phone/Fax (864) 944-1254 OTHER USURPER ARTICLES The "Usurper Articles" were written for the students in the "School of the Prophets" classes at the Salem Headquarters. They are designed to expose the usurpers (Davidian false prophets) and the doctrinal errors they teach to their followers (Davidian idolaters). Click on---> STUDY17 for the next usurper article no. 7. |