(This study was written by Bro. Don Adair and copyrighted in 1998You can print a copy of this study for yourself and share it with others if you make no changes in it, if you take no credit for it, if you charge no money for it, if you include this notification in this parenthesis with it; and if you include his name, address, phone number, website, and e-mail, at the bottom.)


"So it is that there must be among us today antitypical doubters, complainers, {Davidian} office seekers and faultfinders, admitting one great truth one day and forgetting it the next day yet expect to be sealed with the seal of God and to stand with the Lamb on Mt, Zion!--1 Timely Greetings, No. 7, pgs. 8, 9 (bold emphasis, braces added).

When Bro. V.T. Houteff (Elijah) wrote the above inspired statement, it did not seem possible that there could be some Davidians among us who would be found guilty of "admitting one great truth one day and forgetting it the next day." Yet, right before our eyes we see this happening, and our minds stagger in unbelief, as we see some Davidian "office seekers" in California and in Missouri "admitting one great truth one day"--that The Shepherd's Rod books contain an inspired message of truth, and then "forgetting it the next day"--by teaching that the same books should not be reprinted! And the reason why is because there are certain truths in these two inspired books which they want to hide, lest their erroneous teachings be exposed to others. For this reason they condemn the reprinting of these two books so no one can read what they do not want them to know.

In doing this, however, they expose themselves as "office seekers" (false Davidians) who are not exalting the truth but themselves. Instead, they are turning other minds away from the message who have become interested in reading them, by denouncing The Shepherd's Rod books to make it appear that they are bad books, which are uninspired and should not be reprinted. But would these "office seekers" dare repeat such derogatory remarks against the two books if Bro. Houteff was still alive? No indeed, they would not, because they know that while he was alive he never said, nor did he ever publish any statements that would condemn the reprinting of these books!

It is obvious, of course, that if these "office seekers" knew of any other truth in the SRod message which they wanted to hide from Davidians, and which they had admitted was truth "one day" when they first claimed to accept the message, but later wanted to forget it as truth the "next day," then they would also repudiate other parts of the SRod literature as unfit to read, and condemn the reprinting of such publications. That is, they would set themselves up as judges over these two books, and like cattle tread them under their feet, while shouting to others: "Hear ye not The Shepherd's Rod books; and do not reprint them, because they are unfit to read." But they have been warned by Sis. White and Bro. Houteff not to tread upon any truth with their feet.


"Part of the {Davidian} cattle {office seekers} are accused of being selective, of eating and drinking only that which is to their liking, and of trampling the residue (two SRod books}. They accept whatever Truth is agreeable to them, but reject the rest. Here {1 Test. 234:1} we shall cite an example:"--2 Timely Greetings, No. 2, pg. 19:4 (boldings, braces added).

"We {Seventh-day Adventists} believe the visions, but sister White, in writing them, put in her own words, and we will believe that portion which we think is of God, and will not heed the other."--1 Testimonies, pg. 234:1 (bold emphasis, braces added).

"And as for my flock {the true Davidians}, they eat that {spiritual food} which ye {office seekers} have trodden with your feet {the SRod books}; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet."--Ezekiel 34:19 (bold emphasis, braces added).

"God's true people, the truly great {Davidians}, accept that which the so called wise {office seekers} tread down with their feet."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 2, pg. 20 (bold emphasis, braces added).

These "so called wise" Davidians, the "office seekers" who condemn the two Shepherd's Rod books by claiming that they are unfit to read and should not be reprinted, are doing all they can to tread down these two books under their feet; because they want to "believe that portion which" they "think is of God, and will not heed the other." Thus, while claiming to believe all the SRod, they really believe none of it! because God does not accept a partial belief of the Bible, or the Spirit of Prophecy, or the SRod message. And though they claim they are not "opposed" to the SRod message as our S.D.A. brethren are, yet, they would dare tell Elijah (Bro. Houteff) "how to teach" his message 910 SC 7:13:0 quoted below), by claiming that his two inspired books are not worthy to be reprinted. By doing this, they are attempting to deceive other Davidians and cause them to doubt that he was a true prophet, so that they will believe with them that his two books are not inspired and worthy to be reprinted.

"Speaking of Elijah's message we read: 'Somebody {V.T. Houteff} is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah, and when he appears, men {Davidian office seekers} may say: "You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the right way. Let me tell you how to teach your message" {T.M. 475:3}. These words do not come from those {S.D.A.} who are opposed to it {the SRod}, for they {are Davidians who} say: 'Let me tell you how to teach your message' {which I claim to believe}."--10 Symbolic Code, No, 7, pg. 13 (bold emphasis, braces added).

Elijah (V.T. Houteff) was given a inspired message from God, which was first published in his two Shepherd's Rod books in 1930 and 1932 (quoted below). But the "office seekers" try to tell him how to teach his message two ways: (1) They tell some Davidians that the two SRod books are not inspired and should not be reprinted. (2) They tell others that the two books should not be reprinted because the two books (Volumes 1 and 2) are supposed to be included in Volume 3 (quoted below)!


Although the "office seekers" make a great pretense of not being "opposed" to any truth in the SRod message; yet, in order to condemn the publishing of the books, they quote and misinterpret Tract 1, pg. 37, in support of their direct opposition to the reprinting of the two books:

"The first part...was published in December, 1930, in a 255-page book entitled The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 1; the second part was published in...September, 1932, in a 304-page book entitled The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 2; and the third part--the series of tracts."--1 Tract, pg. 37:1 (bold emphasis added).

The "office seekers" say that the two books should not be reprinted because they are included with the "third part"--the series of Tracts. Any honest Davidian can see, of course, that this is not true, because if parts one and two were included with part three, then there would only be one part! But the SRod says it has three parts: Part 1 (1 SRod book), part 2 (2 SRod book), and part 3 (the series of tracts). This irrefutable fact proves that the "office seekers" are trying to deceive the Davidians into believing that all of the SRod literature makes up part 1, so they can say that The Shepherd's Rod books should not be reprinted, because the two books are included in this one part.

Furthermore, they quote 1 SRod (pocket edition), pg. 94, which says "that a pocket sized edition of The Shepherd's SRod Vol. 2, is also soon to come off the press," and then say it refers to the Timely Greetings, Vols. 1 and 2, which is supposed to be the pocket sized edition of The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 2. But this reference did not say "editions" (Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, and Timely Greetings, Vol. 2 ), but "edition" (singular). The pocket sized edition of The Shepherd's SRod Vol. 1 was not a series of other publications, but a single tract with condensed material from the original book, Vol. 1. So the pocket sized edition of Vol. 2 must be a single tract with condensed material from the original book, Vol. 2.

Note that the format and contents of the pocket sized edition of The Shepherd's Rod (Vol. 1), in tract form, is the same material as listed in the original SRod book (Vol. 1), but condensed into a smaller tract. So likewise, the format and contents of the pocket sized edition of the SRod book (Vol. 2), in tract form, should also follow the same material as listed in the original SRod book (Vol. 2), but only condensed into a smaller tract. But the Timely Greetings have absolutely no similarity whatsoever with the original format and contents of the SRod book (Vol. 2), and therefore could not possibly be its replacement. In fact, some of the material in the SRod book (Vol. 2), is not found at all in the Timely Greetings, and this truth would be lost forever if the two books were not reprinted.

Furthermore, the pocket sized edition (a tract), which is a condensed form of The Shepherd's SRod book, Vol. 1, is plainly entitled: "The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 1." So likewise, The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, would be condensed into a single pocket sized edition (a tract) entitled: "The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 2." And since not one of the Timely Greetings has any such title, then they could not have been the replacement of The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 2. This fact proves that the pocket sized edition (a tract) of The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, could not be the Tracts or Timely Greetings, which is part three.


The Davidian "office seekers" also say that Bro. Houteff said The Shepherd's Rod books are only souvenirs, and therefore should not be reprinted. But read what he really said:

"A free copy of Volume 2 of The Shepherd's Rod, the textbook for the second portion of the Davidic-Levitical Institute's Correspondence Bible Course, will be sent upon request to all who enroll for this Advanced work.

"There will not be another edition of this valuable volume in book form, and the old edition will undoubtedly run out within the year 1944. These copies will ever serve as a valuable keepsake and monument of the original, founding literature of the Davidian Kingdom Movement."--9 Symbolic Code, No. 1, pg. 23:7,8 (bold emphasis, braces, underlines added).

Bro. Houteff said that The Shepherd's Rod book (Vol. 2) is a "valuable keepsake," but the "office seekers" ignore these words and tell other Davidians that both books are nothing but souvenirs. By deliberately substituting the words "a valuable keepsake" for the word "souvenir," they hope it will reduce the Inspiration of the book in the eyes of the other Davidians as something unworthy of notice, unfit to read, much less republish; because it is nothing but a common "souvenir," which is to lie around and gather dust. But Bro. Houteff called the book "a valuable keepsake," because that is exactly what all the rest of The Shepherd's Rod literature is, something very "valuable" to be kept and studied by those Davidians who love inspired truth! This places all of the SRod literature, including the two books, worthy of being reprinted as good books. So why would the "office seekers" condemn the publishing of these two good books? Would they dare say that Bro. Houteff was giving away "a free copy" of a bad book? Since they could only say "No" (lest they be exposed as false Davidians), then they are forced to reluctantly admit that it is not wrong to reprint good books!

Moreover, if the two books were really down-graded, as the "office seekers" say, to the level of a common "souvenir," which has no real value, then why do the Timely Greetings and the Tracts say in several places: "See The Shepherd's Rod books"? How could the Davidians read these references if Bro. Houteff did not intend for the books to be reprinted so they could be read? In Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 35, pg. 21:1, he said: "See The Shepherd's Rod, Vol. 1, pp. 52-111." It is obvious that he could not have been referring to the pocket edition (which is not a book), because it is a small tract that only has 96 pages. And though he said this in 1947, which was still there in the 1953 reprint; yet, he did not remove it or any other reference about the two books from the Timely Greetings or Tracts before he died in 1955. Furthermore, there are even more such statements in his other publications, which directed the reader to see the two books. Notice what Bro. Houteff said about these two books to a Seventh-day Adventist elder:

"You say that a report has been circulated that we claim Inspiration for the book, and that this has given another reason to the brethren for cutting loose from us. I am sure there is neither logic nor good reason for such action on the part of our brethren. Why should they stick to us if the book was not inspired, Elder___________? I would not waste my time with it, or give one cent for it, If it is not divinely communicated, how could it be the 'MESSAGE FOR THE HOUR?' Such Contrary reasoning shows that the Laodiceans need to anoint their eyes with 'eyesalve.' Think of it, they will accept the book if it is mixed with error, but ALL TRUTH they WILL NOT! Denying Inspiration of the message is throwing God out of it! Sinning against the Holy Ghost! May God forgive them for the thought."--10 Symbolic Code, No. 7, pg. 12 (bold emphasis, braces added).

"Sinning against the Holy Ghost! May God forgive" the "office seekers" for condemning the reprinting of an inspired book! "Think of it, they will accept the book if it is mixed with error, but ALL TRUTH they WILL NOT have it reprinted; in spite of the fact that Bro. Houteff said: "If the book was not inspired, I would not waste my time with it, or give one cent for it." And since the book is inspired, then it could not possibly be a waste of time and money to have it reprinted! Yet, that is the very reason why the "office seekers" fear it so much, because it is inspired, and why they strongly oppose and condemn the Davidians at the Salem Headquarters for reprinting them! And in spite of the fact that the Davidian "office seekers" claim to believe in all of The Shepherd's Rod literature, there are truths in the two books which they really do not believe, and which they do not want Davidians to read and understand. Thus, they use superficial arguments, such as calling the books "souvenirs," as a cloak to hide their real motives for opposing the reprinting of the two books.


There is only one chart study that shows why Bro. Houteff left California and set up God's Headquarters in Waco, Texas. It was entitled: "The River Of Ezekiel's Vision," which is found only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 290-298. This study proves that God had commanded Elijah the prophet (Bro. V.T. Houteff) to set up His first Headquarters in Los Angeles, California (2 SR 297:0) in 1929 to seal the 144,000 (2A 34:0); after which he moved "eastward" (1 SC 10:3:1) to Waco, Texas in 1935 to set up His second Headquarters at Mt. Carmel Center. In 1955 he died and his wife began to dissolve Mt. Carmel in 1961-1962, because her false predictions failed. Then in 1961 all the faithful Davidians reorganized God's Headquarters at Riverside, California. Later in 1970, Ezekiel's stream moved "eastward" from there to Salem, So. Carolina; and Mt. Carmel Center was set up again for God's third Headquarters. [If you want to know more about that third Headquarters, then click on that study at the end.]

It was after God's Headquarters was moved to So. Carolina that Davidian "office seekers" broke off and set up their own headquarters in Calimesa, California. They were willing to hold their illegal offices at any cost, even if they had to denounce the reprinting of the two inspired books, especially Vol. 2; because it plainly teaches that God's Headquarters was not to stay in the west where Bro. Houteff had set it up in 1929 at Los Angeles, California, but move eastward. But these Davidians liked living in California and did not want to move. So they tried to hide the teaching of God's Headquarters moving "eastward" by denouncing the reprinting of the two SRod books, so their followers would not know this fact.

Other "office seekers" in California moved their headquarters to Exeter, Missouri, which they called "Bashan Hill." They also opposed the reprinting of both inspired books for this reason: In SRod Vol. 1, it explains what Mic. 7:14 means and says "Carmel, Bashan and Gilead are used as symbols of good spiritual pasture" (1 SR 243:2). This proved irrefutably that the spiritual Carmel pasture was not the literal Headquarters of Mt. Carmel Center. And since the Carmel pasture was to "wither" (Amos 1:2) at the close of probation for the S.D.A. church (11 S.C. 12:32:0), then the SRod book, Vol. 1, proved conclusively that God's Headquarters could not be in the Bashan pasture (Mic. 7:14) in Exeter, Missouri, which was named "Bashan Hill," because the spiritual Carmel pasture has not yet withered. And since these "office seekers" knew that "Bashan Hill" is not in the east, they condemned the reprinting of the two books so their followers would not find out that the "Carmel" pasture is spiritual, and that Missouri cannot be the place for God's Headquarters.

And so these and other "office seekers," not wanting to expose their errors and false motives to other Davidians, especially their followers, chose to cover up their real motives for condemning the reprinting of the two books, by discrediting them as mere "souvenirs" to gather dust, as though they are unfit to be read or be reprinted. Therefore, they hope that no one will read the books and discover these three facts: (1) That Davidians are to work in the Carmel pasture up until probation closes for the S.D.A. church. (2) That God's first Headquarters was to move "eastward" from California to Waco, Texas, the second Headquarters, and then move on "eastward" to its third Headquarters where it is today in South Carolina. (3) That they cannot be true Davidians who "hear" all of the SRod message, while they condemn the printing of the two Shepherd's Rod books!


Their argument, of course, that all the truth in the two books is found in the Tracts and the Timely Greetings is not true; because there are truths in four SRod charts which Davidians can find only in The Shepherd's Rod books. Therefore, if these two books are not reprinted, then how can Davidians teach these charts? and how can their students learn them if they have no books to get their information?

Note the chart below entitled, The River of Ezekiel's Vision. It is found only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 290 to 298. It is the main study which the "office seekers" do not want Davidians to understand, because it shows that they are not to set up a headquarters in California the west, or in Texas, or in Missouri, or in New York. And that is why they condemn God's Headquarters in the east at Salem, So. Carolina for reprinting the two books.

The chart above is important, because it teaches truth that is not found anywhere in the literature, not even in the Timely Greetings. Here is precious light that God has commanded the true Davidians at His Association to "hear" (Mic 6:9). Yet, some Davidian "office seekers" in other associations defy God's command to "hear ye the Rod" by condemning the reprinting of the two SRod books, as it they are bad books! And to keep Davidians from understanding the above chart study, which shows that God's Headquarters in the west was to go eastward, the "office seekers" teach the lie that the truths in the two books are found in the Timely Greetings. But since this chart study is found only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 290 to 298, then the two books must be reprinted, so Davidians can learn its truth.

Again note the chart below entitled: "The 11th Hour Call," which is taught by many Davidians. It is also explained in the Timely Greetings; and the "office seekers" say that this is the reason why the two books should not be reprinted. But this study is also explained in the White House Recruiter, pgs. 13 to 29; so why don't they tell others not to reprint this tract? Obviously because it does not contain any truths which they fear will expose themselves as Davidian "office seekers," as does the two books. Thus, their cry against the reprinting of the two books, because they say its truths are found in the Timely Greetings, is seen to be deception for this reason: The lower half of the study below about the night part of the 24 hour day, is not explained any where in the SRod literature, except in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 236-238. Therefore, this truth would be lost forever if the books were not reprinted!

 Now what do these Davidian "office seekers" do when their students ask them to explain the lower half of the above chart? Do they tell them where they can find information about it (in SRod, Vol. 2, pgs. 236-238)? or do they tell them that there is no answer? or do they secretly read their SRod books to know the answers, but refuse to tell their students where they got their information, so they will not buy the reprinted books from God's Headquarters in Salem? Or will they lie and say that the information is found in the Timely Greetings? when they know that it is not, which their students cannot find. Obviously the answers to these questions clearly exposes the "office seekers" to other Davidians.

Note another familiar chart below, which is really two studies on one chart. The lower half concerning the golden bowl and the two candlesticks, is a well known study that is taught by most Davidians, and found in several places in the SRod literature. Yet, many Davidians do not know that this candlestick is the 10th one, representing the church after the purification--the kingdom-Church. It is explained only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pg. 284.

 And the upper half, "The Temples Type," is also explained only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 259 to 282. Now will the Davidian "office seekers" ignore this study, because it happens to be found only in the two books which they teach should not be reprinted? Or do these "office seekers" lie to their students, and say the information is found in the Timely Greetings when they know that it is not?

Note the chart below entitled: "The Flood." It is not explained in the Timely Greetings, but only in The Shepherd's Rod book, Vol. 2, pgs. 240 to 258.

 There are several important truths found in the above chart, which not only reveal that the flood is a type of the destruction by the seven last plagues, but it also reveals the fact that Christ will come at His second advent on Wednesday, and then depart for heaven on Thursday (2 SR 255)! It can be seen, therefore, that all the truths in these four charts would be lost forever if the Salem Headquarters did not reprint the two SRod books! This fact proves that the efforts of the Davidian "office seekers" to condemn the reprinting of the two books, is inspired by Satan to keep part of an inspired message from the Davidians, so they will be deceived!

Think of it! The Shepherd's Rod books represent the beginning of the message--its very foundation; it's truths were given directly to Elijah the prophet (V.T. Houteff) by God. He commanded the Davidians and all S.D.A. to "hear ye the Rod;" which Elijah first printed in 1930 and 1932 (1 TR 37:1). Yet, these Davidian "office seekers" have dared to set themselves up above God's throne, as did Lucifer (Isa. 14:13), and defy His explicit command by shouting, "No, do not hear ye The Shepherd's Rod books, and do not reprint them so everyone can read them"! And then they tread under foot these inspired books when they belittle them to the level of a common "souvernir," while they condemn the Davidians at the Salem Headquarters for reprinting them.

They also try to make it appear that Bro. Houteff condemned anyone for reprinting the two books, because the "office seekers" published these most deceptive words: "We do not feel that we would be using good judgment in acting contrary to the plans in which the Lord directed Brother Houteff in this matter" (2 S.C. 5-8, May-August, 1976, pg. 22:4, Vista, California). Such blasphemous words as this proves that it is not God's "plans" to condemn the reprinting of the books, but the plans of Satan; because at no time anywhere, either spoken or written, has Elijah ever said it is God's plan that The Shepherd's Rod books should not be reprinted, so the Davidians can no longer "hear ye the Rod"! In fact, Elijah was inspired by God to call them "office seekers." True Davidians can recognize them for what they are; because they say that it is "bad judgment" to reprint The Shepherd's Rod books. Their purpose is to make Davidians think Elijah was a false prophet who was inspired to give them bad books, which should not be reprinted. What! its not good judgment, but bad judgment to reprint books inspired of God? God forbid that such wicked thoughts be entertained by any Davidian!

Furthermore, when did Elijah say or when did he write that God has changed His "plans," and "directed Brother Houteff in this matter," to condemn the reprinting of these first two books as the Davidian "office seekers" say? Anyone can see that these blasphemous words of denounciation by some Davidians is the same as if they should denounce the first writings of Sis. White in her book entitled, Early Writings, and condemn their being reprinted, by saying, "We do not feel that we would be using good judgment in acting contrary to the plans in which the Lord directed Sister White in this matter." Any true Davidian knows that neither Sis. White or Bro. Houteff ever changed any of God's "plans" in any of their inspired writings! Therefore, it is obvious that since Sis. White's first book, Early Writings, was not a bad book, but an inspired book that should be reprinted; so Bro. Houteff's first book, The Shepherd's Rod, is not a bad book, but a inspired book that should also be reprinted! Notice what Elijah (V.T. Houteff) said about one of his books:


"When God reveals truth, He is able to lead His servants in all truth, and does not allow such instruments to mix his truth with error. Though they may not understand all, yet the message they bear is the truth and nothing but the truth....Therefore, when a message is proclaimed, it is either all truth or there is no truth in it, save the quotations of the prophets.--2 Shepherd's Rod, pgs. 13, 14 (bold emphasis added).

The message found in The Shepherd's Rod books "is the truth and nothing but the truth." Yet, the "office seekers" would have Davidians believe that the inspired books were at one time all truth, and a "keepsake" that should be read and studied. But later, the "office seekers" say, God changed His "plans," and "directed Brother Houteff in this matter," to say that they are no longer inspired and worthy to be read and studied. And rather than say that the two books are "valuable keepsakes," the "office seekers" say this: (1) "The SRod books are only common 'souvenirs,' just useless ornaments to lie around and gather dust; and anyone who reprints them should be condemned for having 'bad judgment'!" And (2) "Those Davidians at the Salem Headquarters who reprinted the two books should be thoroughly denounced for circulating bad books for Davidians to read, study, and believe." Blasphemy indeed! These two books contain the foundational doctrines of the SRod message. If they are bad books, as the "office seekers" say, then such false Davidians are saying that all the rest of the SRod message, which is built upon and part of the two books, is also bad!

Furthermore, these "office seekers" add hypocrisy to their blasphemy! They still teach some of the truths (but not the ones they reject) that is found in the aforementioned charts (truths found only in the two books), such as the bottom half of the Matt. 20 Chart, or the Flood Chart, or the Temple Types Chart, or Ezekiel's River Chart. Yet, they know full well that they could not teach them, nor could their students learn them, unless the two books are reprinted. But that's supposed to be "bad judgment," so they say. But this is the real truth: It is bad judgment not to reprint the two books!


For example: Sis. Houteff and her counsel made false predictions, claiming that the SRod supported their teachings, which resulted in the "knockout blow" (WHR 33:2) in 1959; wherein Mt. Carmel Center began to be dissolved in 1961. And this was their trap, because they refused to humble themselves and admit that they were wrong; which resulted in their rejecting the SRod message altogether. So the "office seekers" in the west (California) have fallen into a trap by claiming that God "directed Brother Houteff" to change His "plans," which led them to condemn the reprinting of the two books as being "bad judgment." And unless they humble themselves and admit that they are wrong, and accept all of The Shepherd's Rod publications, including the two books, which is "all truth," then they will eventually find themselves rejecting the SRod altogether, as did Sis. Houteff. What about you, Brother, Sister Davidian? Do you accept all of the SRod publications? Or only a part of them? Do you "hear ye the Rod"--all of it? Or do you think that it is "bad judgment" to reprint The Shepherd's Rod books? If, however, you think that it is good judgment to reprint the two inspired books, then order your "valuable keepsake" copies today, so that you can read and hear all that the message of The Shepherd's Rod teaches.

In order for Davidians to see the importance of reprinting the two books, note the following places where Elijah the prophet (V.T. Houteff) instructed the readers of his other publications to go back and read more about the subject in the two SRod books. Observe that the cross references to see certain pages in the two SRod books were not taken out of the other literature, at any time by the prophet (even up to his death in 1955), while he was printing and reprinting his literature. These cross references not only prove irrefutably that it was not God's "plans" to condemn the reprinting of the two books, but it also proves that it was part of God's "plans" for all true Davidians to read and study them in connection with his other literature. It was because of these "plans" that the Davidians at God's Headquarters in Salem reprinted the two books, so that all Davidians may have their copy of these "valuable keepsakes," and so that the truths in them would not be lost forever!


7 Tract 36:3 says to read 1SRod 209-222

8 Tract 20:1 says to read 1SRod 173-281

8 Tract 74:1 says to read 1SRod 64-111

1TG35 21:1 says to read 1SRod 52-111

1 Ans. 77:3 says to read 2SRod 240

3 Ans. 25:0 says to read 2SRod 114

12SC3 21:2 says to read 2SRod 220, 221

1 Tract 40:1 says to read 2SRod 259-282

3 Tract 70:0 says to read 2SRod 222, 238

3 Tract 71:1 says to read 2SRod 84-120

5 Tract 88:0 says to read 2SRod 256, 247

5 Tract 111:1 says to read 2SRod 142, 261

5 Tract 112:1 says to read 2SRod 270

5 Tract 112:1 says to read 2SRod 283-289

5 Tract 115:2 says to read 2SRod 187-221

5 Tract 117:0 says to read 2SRod 170-173

6 Tract 21:1 says to read 2SRod 126-139

6 Tract 59:0 says to read 2SRod 187-201

7 Tract 36:3 says to read 2SRod 85-107

8 Tract 28:1 says to read 2SRod 256

8 Tract 30:0 says to read 2SRod 85, 86

8 Tract 60:1 says to read 2SRod 222-239

8 Tract 60:1 says to read 2SRod 155, 156

8 Tract 88:1 says to read 2SRod 281

10 Tract 18:2 says to read 2SRod 23-25

10 Tract 46,47 says to read 2SRod 17-26

11 Tract 12:1 says to read 2SRod 289

12 Tract 41:1 says to read 2SRod 111-113


1 SRod book—"In 1929 just such a message came to the Seventh-day Adventist church, and it was put into writing and published in 1930, entitled ‘The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1.—2 Shepherd’s Rod, pg. 278:3 (bold emphasis added).

1 SRod book—"In 1930, when The Shepherd’s Rod. Vol. 1, was yet in manuscript, thirty-three hectographed copies were placed in the hands of some of the leading brethren of the General Conference."—7 Tract, pg. 6:2 (bold emphasis added).

1 SRod book—"It was at the close of 1930 {in December when The Shepherd’s Rod book, Vol. 1 was printed} and the beginning of 1931 that the publication of the message in the Rod took place."—1 Answerer pg. 95:1 (bold emphasis, braces added).

1 SRod book—"This ‘most startling revelation’...was published in December, 1930, in a 255-page book entitled The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1."—1 Tract, pg. 37:1 (bold emphasis added).

1 SRod book—"The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, was published and sent throughout the S.D.A. denomination in {December} 1930."—2 Tract, pg. 45:2 (bold emphasis, braces added).

1 SRod book—"Adding these 40 Years to 1890 A.D., we are brought to {December} 1930, the year in which The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, was first published."—1 Shepherd’s Rod Tract, pg. 69:2 (bold emphasis, braces added).

1 SRod book—"In 1931, after ‘The Shepherd’s Rod,’ Vol. 1, came...we said God led us into all Truth or no truth."—1 Timely Greetings, No. 18, pg. 21:3 (bold emphasis added).

1 SRod Tr.—"This {tract, copyrighted in 1930 and 1945} is the first revised edition of The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 1, originally published in {a book in December} 1930."—1 Shepherd’s Rod Tract, pg. 6:3 (bold emphasis, braces added).

2 SRod book—"This ‘most startling revelation’...was published in the month of September, 1932, in a 304-page book entitled The Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2."—1 Tract, pg. 37:1 (bold emphasis added).

2 SRod book—"The {Shepherd’s Rod} message in this volume {two} be the ’11th hour’ ‘call’—the last, and at the right time."—2 Shepherd’s Rod, pg. 9:3 (bold emphasis, braces added).

SRod books and tracts—"Never in the annals of the Christian church has there been a a result of the circulation of The Shepherd’s Rod series of books and tracts throughout the...Seventh-day Adventist denomination."—2 Tract, pg. 4:1 (bold emphasis added).

SRod books and tracts—"And now louder and louder sounds the voice of Carmel, through the series of The Shepherd’s Rod publications {books and tracts}."—3 Answerer, pg. 62:1 (bold emphasis, braces added).

SRod books and tracts—"Read closely every page of the solemn message contained in The Shepherd’s Rod publications {books and tracts}. Let not a line escape your attention. Study every word."—5 Answerer, pg. 29:4 (bold emphasis, braces added).


While Bro. Houteff lived during a period of 25 years, from the time The Shepherd’s Rod book, Vol. 1, was printed in 1930 up to his death in 1955, he never removed the above statements from his writings. This fact not only proves that he never intended for the truths in these two books to be lost forever, but it also proves that he had intended for the Davidians at God’s Headquarters to reprint them after it moved from Riverside, California to Salem, So. Carolina in 1970. Praise the Lord that the precious truths in these two inspired books were preserved, when God’s Headquarters at Salem reprinted them!


Let all new Davidians who have come in among the ranks of Shepherd's Rod believers take special care to "hear ye" all of The Shepherd's Rod message. That means you must be very suspicious of those Davidians who tell you that you do not need to read the two Shepherd's Rod books, because they are "office seekers" who want you to follow them. They are trying to deceive you by keeping you ignorant of some part of the message which they do not want you to know in the two Shepherd's Rod books! The Lord, however, did not command you to let someone else "hear" the SRod for you, but commands you to "hear ye" all of the SRod message for yourself. And you cannot do that if you do not read the two books; because they are the very foundation of the entire message of The Shepherd's Rod. There is nothing in The Shepherd's Rod message that has to be hidden from you, because it is all truth. But the Davidian "office seekers" would have you believe that it is only part truth; and that is the reason why they say: "Do not read the two Shepherd's Rod books, because they are bad books!" Note below an example of how a Davidian sister bought the two books and found the truth which had been being hidden from her:

It was after M.J. Bingham began to teach his false doctrine of the "Bashan" pasture, and had moved to Missouri to set up his headquarters which he named "Bashan Hill," that he exposed himself as an "office seeker" by claiming to be a prophet and called himself the "porter" (John 10:3). When he learned that the Salem Headquarters was selling The Shepherd's Rod books, he told his followers that he (their prophet) had instructions from God to strictly forbid them to buy the books. The obvious reason why is because he knew they would see that the "Carmel" pasture is not Mt. Carmel Center, and that we are not in the Bashan pasture, if they read that "Carmel, Bashan, and Gilead are used as symbols of good spiritual pasture" (1 S.R. 243:2).

But one time a Bashan Davidian (elderly lady) decided to read the books for herself, because it was hard for her to believe the false accusation that Elijah had written bad books; and she called the Salem Headquarters and ordered a set of the books. It was not too long afterwards that she called again and told me that while she was reading Vol. 1 that one of the Bashan believers came to visit her. She told me that he must have seen the book on her table and asked for a glass of water; and while she was gone for the water, he cut out page 243. And after he left, she found it missing, and asked me what was so important on that page that he would cut it out so she could not read it. And when I told her that page said "Carmel" is a "symbol" of a "good spiritual" pasture which has not yet withered, and which cannot be the Headquarters of Mt. Carmel Center, and explained more about that subject, then she ordered another book. And after reading it she broke loose from the Bashan Davidians and joined with the Salem Headquarters and supported it until she finally died of old age. [If you want to read more about the importance of The Shepherd's Rod books, then click on that subject at the end.]

Therefore, let all true Davidians beware of these Davidian "office seekers"! Do not "hear" them, instead, "hear ye" all of The Shepherd's Rod message, which says:

"God's eleventh-hour servants {true Davidians}, says Inspiration, are to be 'a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it.' Joel 2:2. They know what they believe, and believe what they know {by reading and hearing all the message of The Shepherd's Rod}. Most important of all, they know that they are led by God, not by man {the office seekers}."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 7, pg. 13:4 (bold emphasis, braces added).

Nevertheless, one's only safety will be in the teaching of Elijah {in all of the SRod books and tracts}, for there will be no other voice of timely Truth and authority to whom one may turn. Any others {Davidian office seekers} will lead their victims blind-folded into perdition."--General Conference Special, pg. 8:0 (bold emphasis, braces added).

If you want to know more about the third Headquarters, then click on---> STUDY.

If you want to know about these two books mentioned in other studies, then click on---> STUDY4.

If you want to order the two Shepherd's Rod books, then click on---> ORDER FORM.


Copyrighted    1998 by Don Adair
282 Davidian Way
Tamassee, SC  29686
Phone/Fax  (864) 944-1254