(This study is chapters 31, 33 of a book entitled A DAVIDIAN TESTIMONY written by Bro. Don Adair and copyrighted in 1997You can print a copy of this study for yourself and share it with others if you make no changes in it, if you take no credit for it, if you charge no money for it, if you include this notification in this parenthesis with it; and if you leave his name, address, phone number, website, and e-mail, at the bottom.)




According to my biographical narration I am still the Vice-President living at Salem Headquarters, it is 1991 and I am fifty-nine years old. And now I must tell you, as I promised, about the seven letters sent to many people in the SDA church; which will help answer this burning question: "What did these letters have to do with the burning of new Mt. Carmel?"

It all began with a Davidian named Dr. Norris Nosworthy, who lived at 2601 Mt. Carmel Drive across the street from the new print shop. He thought the 1990-1991 Gulf War meant the sealing of 144,000 was over; and he had Mike Smithson print seven false letters stating that God's angels (Ezek. 9:6) would slay the "tares" in the SDA church on Oct. 7, 1992. True Davidians believe that event will occur, but not 1992. Thus, his false date was an untimely warning given at the wrong time by novice Davidians trying to exalt themselves!

Mike Smithson, his right-hand man, told me (in 1996) that Dr. Nosworthy first began sending his seven multipage letters in 1991. He sent them from a Waco P.O. box (23592) to 2,800 SDA ministers, predicting the Ezek. 9 slaughter by God's angels on Oct. 7, 1992. He also sent letters to 1,060 persons of the government: President Bush, Congress, the New World Order; and to the major news media. One day I told Dr. Nosworthy on the phone that his date for the slaughter was premature; but he said I had no faith like the others. His untimely letters annoyed true Davidians who believe the literal slaughter by angels will occur, but not 1992. These letters cast reproach on them, on Bro. Houteff, and his SRod message. They also irritated the SDA leaders, who tried for years to hide this slaughter from the laity.

And I am sure you can imagine how provocative these false letters must have been to the New World Order, to two presidents, to congress, and to the ATF/FBI during 1991 and up to Oct. 7, 1992; and what they thought about the ones who sent the seven letters. But you can imagine much better if you read these letters. I can't quote all 221 pages, but you can read brief portions of some letters. First, read the letters he had addressed to the leaders in the SDA church of Laodicea:


Letter No. 1
Dec. 7, 1991

"Dear Leaders And Fellow Servants Of The Church Of Laodicea,

"Greetings! You are again being warned that the King of kings and Lord of lords will carry out His 'Strange Act' {slaughter of Ezekiel 9} on October 7, 1992."--Your Fellow Servants In Christ, pg. 1:1 (boldings, braces added by the author).

Letter No. 2
Jan. 16, 1992

"Dear Leaders of the Church of the Laodiceans,

"Greetings! The signs of the times clearly signalize to the servants of God that we are now living in the 'DARKEST HOUR OF EARTH'S HISTORY,' therefore, should the King of kings and Lord of lords not intervene {by the slaughter of Ezekiel 9}, His church and the world will end in oblivion."--Your Fellow Servants In Christ, pg. 1:1 (boldings, braces added by author).

Letter No. 3
Jan. 28, 1992

Dear Leaders of the church of the Laodiceans,

"The wrath of God is about to be poured out upon His church-- A WARNING ONLY!...'Study the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. These words will be literally fulfilled;...'"--Fellow Servants In Christ.

Letter No. 4
Feb. 20, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of The Church Of The Laodiceans,

"Greetings in the precious name of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We have been admonished from the pen of Inspiration: 'Study the chapter of Ezekiel 9, it will be fulfilled to the letter.' (1888 Materials, Vol. 3, p. 1303, by Sis. Ellen G. White).

"We hope that you have not forgotten and therefore this is just a reminder that Satan's third defeat, the separation of tares from among the wheat in the Church of Laodicea, will take place on the 10th day of the 7th month (October 7, 1992)."--The First Contingent Of Commandos For Christ, pgs. 1:1; 3:1.

Letter No. 5
Mar. 8, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of The Church Of The Laodiceans,

"Greetings, in the name of the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is letter number five of the last of the seven letters which finds us one month closer to the separation {by the slaughter of Ezekiel 9} of the tares from the wheat in God's only true church on October 7, 1992."--Your Fellow Servants In Christ, pg. 1:1 (boldings, braces added by the author).

Letter No. 6
May 12, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of The Church Of Laodicea,

"Greetings in the name of the Lord. This is letter number 6 of the final seven, reminding you that 'Michael will stand up' on October 7, 1992, to separate {by the slaughter of Ezekiel 9} the tares from among the wheat in his church."--Your Fellow Servants, pg. 1:1 (boldings, braces were added by the author).

Letter No. 7
June 1, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of The Church Of The Laodiceans,

"Greetings! It is with much brotherly love that these simple but direct reminders that 'Michael shall stand up' Daniel 12:1 on October 7, 1992 to cleanse {by the slaughter of Ezekiel 9} His church of the tares (Christ Object Lessons, pp. 70-75) which Satan planted in it 'while men slept.'

"At His second visible coming He is coming for a pure church, because His church, the Seventh-day Adventist church is now walking with the world, is the reason for Ezekiel 9 on October 7, 1992; for some--a great day; for others--a dreadful day."--Your Fellow Servants, pgs. 1:1; 5:4 (boldings, braces added).


These letters all said the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 would occur on Oct. 7, 1992 to destroy the wicked "tares" in the SDA church. That must have angered the leaders for this reason: What if other Christians read these letters about Seventh-day Adventists who claim to be God's true church; and learn that their membership is so glutted with wicked people that the "men"--God's angels, must slay them. Wouldn't they laugh? Wouldn't that embarrass the SDA leaders? So what do you suppose they did? Maybe your answers to the following questions will help you guess what they decided to do:

Question 1: Do you suppose the Seventh-day Adventist leaders continued to deny the literal slaughter of Ezekiel 9?

If you answered "Well, knowing that it would be hard for them to admit that they were wrong, they probably continued to deny the literal slaughter." If so, then that should give you a good idea about what the SDA leaders told the ATF and other governmental authorities. But suppose they did not deny it.

Question 2: Do you suppose the Seventh-day Adventist leaders finally admitted that the slaughter in Ezekiel 9 is literal, and that the angels will slay the wicked in their midst?

If you answered "Who knows, maybe they did accept the literal slaughter." If so, then what do you suppose they told the ATF? As you can see, the letters of Dr. Nosworthy sent to the SDA church forced their leaders into a dilemma; because the same letters were sent to governmental authorities. And if the ATF or FBI did come to these SDA leaders for an explanation about the letters predicting the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, they may have given them one of two answers:

(1) The SDA leaders may have told the ATF that the Ezekiel 9 slaughter is literally executed by angels.

(2) Or the SDA leaders may have told the ATF that the Ezekiel 9 slaughter is executed by "men" who are not angels.

Literal or not, wouldn't the ATF ask them to explain what is this slaughter that Dr. Nosworthy is predicting in his letters to occur on Oct. 7, 1992? What if the SDA leaders gave the ATF answer No. 1 (a literal slaughter executed by angels). Would the ATF have any reason to attack Branch Davidians who are men not angels? Wouldn't "No" be the obvious answer? But what if the SDA leaders gave the ATF answer No. 2 (the slaughter is executed by "men"); and maybe told them that Davidians teach they are the "men" who will slay SDA people. Would the ATF have any reason to attack the Branch Davidians to stop them from killing people in the SDA church? Wouldn't "Yes" be the obvious answer?

The event in the next chapter (32) is omitted, because it deals with the murder of Dale Adair by George Roden.  It is the following chapter that deals with the seven letters sent to the governmental authorities.



When President Bush read the seven letters, you can imagine his thoughts. True, they did warn of danger, but they were based on Bible doctrine, not on any CIA or FBI reports to the president about any danger to America. Obvously he could not be expected to believe the seven letters from these Davidians; so what do you suppose he thought they were?--religious crackpots? But must all the Davidians be classified as such because of the seven letters? No! is the only obvious answer. Now read portions of these seven false letters sent to our government:

Letter No. 1
Sept. 20, 1991


"The cleansing of sin and sinners from this earth {by the Ezek. 9 slaughter} will begin with the members of the Seventh Day Adventist Denomination (of which only 144,000 faithful servants will be spared) on October 7, 1992, after which God's judgment will extend to the rest of the world."--Commandos For Christ, pg. 5:3.

In response, Dr. Nosworthy received only one letter; it read:

"Washington, D.C. 20510
"October 23, 1991

"Dear Friends:

"Thank you for sending me foreign relations issues.

"I read it with great interest, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in bringing this to my attention.

"Sincerely, Lloyd Bentsen"

Letter No. 2
Dec. 7, 1991

"Dear Leaders Of The Only 'Super Power,' The U.S.A.

"This letter is a warning from God that...unless we turn back to God (in God we trust) the WRATH OF GOD will be poured out upon this world, first in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on October 7, 1992 {Ezek. 9 slaughter}, which will signalize to the world that the judgment of the living will then extend to them."--First Contingent Of Commandos For Christ, pg. 1:1.

It was the next year in 1992 that President Bush's four-year term for the republican party was about to end; and the candidate nominated as president for the democratic party was William Clinton, whose vice-president was Al Gore. After the two had debated, the people voted for William Clinton to be the next president. During this time the letters of Dr. Nosworthy were not only sent to President Bush, but now they were being sent to President Clinton and other officials. And the letters continued as the time neared for his prediction of the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 to occur on Oct. 7, 1992.

Letter No. 3
Jan. 16, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of 'Antitypical Nineveh' (the U.S.A.)

"The signs of the times today is positive proof that He will establish His kingdom in the land of Palestine, the promised land, following the removal of the tares from among the wheat (sinners from among the penitent) {Ezek. 9 slaughter} in the church of Laodicea on October 7, 1992."--Commandos For Christ, pg. 1:2.

 Letter No. 4
Jan. 20, 1992

"To The Leaders Of The Only Superpower--The USA

"This is only a letter to remind you that God's words will not return to Him void. The signs of His 'Sword' is evident in all four corners of this earth. Because the world no longer acknowledges Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. He will therefore set a sign among the nations on October 7, 1992 (the separation of the tares from among the wheat in the Church of the Laodiceans and the deliverance of His 144,000 saints from the anger of the nations) {slaughter of Ezekiel 9 }."--The Commandos For Christ, Pre-Eleventh Hour studies, pg. 1:1.

Letter No. 5
Jan. 28, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of The Only 'Super Power,' In The World--U.S.A.

"This letter number five in the final of seven letters warning of the pending wrath of God {Ezek. 9 slaughter} which will burst forth in the church of the Laodiceans (Seventh-day Adventist Church) on October 7, 1992. This event will signalize to the world that they will then become the focus of the judgment of the Lord."--First Contingent Of Commandos For Christ, pg. 1:1.

Letter No. 6
May 12, 1992

"Dear Leaders Of 'Antitypical Nineveh' (the U.S.A.)

"The wrath of God is about to be poured out upon His church --A WARNING ONLY!

"Study the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. These words will be literally fulfilled; yet the time is passing, and the people sleep on." (M.R., pg. 260)."--First Contingent Of Commandos For Christ, pg. 1:2,4.

Letter No. 7
Oct. 7th, 1992


"There is no 'New World Order' now and there will never be a 'New World Order' except that which is to be soon established by the Lord of lords and the King of kings in Palestine; in the 'Promised Land'!

"God's earthly kingdom in its infancy will be literally realized on October 7, 1992. It will then destroy all other nations in existence at this hour including the great United States of America."--Your Fellow Servants In Christ, pg. 13:2.

Again note, that from the 221 pages which we had from the seven false letters of Dr. Nosworthy, only a few of the paragraphs were quoted from some of these pages. They all stated that after the Ezek. 9 slaughter of the wicked "tares" in the SDA church on Oct. 7, 1992, then the judgments of God was to fall on the United States of America and the world at large. And you can imagine what the leaders of the New World Order and the American authorities were thinking, including President Bush, President Clinton, as well as the ATF and the FBI.


But what were the SDA ministers thinking? and what did they do as the time neared for the false date that Dr. Nosworthy set for the slaughter to occur on Oct. 7, 1992? Bro. Mike Smithson told me that there were ministers who were afraid when they read the seven letters, because their leaders told them that Davidians say they are the "men" who will slay them. He said that some of them put on bullet-proof vests before they preached at their churches on the Sabbath near Oct. 7, 1992.

It was during all this time (1991 to 1992) that we continued to work on our next boundup book, which we named The Symbolic Code Series. It was copyrighted in 1992. You may order your copy of this book from the "Order Form" on page 376.


The slaughter of Ezekiel 9, of course, did not take place on Oct. 7, 1992 as Dr. Nosworthy had predicted; but that did not end the matter for this reason: The leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church had been saying for years that a literal slaughter will not take place in their church, or that it is a spiritual slaughter. And some had been circulating a false accusation against the SRod message, by telling the laity that the "men" in Ezekiel 9:2 are not the angels, but the Davidians who teach they are the "men" who will slay them! And the fact that the seven false letters of an untimely warning from Dr. Nosworthy, about the slaughter in Ezekiel 9 was to occur on Oct. 7, 1992, came from a post office box (23592) in Waco, Texas; and that the Branch Davidians at new Mt. Carmel Center were target practicing with their guns on their grounds, aroused their suspicions. This fact is noted in a book by Vance Ferrell, a Seventh-day Adventist minister, who wrote:

"Shirley Burton, Director of Communications for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which is headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, says that, the early spring of 1992, she warned government authorities that something terrible was going to happen at the Waco compound. She told them to go there and do something."--THE DAVIDIANS OF WACO, pg. 55:5.

And Dr. Nosworthy's right-hand helper, Mike Smithson, also mentioned the same incident in one of his letters:

"Well, I got an article from Vance Ferrell saying Shirley Burton of the General Conference turned the matter over to the ATF. They were watching the Branch Davidians since June, 1992. They {ATF} must have thought they {Branch Davidians} were sending out the letters and went after them, as we {Dr. Nosworthy and Mike Smithson} had a P.O. Box Office mailing address {in Waco}."--Mike Smithson (bolds, braces added).

You have already read some of the letters about Ezekiel 9 that Dr. Nosworthy and Mike Smithson sent to the governmental officials, including President Bush in 1991 and President Clinton in 1992--a total of 1,060 names. But don't forget, you also read some of the false letters they sent to the leaders and members of the SDA church, a total of 2,800 names. Therefore, is it not conceivable that Shirley Burton, the "Director of Communications for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists," might have known about these letters from Dr. Nosworthy, which predicted the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 in 1992? If so, then what warning did she give to the "government authorities"? Did she tell them that the "men" in Ezekiel 9 were angels who were coming to slay Seventh-day Adventists? Or did she tell them that the "men" were the Branch Davidians, and that is why she wanted the ATF to "go there and do something"?

But go there and do what?--stop the angels from killing Seventh-day Adventists; or stop the Branch Davidians from killing them! If she told them to stop the angels from killing them, then she is admitting that the "men" are not Davidians but angels; which the SDA leaders refuse to admit. And since you know that it is highly improbable that she told the ATF to go there and fight the angels (certainly Koresh and his followers were not angels), then do you suppose she told them that the Branch Davidians at the new Mt. Carmel compound teach that they are the "men" who are going to slay Seventh-day Adventists? Is that why she told them that "something terrible was going to happen at the Waco compound"?

Well, something terrible did happen during the 51-day siege, after she told the ATF to "go there and do something": On the first day David Koresh was shot in the side, Perry Dale Jones and others were killed, the compound was riddled with bullets by gun-firing helicopters, also four ATF men were killed and sixteen others wounded, and on the last day 86 men, women, and children died in the fiery burn out! Now that was truly an extraordinary fulfillment of her most remarkable prediction that "something terrible was going to happen," and it did!

Or did Shirley Burton mean that something terrible was going to happen to people in the Seventh-day Adventist church, because the Branch Davidians at the new Mt. Carmel compound were target practicing with their guns to be ready to kill them? If so, then her prediction was a miserable failure, because the Branch Davidians did not kill anyone in the SDA church; and Dr. Nosworthy's prediction was also a miserable failure, because the slaying by angels did not occur in 1992!


Since the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 did not occur on Oct. 7, 1992 as Dr. Nosworthy had predicted in his seven letters, then he may have concluded that he was a false prophet; which could have discouraged him when he saw his terrible mistake. After all, though the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 is a true doctrine, he had to admit that his false predictions in his letters for it to occur in 1992, must have contributed to some decree the fears of the governmental officials; which led the SDA leaders to tell the ATF that the "men" who slay are either angels or Davidians. And what the ATF were told probably caused them to misunderstand Davidian doctrines, which led to many deaths and injuries, and the burning of new Mt. Carmel!

Anyway, time moved on and Dr. Nosworthy, whether he was discouraged or not, sold his house on Feb. 15, 1993, and Mike Smithson helped him move to Hewitt, Texas; after which he apparently gave up his teachings and went into hiding. But not his right-hand helper, Mike Smithson; he was not at all discouraged; because he claimed to be Elijah, which proved he was a "usurper"--a false prophet! He continued to send more warning letters to President Clinton, Janet Reno, and other governmental officials, again predicting that the slaughter of Ezek. 9 would occur on Sept. 25, 1993, and Sept. 15, 1994, and Oct. 4, 1995, and Sept. 23, 1996. But in spite of his predictions, no slaughter has yet occurred to this very day!


Now if Shirley Burton or the General Conference leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church did tell the ATF the false accusation that the Davidians claim to be the "men" who were to do the slaying, it would, of course, cause them to be concerned about Dr. Nosworthy's seven false letters; and even more concerned with the Branch Davidians who were target practicing with their guns. Of the two, the ATF must have figured that David Koresh was more dangerous with his guns than Dr. Nosworthy was with his false letters. And that may have been the reason why the ATF set up their surveillance about June, 1992 across the street from the new Mt. Carmel Branch Davidian compound, rather than across the street from Dr. Nosworthy's house. They continued their surveillance until Feb. 28, 1993, then they began their attack on the new Mt. Carmel compound!

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Copyrighted  1997   by Don Adair
282 Davidian Way
Tamassee, SC  29686
Phone/Fax  (864) 944-1254