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number, website, and e-mail, at the bottom.) CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST THE SECOND TIME CHRISTIANS WHO CRUCIFY CHRIST AFRESH "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame."--Hebrews 6:6. "The scripture {in Heb. 6:6} itself makes plain that those who have been specially favored with great light but who do not live the inspiring principles of the doctrines of Truth, are laying a foundation that will lead them back in to the world, and that should they thus retrograde {and crucify Jesus Christ 'afresh'}, it would be impossible for the gospel of Christ to renew their conversion at 'Some more convenient season.' The classic examples of King Agrippa and Felix (Acts 24, 25, 26) are arresting proof of this."--5 Answerer, pp. 42, 43 (bold emphasis, braces added). Though the Bible does say that "by every sin Jesus is wounded afresh" (DA300), yet, it is possible for such sins to be forgiven. But if they accept Truth but later deny it by "looking back" (Luke 9:62), and get off the path to go back into the dark world of sin, then they are those who "crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame" (Heb. 6:6). That is why Paul says its "impossible" for them to get back on the path again to "renew their conversion" and have their sins forgiven. Ellen G. White attested to this most astounding fact in the Spirit of Prophecy, which is the Testimony of Jesus (Rev. 19:10), in her first vision of the 144,000, which was first written in a small pamplet entitled "A Word to the Little Flock," and later added to Early Writings. In this vision she saw the "Advent people" on a narrow path with the truth of the "Midnight Cry" (EW42, 43) as a bright light shining on their path "so they might not stumble" (W.L.F. pg. 14). According to this vision, the faithful ones among the "Advent people" who believe this shining light of truth would be the 144,000 saints, which also includes those who go "with" them. [If you want to know more about those saints saved "with" the 144,000, then click on that study at the end.] But not all of them were faithful; some later denied this truth. IMPOSSIBLE TO GET BACK ONTO THE PATH OF TRUTH "Others rashly denied the light {2300-day prophecy} behind them, and said that it was not God that had led them out so far. The light behind them went out leaving their feet in perfect darkness, and they stumbled and got their eyes off the mark and lost sight of Jesus, and fell off the path down in the dark and wicked world below."--Early Writings, pg. 15 (bold emphasis, braces added). Note the fact that when the above quotation was copied from A Word to the Little Flock, pg. 14:3 to Early Writings, pg. 15:0, the following sentence was not included: "It was just as impossible for them {former First-day Adventists} to get on the path again and go to the City as all the wicked world which God had rejected."--A Word to the Little Flock, pg. 14:3 (bold emphasis, braces added). The fact that it is impossible for such truth-rejecting persons to get back on the path of shining light and be saved after they have denied truth, is the reason for the investigative judgment which began in 1844. All the names of hypocrites, tares, traitors, and apostates from Adam's day to the end of time, who crucified "to themselves the Son of God afresh" (Heb. 6:6), will be stricken out of the book of life, and put into the book of death; because its "impossible for the gospel of Christ to renew their conversion" (5A43), and save them from the penalty of death. CHRIST TO BE LITERALLY CRUCIFIED ONLY ONCE Paul's portrayal in Hebrews of those Christians who have crucified the Son of God afresh is, of course, antitypical; because he said that Jesus Christ was not to literally suffer the crucifixion at His first advent from "the foundation of the world" (Heb. 9:26) all the way up to "the end of the world" (Heb. 9:26). And that is the reason why he said "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many" (Heb. 9:28). Therefore, the literal typical crucifixion of Christ at His first advent, when he was "once offered," must be an "ensample" (type) of crucifying Him "afresh" the second time in the latter days--end of the world! ENDS OF THE WORLD--OUR DAY Note that when Paul used the phrase "end of the world (Heb. 9:26)," he was expressing what Daniel called the "time of the end" (Dan. 12:4; 1TG42:3; 2TG33:16); and what Isaiah called the "last days" (Isa. 2:2; 1TG6:25); and what Jeremiah called the "latter days" (Jer. 23:20; Jer. 30:24). These phrases denote the very day in which we live. He also spoke of these last days in the book of Corinthians when he used this phrase--"ends of the world," as noted below: "Now all these things happened to them {Israel and Judah} for ensamples {types--see margin}: and they are written for our admonition {God's Christian people} upon whom the ends of the world {the latter days} are come."--1 Corinthians 10:11 (bold emphasis, boldings, braces added). "Warning, admonition, promise, all are for us {Christians}, upon whom the ends of the world {the latter days} are come."--6 Testimonies, pg. 410 (bold emphasis, braces added). It is important to note that Paul lived in the days of the early Christians soon after Christ's first typical crucifixion. It was at that time when he wrote about Christians who would crucify Christ "afresh" (Heb. 6:6). But the New Testament Christian era has continued for almost 2,000 years, wherein millions and millions of people have professed to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Yet, according to what Paul wrote, among them there will be millions of Christians during this time who will crucify Christ "afresh" (Heb. 6:6), even daily by their individual sins. But there is another deeper understanding (12 S.C. 6:18:3) of this truth, which must apply to a second crucifixion of Christ by the Christian church, as He was crucified the first time by the Jewish church. This means, then, that His first crucifixion is a "ensample" (type) of a second crucifixion to occur in the "ends of the world" (1 Cor. 10:11), in the latter days, the day in which we now live. Furthermore, the fact that Christ was literally crucified by the Jewish people of typical Judah, which Paul said was an "ensample" (type), then His second crucifixion must be accomplished by the Christian people of antitypical Judah in our day. It is obvious, then, that there must be written somewhere in the Bible a divine record which would prove that Christ is to be smitten twice! That is, first, He is crucified "once" (Heb. 6:6) in type by typical Judah, and then again He is crucified by antitypical Judah in our day. These two smitings (crucifixions of Christ) are clearly revealed in the Bible's historical and typical record of the rock in the "desert of Zin" which Moses smote twice. But first note that Moses smote other rocks only once. MOSES SMOTE ROCK ONCE IN DESERT OF HOREB "After leaving the wilderness of Sin, the Israelites encamped in Rephidim. Here there was no water, and again they distrusted the providence of God....In distress Moses cried to the Lord, 'What shall I do unto this people?'...And the Lord said unto him, 'Behold, I will stand before thee upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock {once}, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so {smote the rock once} in the sight of the elders of Israel.' {Exodus 17:6}."--Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 297, 298 (bold emphasis, braces added). "From the smitten rock in Horeb first flowed the living stream that refreshed Israel in the desert....It was Christ, by the power of His word, that caused the refreshing stream to flow for Israel. 'They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them; and that Rock was Christ {1 Cor. 10:4}.'...The smitten rock was a figure of Christ, and through this symbol the most precious spiritual truths are taught. As the life-giving waters flowed from the smitten rock, so from Christ, 'smitten of God,' 'wounded for our transgressions,' 'bruised for our iniquities,' the stream of salvation flows for a lost race. As the rock had been once smitten, so Christ was to be 'once offered {Heb. 9:28--literally crucified} to bear the sins of many'."--Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 411:1-3 (bold emphasis, braces added). The "rock in Horeb" (Ex. 17:6) was a symbol of Jesus Christ who followed the Israelites in the wilderness where there was no water. When Moses smote that rock once with his rod, it symbolized the smiting (literal crucifixion) of Christ the "spiritual Rock" (1 Cor. 10:4) at His first advent. Therefore, as water flowed from the "rock in Horeb," so living waters of "everlasting life" (John 4:14) flowed from Christ the "spiritual Rock." And since Moses was to smite the rock only one time, so likewise, Christ that "spiritual Rock" was to be smitten (literally crucified) only "once" (Heb. 9:28). Note this fact in the following quotation: "Our Saviour {the spiritual Rock symbolized by the 'rock in Horeb'} was not to be sacrificed {literally crucified} a second time;..."--Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 411 (bold emphasis, braces added). MOSES SMOTE THE ROCK TWICE IN THE DESERT OF ZIN This was not the first time that Moses had smitten the rock to bring forth water for the thirsty wanderers. There were other times that he brought forth water after he smote "the rock of Horeb" (Ex. 1:6). "The water did not, however, continue to flow from Horeb. Wherever in their journeyings they wanted water, there from the clefts of the rock it gushed out beside their encampment."--Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 411 (bold emphasis added). The above quotation proves that after the children of Israel left Horeb the water ceased to flow from that rock there, and Moses had to smite another rock near their new encampment. Each time, of course, that Christ instructed Moses to smite the rock only once, he did so. But because of Israel's constant murmurings, he became angry and smote another rock two times, instead of only once. This was years later, while Israel was in "the desert of Zin" (Num. 20:1), that Christ again instructed Moses how to give water to the people (Num. 20:11). "God heard their murmurings and bade Moses speak to the rock, that the people might have water. Moses smote the rock {twice} in wrath and took the glory to himself."--Early Writings, pg. 163:1 (bold emphasis, braces added by author). Had Moses not become angry at the constant murmurings of Israel, he would have obeyed Christ to speak only to the rock to bring forth water (Num. 20:8), not smite it. Instead, he first said, "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" (Num 20:10), and then he smote the rock twice, once for himself and once for his brother Aaron (the "we"), as is stated below: "'Hear now, ye rebels, must we {Moses and Aaron} fetch you water out of this rock?' In thus speaking he virtually admitted to murmuring Israel that they were correct in charging him with leading them from Egypt."--Story of Redemption, pg. 166:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). Therefore, when Moses smote the rock twice, it became a type of Christ being smitten twice, because that rock symbolized Christ, the "spiritual Rock"--the leader of the Hebrew host (1 Cor. 10:1-4). "The two brothers went on before the multitude, Moses with the rod of God in his hand. They were now aged men. Long had they borne with the rebellion and obstinacy of Israel; but now, at last, even the patience of Moses gave way. 'Hear now, ye rebels,' he cried; 'must we {Moses and Aaron} fetch you water out of this rock?' and instead of speaking to the rock, as God had commanded him, he smote it twice with the rod {once for himself and once for his brother--the 'we'}."--Patriarchs Prophets, pg. 417:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). When Moses smote the rock once in Horeb, its significance was to teach Israel that Christ was to be smitten (literally killed) only once for the sins of His people. It was for this reason that Christ instructed him years later to speak to the rock, not smite it. But Moses, now an aged man, became angry at Israel's constant murmurings and rebellion, and he smote the rock twice in the "desert of Zin," which completely destroyed the significance of Christ being crucified only once! SIGNIFICANCE OF ROCK BEING SMITTEN ONCE IN HOREB WAS DESTROYED "Here Moses sinned. He became wearied with the continual murmurings of the people against him, and at the commandment of the Lord took the rod, and, instead of speaking to the rock, as God commanded him, he smote it with the rod twice {which meant that Christ was to be smitten twice}, after saying, 'Must we {Moses and Aaron} fetch you water out of the rock.' He here spoke unadvisedly with his lips. He did not say, God will now show you another evidence of His power, and bring you water out of this rock. He did not ascribe the power and glory to God for causing water to again flow from the flinty rock, and therefore did not magnify Him before the people."--4 Spiritual Gifts, pg. 39:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). "By this rash act {smiting the rock twice}, Moses took away the force of the lesson that God purposed to teach. The rock {of Horeb}, being a symbol of Christ, had been once smitten {to give water--Ex. 17:6}, as Christ was to be once offered {Heb. 9:28--crucified--to give the water of everlasting life--John 4:14}. The second time, it was needful only to speak to the rock {Num. 20:8}, as we have only to ask for blessings in the name of Jesus. By the second smiting of the rock, the significance of this beautiful figure of Christ was destroyed {showing that Christ was to be crucified twice}."--Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 418:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). When Moses first smote the "rock of Horeb" only one time to give life-saving water to Israel, it was to teach them the "lesson" that Christ, the "spiritual Rock" (1 Cor. 10:4), was to be smitten "once" (literally crucified) to give them the life-saving waters of "everlasting life" (John 4:14). By this forceful "lesson" they were to understand that "our Saviour was not to be sacrificed a second time" (PP411). But when Moses smote the rock again, not only "once," but twice, the "beautiful figure of Christ" was changed and its "significance...destroyed" (PP418). By "this rash act," another forceful "lesson" was taught, which clearly indicated that Christ was to be crucified twice! He was first to be crucified by typical Judah; and then again in the latter days He is to be crucified by antitypical Judah. But who are they? To learn the answer to that question, we must understand more about typical Judah in the days of Jesus. ANTITYPICAL JUDAH DESCENDED FROM TYPICAL JUDAH The ten tribe kingdom of Israel was scattered by Assyria and no longer existed as a people; but the two tribe kingdom of Judah (the Jews) still existed under Roman captivity at the time Jesus their Messiah came. They are the people of Judah (the Jews) who rejected and crucified Him. But there were some who accepted Him and became Christians (Acts 11:26). And after Jesus died on the cross this divided them into classes: The unconverted Jews and the Christian Jews. Then three and one half years later, the Christians told them that since they rejected their Messiah and judged themselves "unworthy of eternal life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles" (Acts 13:46). And these Christians did two things which the non-Christian Jews would not do. (1) The Christian Jews took the gospel to the Gentiles. (2) The Christian Jews married these Gentiles "We must not overlook the fact that the Gospel of Christ divided the house of Judah into two sects--Jewish and Christian, that the Christian church for about four years after the resurrection of Christ consisted practically only of Jews. Plainly, then, the original Christians were full-blooded Jews,--the Christian church is only a branch {offshoot} of the Jewish church, but they and their descendants have, through the years, lost their racial identity {because they married Gentiles}. Then, too, the descendants of both Israel and Judah who through the years of captivity {married Gentiles and} lost their identity as did the Jews who embraced Christianity, according to prophecy must also have greatly multiplied. Plainly, then, many who are taken as Gentiles, are but unidentified descendants of ancient Judah, Israel, and the Jewish Christians. The Christian church herself is, as we have seen, a Jewish-Christian church."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 6, pg. 16:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). GOD'S GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF JEWS AND GENTILES "The Christian church herself is an upshoot of the Jewish church and nation {of Judah}--the Apostles and her followers, up to about 35 A.D. were all Jews. Then it was that again a multitude of Jews lost their identity by {marrying Gentiles and by} calling themselves 'Christians.'"--1 Timely Greetings, No. 37, pg. 11:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). All during the New Testament Christian era (almost 2,000 years), the non-Christian Jews never lost their racial identity, because they did not marry Gentiles. Whereas, the Christian Jews accepted the Gentiles into fellowship and married them. As a result, the Christian Jews from Judah lost their racial identity, until today they look like Gentiles. "It is, therefore, obvious that the few identified Jews of today {from Judah} are not the only descendants of Abraham's, but that many of the Gentiles must be of Abraham. Since this mixed up situation exists, hardly any one can really say for sure that he is not one of Abraham's children. Perhaps many of the nations whom the world calls Gentiles are the children of Abraham. We do not know for sure who is who. God, however, has kept a perfect genealogical record, for He says: 'I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know Me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the Highest Himself shall establish her. The Lord shall count, when He writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah.' Psa. 87:4-6."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 37, pg. 12:0. Since the Lord has a "genealogical record" of everyone (Jews and Gentiles), then He knows who are the descendants of Jacob's son, Judah (Gen. 49:10), who will be living in the "last days" (Gen. 49:1) as antitypical Judah. [If you want to know more about antitypical Judah, then click on that study at the end.] But how are we to know which Judah in the latter days would be God's people. The identifiable non-Christian Jews from Judah would, of course, say, "We are God's people." But when we look for the Jews who descended from Judah in the Christian churches, what would we see?--Christians who look like Gentiles! And since we do not know their "genealogical record," and cannot tell who are the Jewish-Gentiles (by marriage) that descended from the early Christian Jews of Judah, then how would we know who is Judah in our day--the latter days? The answer to that question is found in the symbolic "candlesticks," which represent the Christian churches. LAST CANDLESTICK (LAODICEA) The church of "Laodicea" is the last one of the seven candlesticks that John the Revelator saw with the "Son of man" (Jesus) standing in their midst (Rev. 1:13). Jesus told John that the "seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches" (Rev. 1:20). There is, however, no need for anyone to wonder which churches these candlesticks symbolize, because of the fact that the "Son of man" (Jesus) is standing in their midst; which proves irrefutably that they can only be Christian churches! And the fact that there are seven candlesticks, which number means completeness, proves indisputably that they symbolize the Christian churches during the entire New Testament era; and that Laodicea is the last church. [If you want to know more about Laodicea, then click on that study at the end.] "The names of the seven churches {candlesticks} are symbolic of the church in different periods of the Christian era. The number seven indicates completeness, and is symbolic of the fact that the messages extend to the end of time, while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church at different periods in the history of the world."--Acts of the Apostles, pg. 585:3 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The Laodicean church, the last of the seven {candlesticks} churches (Rev. 2, 3), being figurative of the Christian church in her last period, our time, the message on record to her is therefore the last message to the church."--1 Answerer Book, pg. 8:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). ANTITYPICAL JUDAH--CHRISTIANS IN THE LAODICEAN CHURCH "Laodicea may be infallibly recognized amidst the many 'isms' of Christendom {Babylon} by the work she is doing--declaring the judgment. Indeed, this mark of identification is pointed out by the very name Laodicea, compounded of the two Greek words lao and dekei, the one meaning 'people,' also 'speak,' the other meaning 'judgment,' the two in one meaning the people declaring judgment. The church, therefore, which declares, 'Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come' (Rev. 14:7), is evidently the one called Laodicea. And it is almost as well known outside Seventh-day Adventist circles as within, that the Seventh-day Adventist church is endeavoring to carry the judgment message of Revelation 14:7, and is therefore unchallenged in her claim to the title, Laodicea."--1 Answerer Book, pg. 11 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The {Christian} church herself, therefore, is the daughter of the Kingdom of Judah {Christian Jews who descended down to the last days}. Hence she is appropriately still called Judah. "While she is by virtue of parentage, faithfulness, and purity (absence of tares) entitled to be called 'Judah,' still because of their last-day lukewarmness and the resultant infiltration of 'tares' into her membership, she is, of necessity, additionally termed 'Laodicea' {Seventh-day Adventist church}."--14 Tract, pg. 21:1,2 (bold emphasis, braces added). UNFAITHFUL MEMBERS IN THE LAODICEAN CHURCH Laodicea (which means people who declare judgment) is the last "candlestick" (Rev. 3:14). It symbolizes the Seventh-day Adventist church, because they teach judgment (Rev. 14:7). It is also called Judah, because there are Christians in their midst who have descended from the early Christian Jews of Judah. They are the people of antitypical Judah in the last days who have unfaithful members that will crucify Christ the second time, as the Jews of typical Judah had unfaithful members who crucified Him the first time; because Moses' smote the rock twice! But where did these unfaithful members come from? In Jesus' parable of the wheat and tares (Mt. 13:24-30) He sowed the "wheat" (Mt. 24:37)--the saints, into the Christian church (Judah). But "while men slept" the devil (Mt. 13:39) sowed the "tares" (Mt. 13:25)--the hypocrites, into the same church where they "both grow together" (Mt. 13:30) even unto the latter days. The "men" who "slept" are the ministers who baptize these "tares" into the Christian church. Today, they are "sleeping preachers preaching to a sleeping people" (2T337) in the Seventh-day Adventist church. John the Revelator also saw God's church (Laodicea) symbolized as a "woman." He saw "the serpent," the devil (Rev. 12:9), "cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman" (Rev. 12:15)--the church (Jer. 6:2; Rev. 14:4; GC381). And since "waters" represent "peoples" (Rev. 17:15), and "floods" represent "ungodly men" (Ps. 18:4); and since they have not yet been destroyed (symbolically swallowed by the earth--Rev. 12:16), then the "waters" must be the same as the "tares" (the hypocrites) who, with the saints {wheat}, are to "grow together" (Mt. 13:30) until the latter days. The few saints (wheat) in the church follow Jesus in the form of "Truth" (TM65:0). Whereas, the multitudes of "tares," which glut its ministry and laity, are world loving hypocrites in the church who are "steadily retreating toward Egypt" (5T217). And by going toward Egypt (worldliness) with their "backs" toward Christ, it means they have rejected Him in the form of Truth (John 14:6) which they hate! These are the people in God's church (Laodicea)--antitypical Judah who will crucify Jesus the second time! But how? HYPOCRITICAL TARES HATE JESUS WHO IS TRUTH The Jews in typical Judah hated Jesus because He was the "Truth" (Jn. 14:6), and they crucified Him. This same hatred manifested by many in the Seventh-day Adventist church (antitypical Judah) identifies them as "tares"--the fruit of error! "The tares represent a class who are the fruit or embodiment of error, of false principles. 'The enemy that sowed them is the devil.' Neither God nor His angels ever sowed a seed that would produce a tare."--Christ's Object Lessons, pg. 71:0 (bold emphasis, braces added). Yet, these same "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church show their hated of Jesus when He comes to them in the form of Truth (Jn. 14:6), while they profess great love for Him. "Many {Seventh-day Adventist} look with horror at the course of the Jews in rejecting and crucifying Christ; and as they read the history of the shameful abuse, they think they love Him,...But God who reads the heart of all, has brought to the test that love for Jesus which they professed to feel."--Early Writings, pg. 260:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). Though the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church (antitypical Judah) profess to love Jesus, yet they hate Him; which is far worse than the hatred of Jews (typical Judah) toward Jesus at His first advent, because these Jews professed no love for Him! But in spite of antitypical Judah's profession of great love for Him, they will crucify Him the second time. And even though the Seventh-day Adventists church's love for Him is denied by their hatred of truth, she boasts that their declaring the judgment is a distinctive mark which proves she is "unchallenged in her claim to the title, Laodicea" (1 Ans. 11:2). Yet, they deliberately ignore another distinctive mark (which also identifies them as Laodicea), because it exposes most of them as hypocrites, and that is their boastful attitude: "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Rev. 3:17). This Biblical fact, which they vainly try to deny, is also condemned by their prophetess, "the denomination's founder, Mrs. E.G. White, whose writings are known by the organization to be the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 12:17; 19:10)." (6 Tr. 3:2). She wrote in her writings these profound statements against their boastful attitude: LAODICEA THINKS SHE NEEDS NO MORE TRUTH "The present attitude of the {Seventh-day Adventist} church is not pleasing to God. There has come in a self-confidence that has led them to feel no necessity for more truth."--Gospel Workers, pg. 300 (bold emphasis, braces added). "We must not for a moment thing that there is no more light, no more truth, to be given to us. We are in danger of becoming careless, by our indifference losing the sanctifying power of truth, and composing ourselves with the thought, 'I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing {Rev. 3:17}.' While we must hold fast to the truths which we have already received, we must not look with suspicion upon any new light that God may send."--Gospel Workers, pg. 310 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The gospel is to be preached to the poor {in spirit}. Not to the spiritually proud {Seventh-day Adventists}, those who claim to be rich and in need of nothing, is it revealed, but to those who are humble and contrite {Isa. 66:2}."--Desire of Ages, pg. 300 (bold emphasis, braces added). PRIDE OF LAODICEA--A SPIRITUAL SICKNESS Though they should know that "there is no pride so dangerous as spiritual pride" (TM109), the tares among Seventh-day Adventists are nonetheless a spiritually proud people who are "flattering themselves that they are in an exalted spiritual condition" (3T253); while they know not that they are "wretched (unhappy), and miserable (troubled), and poor (in need of truth), and blind (benighted), and naked (without the righteousness of Christ)" (5Tr104). This pride makes them "think they are all right when they are all wrong" (1T466), and they see no danger in this condition of "spiritual sickness" (1A72). Thus, by fostering their spiritual pride, they are cultivating a self-righteous "attitude," which not only inspires in themselves a feeling of needing nothing spiritually, but it also invokes a profound hatred for Jesus in the form of truth. Therefore, it is obvious that the prouder they become, and the more they are exalted in self-righteousness, then the more they will become angry at any person who should dare to tell them that they need "the righteousness of Christ, which is pure unadulterated truth." "The proud heart strives to earn salvation; but both our title to heaven and our fitness for it are found in the righteousness of Christ {Truth--Jn. 14:6}."--Desire of Ages, pg. 300 (bold emphasis, braces added). RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST--PURE UNADULTERATED TRUTH "They {truth-hating Seventh-day Adventists} are not willing to be deprived of the garments of their own self-righteousness {manifested by their need-nothing attitude}. They are not willing to exchange their own righteousness, which is unrighteousness, for the righteousness of Christ, which is pure unadulterated truth."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 65 (bold emphasis, braces added). These Seventh-day Adventist "tares" will not exchange their unholy righteousness for Christ's Holy Righteousness--"pure unadulterated truth" (TM65), which they hate. And that is why only a few will be saved (2 Test. 445:2). Therefore, as the Jews in typical Judah crucified Jesus for rebuking their sins (Lk. 11:42-52); so the "tares" in antitypical Judah who hate Jesus--the Truth, will crucify Him again the second time, because He rebukes their sins three times. CHRIST CRUCIFIED AGAIN FOR REBUKING THE LAODICEANS "And unto the angel {ministers--SL78} of the {Seventh-day Adventist} church of the Laodiceans {the people who declare judgment} write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works {the tares who love error and hate truth}, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing {no need of a prophet to bring more truth}; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold {truth} tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment {Christi's righteousness}, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve {truth}, that thou mayest see."--Revelation 3:14-18 (bold emphasis, braces added). "God loves His people {in the Seventh-day Adventists church} who keep His commandments, and reproves them,...'As many as I love,' says Jesus, 'I rebuke and chasten' {'be zealous...and repent'--Rev. 3:19}."--1 Testimonies, pg. 569 (bold emphasis, braces added). The great majority of "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church are angry at "Christ the True Witness" (Rev. 3:14; 2T36), because they see no "love" in His rebuke in the Bible (Rev. 3:15-18), or His request to "repent" (Rev. 3:19). Instead, they continue in their "lukewarm" (Rev. 3:16) attitude of believing that they need no more Truth (1A17). This unconcerned attitude not only soothes their anger and hatred for Jesus, but it also restrains their desire to crucify Him again. CHRIST'S SECOND REBUKE IN THE TESTIMONIES As long as Christ's first rebuke in the Bible is not urged upon these Seventh-day Adventist "tares," then just that long they will restrain their hatred against Jesus, and pretend to love Him. Their pretended love, however, is clearly exposed when His loving rebuke is repeated in the writings of the testimonies of the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 19:10) by their prophetess (Sis. E.G. White). Her writings amplify in greater detail the meaning of His first rebuke in the Bible, and applies the Laodicean condition directly to them! And this fact is a constant irritation to them, which rekindles their anger and intensifies their hatred against Jesus. Thus, they reject His testimonies and foment unbelief in the Spirit of Prophecy; which is a vain attempt to refute His second rebuke in the testimonies, and thus nullify His first rebuke in the Bible. "The {Seventh-day Adventists} church has turned back from following Christ her Leader {in the form of Truth--Jn. 14:6} and is steadily retreating toward Egypt {worldliness--2TR48:1}. Yet few are alarmed or astonished at their want of spiritual power. Doubt, and even disbelief of the testimonies of the Spirit of God, is leavening our churches everywhere. Satan would have it thus {doubting the testimonies of Jesus}. Ministers who preach self {instead of Christ} would have it thus {disbelieving the His testimonies}. The testimonies are unread and unappreciated {by the tares}."--5 Testimonies, pg. 217 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The class of professed Sabbathkeepers {tares} who try to form a union between Christ and Belial, who take hold of the truth with one hand and of the world with the other...dared not take a bold stand and say they did not believe the testimonies {which they have secretly rejected}...Their names are on the {Seventh-day Adventist} church books."--5 Testimonies, pg. 52:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The plain message of rebuke to the Laodiceans {Seventh-day Adventist church} is not received. Many cling to their doubts and their darling sins while they are in so great a deception as to talk and feel that they are in need of nothing {Rev. 3:17--need no more truth}. They think the testimonies of the Spirit of God is uncalled for or that it does not mean them....The people slumber on in their sins. They continue to declare themselves rich and having need of nothing {GW300,310--need no more truth}. Many inquire: Why are all these reproofs given? Why do the Testimonies {Jesus' second rebuke} continually charge us with backsliding and with grievous sins? We love the truth {not true because they hate Jesus the truth--John 14:6}; we are prospering; we are in no need of these testimonies of warning and reproof {from Jesus}."--3 Testimonies, pgs. 253, 254 (all boldings, braces added). Jesus rebukes the "tares" three times for saying that they need no more truth. First, he rebukes them in the Bible, second in His Testimonies, and third by Elijah the prophet. In 1890 He inspired His prophetess (Sis. E.G. White} to predict that Elijah the prophet was to come to their church with a message of truth. She wrote: ELIJAH THE PROPHET COMES WITH MORE TRUTH "Prophecy must be fulfilled. The Lord says: 'Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord' {Mal. 4:5}. Somebody is to come {future tense--sometime after 1890} in the spirit and power of Elijah, and when he (a male person--Mal. 4:6} appears, men may say: 'You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the proper way. Let me tell you how to teach your message'."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 475:3 (bold emphasis, braces added). Since Sis. White began her ministry in 1844 and wrote in 1890 that Elijah "is to come" in the future, then she could not have been that Elijah. The Lord proved this when He said: "And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel as that time." (Judges 4:4). Did you notice that God's Word did not say that Deborah was a "prophet," a "husband" and a "he"? Why? because the Lord always refers to a male person as a "he" and a "prophet;" whereas He always refers to a female person (such as Deborah) as a "she" and a "prophetess"! And that is the reason why Malachi said that "Elijah the prophet" (Mal. 4:5) is to be a male person "he" (Mal. 4:6), as the first Elijah--John the baptist was a "he" (Mt. 3:1-3). This irrefutable fact proves, then, that Sis. White was not referring to herself as Elijah, but to a "somebody" who "is to come" after her day. In 1929 the Lord chose Bro. V.T. Houteff from among the membership of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Los Angeles, California as Elijah the prophet with a "message" of truth. He entitled his message The Shepherd's Rod, and those who accepted his message were given the name of "Davidian Seventh-day Adventists." They rebuked the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church, and told them that they needed the truth of Elijah's message. But rather than accept the truth, the hostility of the "tares" turned to bitter hatred against Jesus, the truth (Jn. 14:6), in the form of The Shepherd's Rod message. And since their hidden anger could no longer be appeased or restrained, they cast out the Davidians from their churches for telling them the truth, as the Jews cast out the apostles for telling them the truth of Jesus. Moreover, as the Jews could not contain their anger at Stephen for rebuking them, and "gnashed on him with their teeth" (Acts 7:54), and then stoned him to death (Acts 7:58); so today the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church not only cast out the Davidians, but they also gnash their teeth in anger at Jesus' third rebuke in The Shepherd's Rod message. Then their anger will burn hot and the hatred in their hearts will cry out: "Crucify Him! crucify Him!" TARES IN THE SDA CHURCH CRY OUT, CRUCIFY HIM! "The same hatred {of the Jews} that prompted the cry, 'Crucify Him! crucify Him!' the same hatred that led to the persecution of the disciples, still works {today} in the children of disobedience {tares in the Seventh-day Adventist church}."--Acts of the Apostles, pg. 85 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Laodiceanism today {Seventh-day Adventists}, you know, is in a worse situation than any people at any other time, for by protesting that there is no need of prophets, no need of more truth, they have already rejected them, yes, actually killed them. If they expect no more truth and if Jesus Christ Himself should come with more truth would they {antitypical Judah} not crucify Him also? I know that I am not making a rash statement, not exaggerating either, and I also know that the Bible {Num. 20:11} will sustain me in what I am saying {because Moses smote the rock twice}, else I would not say it."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 24, pg. 21 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Even now, in the closing hours of the gospel period, the {Laodicean} church {Seventh-day Adventists} says: 'I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing,'--neither truth nor prophets,--though in fact she is 'wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked' (Rev. 3:16, 17), and about to be spued out if she fails now to anoint her eyes with this fresh, extra oil. And being unmindful of her wretched condition, she is now ready not only to reject the last message {truth of the SRod by Elijah} that comes to her with warnings and reproofs just before the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5), but also again to crucify the Saviour should He in person rebuke her, hereby repeating her rebelliousness of old, as symbolized by Moses' striking the 'rock' twice (Num. 20:11)."--12 Tract, pgs. 24, 25 (bold emphasis, braces added). CHRIST'S THIRD REBUKE IN PERSON The two foregoing quotations prove from the type of "Moses' striking the rock twice (Num. 20:11)," that Christ's crucifixion will be fulfilled again antitypically, after Jesus has rebuked Seventh-day Adventists (antitypical Judah) the third time "in person" (12TR24:5)! That is, He rebuked typical Judah in person at His first advent, which provoked them to crucify Him the first time. So today, He will rebuke Seventh-day Adventists (antitypicl Judah) not once, but three times. And the last time He will rebuke them "in person;" and that is the reason why they will crucify Him the second time. (1) Jesus rebuked them the first time through His words in the Bible (Rev. 3:14-22). (2) Again He rebuked them the second time through His words in the Testimonies (3T252-293)--the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 19:10). (3) And today, since 1929, He is rebuking them the third time through the SRod message (1A11-14) "in person" by the Davidians. Then the "tares" will crucify Jesus Christ in the form of truth the second time! CHRIST SPEAKS TO SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS FACE TO FACE From Micah's prophecy the Elijah tells how Christ "in person" will rebuke Seventh-day Adventists "face to face" just before His second advent, as He rebuked the Jews at His first advent. "We now come to the last part of Micah 5:1. The antecedent of the pronoun 'he' is found in the preceding verse--chapter 4, verse 13. There quickly we see that it is the Lord Himself. Plainly, then, by the pronoun 'us' Micah means himself and his people--Judah and Judah, the {Seventh-day Adventist} church {today}. "Clear it is that while the Lord with His message of warning and reproofs makes a siege against His people {in the Laodicean church by His third rebuke} the adversaries {all Seventh-day Adventists who hate Jesus in the form of Truth} gather together in groups to oppose it {third rebuke by the SRod message}. Such has been the case at the introduction of each newly-revealed Truth."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 26, pg. 16:2,3 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The {Seventh-day Adventist} church is logically called 'daughter of Troops,' because her mother the Jewish church {typical Judah} at the time of the introduction of the gospel of Christ, gathered together in troops, to oppose the Lord {at His first advent}. "Moreover being smitten in the face rather than in the back, the Judge of Judah (Christ) must have been squarely facing them--speaking to them,--the reason for which the Jews' crucified Him. The verses that follow verse one again confirm the fact that "the Judge" is Christ. They {the 'tares' in the Seventh-day Adventists church} that smite {crucify} Him {again} are, of course, His adversaries, His enemies {1TG28:15:1}. Concerning them Inspiration says:"--1 Timely Greetings, No. 26, pg. 17:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). "Thine hand {of the Lord} shall be lifted up {in utter destruction} upon Thine adversaries, and all Thine enemies {SDA tares who reject truth} shall be cut off {killed--Isa. 53:8}."--Micah 5:9 (bold emphasis, braces added). "According to Christ's parables, the time His 'adversaries,' His enemies of progressive Truth {the SDA tares}, are cut off {meaning killed--see Dan. 9:26} is at the commencement of the purification of the church, at the harvest time....according to Ezekiel's prophecy,...Ezek. 9:5, 6."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 26, pgs. 16, 17 (bold emphasis, braces added). The "enemies" of God (Mic. 5:9--1TG28:15:1) today are the "tares" in antitypical Judah who will die in the "purification"--slaughter of Ezekiel 9. This proves Micah not only refered to the Jews (the mother) at Christ's first advent, when He was "squarely facing them--speaking to them" (1TG26:17), but also to Seventh-day Adventists (the daughter--antitypical Judah) whom He now speaks to again face to face "in person" by the Davidians! CHRIST SPEAKS IN PERSON THROUGH THE DAVIDIANS The fact that Christ said that He would not literally appear visibly again before His second advent (Mt. 24:23; GC625), proves that He must speak to Seventh-day Adventists today in the person of His people--the true Davidians (not the usurpers); because it is "Christ in the person of His saints" (3SM305), and "Immanuel (Christ in the person of His people)" (14TR35) who will speak through them. This fact is noted in Saul's experience when he persecuted the Christians, because Jesus said to him: "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest" (Acts 9:5). But Jesus was invisible when He spoke to Saul, because He had already returned to heaven. This fact proves that Saul was persecuting Jesus in the person of the Christians! Thus, the "test" which was given to the Jews, is the same "test" which is given to those in the Seventh-day Adventist church today. "Through our study today it is evident that God's people {Seventh-day Adventists} at this time are going through the very same test that the Jews {of typical Judah} were put through at Christ's first coming. The test is the same but it is coming in a different way. Christ at that time came in person and they heard Him not. Today He sends His Word {SRod to Seventh-day Adventists by Davidians in person} and they will not hear It {SRod}."--12 Symbolic Code, No. 8, pg. 11 (bold emphasis, braces added). As Christ in person tested typical Judah, so now by this same personal "test" He is facing antitypical Judah (Seventh-day Adventists) in the person of His Davidian servants (not the usurpers). Through their voices Christ rebukes them when they teach The Shepherd's Rod message--the "Lord's Voice" (Mic. 6:9). Micah, therefore, proves that Christ not only spoke "in person" to the Jews (typical Judah), whom he implies is the "mother;" but He is also speaking today "in person" through the true Davidians (not the usurpers) to Seventh-day Adventists (antitypical Judah), whom he refers to as the "daughter" (Mic. 6:1) in the "last days" (Mic. 4:1)! It is the "tares" in that church who are the "enemies" of Christ today that will crucify Him the second time. But how? TO REJECT TRUTH IS TO CRUCIFY JESUS THE SECOND TIME The Jews of (typical Judah) hated truth; and because Jesus said, "I am the...truth" (Jn. 14:6), they not only hated Him but they also crucified Him! And since Jesus and the Truth are the same, then when Seventh-day Adventists (antitypical Judah) reject truth, they are crucifying Jesus the second time! And no one can deny the fact that they have rejected truth. In 1888 the truth of Christ's righteousness was brought by Brethren Jones and Waggoner (T.M. 91:2) which they rejected (1 S.M. 234:6). But that truth came again in 1930, which they again rejected: "The denomination then {in 1890} wholly rejected the message that was to unfold the truth of 'righteousness by faith' and the 'righteousness of Christ,' the very truth that again began to unfold years later, the Truth that we are now feasting on {SRod message}!"--2 Timely Greetings, No. 39, pg. 19 (bold emphasis, braces added). And though the SRod message teaches many truths, there are two basic truths which the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church have especially rejected, and which crucifies Jesus the second time; because Jesus rebuked them "in person" (12 Tr. 25) through His true Davidian servants. TRUTH 1--SDA TARES REJECT GOD'S LATTER-DAY KINGDOM The truth that the kingdom which Adam lost will be restored in the latter days, while the devil's kingdom is destroyed, is not a new doctrine which the message of the SRod teaches; because it is written all throughout the Bible. Note a few scriptures: 1. The Lord told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden that her seed would "bruise" the "head" of the "serpent" (Gen. 3:15) and restore his lost kingdom. 2. And He told Abraham that from his seed (Isaac, Jacob and the children of Israel) would be as the "stars" (Gen. 15:5) in his restored kingdom. 3. And He told Jacob that in the "last days" (Gen. 49:1), just before the second advent of Jesus when He "Shiloh comes" (Gen. 49:10), that Judah would have a king with a "sceptre" (Gen. 49:10) to rule His restored kingdom. 4. And He told Balaam that in the "latter days" (Num. 24:14) a "Star" (Jesus) would come and a "Sceptre shall rise out of Israel" (Num. 24:17) to rule in His restored kingdom. 5. And He told Isaiah that unto Judah "a child is born...a Son is given" (Isa. 9:6) who is to sit "upon the throne of David" (Isa. 9:7) in His restored kingdom. 6. And He told Jeremiah that His kingdom would be set up in Palestine, the holy "land that I gave to their fathers" (Jer. 30:3) in the "latter days" (Jer. 30:24). 6. And He told Jeremiah that when His restored kingdom is set up, Judah would be His "battle axe" to "destroy kingdoms" (Jer. 51:20) of the devil. 7. And He told Daniel that in the "latter days" (Dan. 2:28) God would "set up a kingdom" (Dan. 2:44), symbolized by a "stone" (Dan. 2:45), which would destroy the kingdoms of the devil by smiting the "great image" (Dan. 2:35). 8. And He told Hosea that when He sets up his kingdom in the "latter days" (Hos. 3:5), He would be their invisible "Lord God" and "David" would be their visible "king" (Hos. 3:5; 8 Tr 47:1). 9. And He told John the Revelator that He would be the "Lamb" (Rev. 14:1) who would stand invisibly in His kingdom on the "Mount Sion" with the 144,000--the visible "kings and priests" (5 Test. 475:2). Yet, in spite of all this Biblical evidence, which the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church cannot refute, they still reject the truth of God's latter-day restored kingdom. The obvious reason why, is because (1) Jesus said they are "blind" (Rev. 3:17); (2) He said they think they have no need of any more truth (Rev. 3:17); and (3) they (antitypical Judah) want a kingdom of this world as did the Jews (typical Judah) in the days of Jesus. But He said, "My kingdom is not of this world" (Jn. 18:36); which means that in the "latter days," it would be "in the world but not of the world" (T.M. 198:1). "Now, ironically, in the time of the restoration of the Kingdom, the {SDA} Denomination takes an opposite attitude {of the Jews who wanted a worldly kingdom}: It {SDA church} wants a kingdom in Heaven, but none on earth {in last days}."--1 Timely Greetings, 15:20:2--by VTH (bolds, braces added). "If she {SDA church} continues to want nothing but what she wants {a kingdom in heaven but not on earth in the latter days}, it is certain that nothing is what she can expect."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 15, pg. 20:2--by VTH (bolds, braces added). Thus, by rejecting the truth of God's latter-day kingdom restored, they have not only rejected Jesus, the "word...made flesh" (Jn. 1:14), the "Truth" (Jn. 14:6), but they have also crucified Him the second time, because: "The same hatred {of truth--Jesus} that prompted the cry, 'Crucify Him! crucify Him!' the same hatred that led to the persecution of the disciples, still works {today} in the children of disobedience {SDA tares who hate truth--Jesus}."--Acts of the Apostles, pg. 85 (bold emphasis, braces added). TRUTH 2--SDA TARES REJECT THE SLAUGHTER OF EZEK. 9 When Jesus was on the earth at His first advent, He said to the Jews (typical Judah) in His parable that "a man sowed good seed in his field" (Mt. 13:24); that the "man" was Himself--the "Son of man" (Mt. 13:37); and that the "good seed" are the saints "of the kingdom" (Mt. 13:38). He also said that "while men slept, his enemy sowed tares among the wheat" (Mt. 13:25); that the "enemy is the Devil" (Mt. 13:39); and that the "tares" are his "wicked children" (Mt. 13:38). It was after the disciples and early Christians died off, that some ministers fell asleep spiritually and let the wicked "tares" (weeds) join the Christian church. And because the saints (the wheat) rebuked their sins, the tares cast them out of God's church. And so the spiritual warfare and the physical battle between the saints and the wicked has raged on during the New Testament Christian era for nearly two thousand years until today--the "latter days." Then Jesus' parable continues: "Let both {wheat and tares} grow together {in the Christian church} until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers {angels--Mt. 13:39}, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn {kill} them: but gather the wheat {144,000 saints} into My barn {God's kingdom--2 Ans 18:0}."--Matthew 13:30 (boldings, braces added by author). Since we are now living in the time of the latter days just before the second coming of Christ, then we must be nearing "the time of harvest" (Mt. 13:30) when the "tares" are burned (slain) by the angels, just before probationary time closes for the Seventh-day Adventist church. Their prophetess, Sis. E.G. White, told them to "Read the ninth chapter of Ezekiel" (3 Test. 267:1), because it describes exactly how these angels will literally kill the "tares"--by the slaughter of Ezek. 9! That is why she told them: "Study the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. These words {about angels who slay the wicked} will be literally fulfilled; yet the time is passing, and the {SDA} people are asleep."--1 Manuscript Releases, pg. 260:2 (bolds, braces added). These dumb dogs {SDA ministers}, that would not bark {to warn laity of the slaughter}, are the ones who feel the just vengeance of an offended God. Men, maidens, and little children, all perish together {die in the slaughter}."--5 Testimonies, pg. 211: 2 (boldings, braces added). And Elijah the prophet (V.T. Houteff) also wrote about the slaughter of Ezek. 9 in his SRod message, and said: "And finally as no slaughter such as the one described in Ezekiel 9 has ever occurred, its fulfillment {for the angels to slay the tares in the SDA church} is obviously yet future."--1 Tract, pg. 12:1 (boldings, braces added). "This slaughter {of Seventh-day Adventists} is literal; it is to separate and release God's people from sin and sinners; otherwise the marking would be of no value."--2 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 165 (boldings, braces added). TARES LOVE THE KINGDOM OF THE WORLD AND HATE GOD'S KINGDOM The reason this second truth (slaughter of Ezek. 9) is as important as the first truth (restoration of God's kingdom), is because the kingdom cannot be restored with "wheat" (saints) and "tares" (wicked) mixed together. And since the "tares" came from the devil's kingdom of this world which they love, then that is the reason why they hate the truth of God's kingdom and the slaughter; because they hate Jesus, whose kingdom is not of this world (Jn. 18:36)! And that is why Christ will be crucified twice: First, He who said He was "the truth" (Jn. 14:6) was rejected, and He who was the "Word made flesh" (Jn. 1:14) was crucified by the Jews (typical Judah) at his first advent; because He came to them "in person" and rebuked their sins. And second, He who came in the form of the truth (the SRod message) will be rejected; and He will be crucified again by the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church (antitypical Judah); because He came to them "in person" through His saints (true Davidians) and rebuked their sins. And that is the reason why Elijah said that the "tares" in the Seventh-day Adventist church would again "crucify the Saviour should He in person rebuke her, thereby repeating her rebelliousness of old, as symbolized by Moses' striking the 'rock' twice (Num. 20:11)." (12 Tr 24, 25). And when they crucify Christ the second time, they will not only "kill" the "two witnesses" (Rev. 11:7), but they will also heal the deadly wound. One day soon, their bitter hatred of Jesus, the Truth, will cause them to angrily cry out to crucify Him again! "The same hatred {of truth--Jesus} that prompted the cry, 'Crucify Him! crucify Him!' the same hatred that led to the persecution of the disciples, still works {today} in the children of disobedience {SDA tares who hate truth--Jesus}."--Acts of the Apostles, pg. 85 (bold emphasis, braces added). If you want to know more about those saints saved "with" the 144,000, then click on--> STUDY24.If you want to know more about the usurpers, then click on---> STUDY11.If you want to know more about the slaughter of Ezek. 9, then click on---> STUDY.If you want to know more about antitypical Judah, then click on---> STUDY30.If you want to know more about who will kill the "two witnesses," then click on---> STUDY.If you want to know more about who will heal the deadly wound, then click on---> STUDY. END OF STUDY 31ACopyrighted © 1998 by Don Adair |