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THE BAPTIST AND LAST PROPHET JOHN WAS NOT THE LAST ELIJAH "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."--Malachi 4:5, 6 (boldings added by author). The last prophet who wrote in the Old Testament Scriptures was Malachi. He predicted that Elijah the prophet was to come (quoted above). And because God's Word continues in the New Testament Scriptures with Matthew about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus' first advent, the majority of the Christian churches would think Malachi's prediction of the prophet Elijah must only apply to John the Baptist. They do not see that Malachi predicted two comings of Elijah; because he said Elijah appears before the Lord (the Messiah--Jesus) comes. And since Jesus comes twice (Dan. 9:25,26), then there must be two Elijah's. That is, just before each coming Elijah is to appear and "turn" the "heart" of "fathers" and "children" to each other (Mal. 4:6) by a reformatory message. John's baptism proved he was the Elijah before Christ's first advent, who prepared many Jewish hearts by his reformatory baptisms. So the last Elijah (Bro. Houteff) also came before Christ's second advent, and he will prepare today many hearts of fathers and children in the SDA church by his reformatory message. ELIJAH TO COME BEFORE THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY It's important to note that Malachi said Elijah would come before the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Mal. 4:5)! Does this "day" apply to John? or to Bro. Houteff? or to both? To learn the answer, we must first know for whom will the day be "great"? and for whom will it be "dreadful"?--the saints or the wicked? The common belief of the Jews and Jesus' disciples was only one Elijah and one coming of the Messiah, who would sit on David's throne as King, overthrow their Roman captors, and set them free forever. They did not see that the Messiah must first come to die for the repentant sinners, and set up His spiritual kingdom for His Christian followers. Then two thousand years later He would send His antitypical Elijah to restore His literal kingdom "in" the earth (Mt. 6:10) but not "of" the world (Jn. 18:36), and then the Messiah would come the second time to take them to Heaven. But the erroneous teachings of their Pharisees led the Jewish people to believe that the "day" Malachi spoke of would be "great" for them (when the Messiah comes to set up His kingdom) and "dreadful" for the Romans (when their kingdom is overthrown by the Messiah)! Instead, the Jewish people were greatly surprised when most of them were either killed, or taken captive when Titus the Roman general attacked their city in A.D. 70 (P.K. 713:0) and completely destroyed Jerusalem. GREAT DAY FOR WICKED AND DREADFUL DAY FOR SAINTS Instead, from the time of John the baptist (first Elijah), the "day" that Malachi spoke of was to be "dreadful" for the Christians after the Jews crucified their Messiah; because Stephen was stoned to death, after which "there was a great persecution against the church" (Acts 8:1) by Jews and Romans. And this "dreadful" day was greatly intensified when the Devil urged his agents to persecute and kill them by the millions (GC59:3) during the "great tribulation" (Mt. 24:21) of the Dark Age period (538-1798). And so the "day" that began with John (Elijah) to prepare the saints for Christ's first advent, which continued for almost two thousand years, was "great" for the wicked who triumphed over the people of God, made it "dreadful" for the saints. But that "day" will be reversed! GREAT DAY FOR SAINTS AND DREADFUL DAY FOR WICKED When that "day" is reversed, it will be great for the saints and dreadful for the wicked, which proves that there must be another Elijah to come to prepare God's people for Christ's second advent. These saints are not found in the Israel of John's day, but in the "Israel" of today--the SDA church: "In order to be purified and to remain pure, Seventh--day Adventists must have the Holy Spirit in their hearts and in their homes. The Lord has given me light that when the Israel of today humble themselves before Him..."--9 Testimonies, pg. 164:1--by EGW (boldings, braces added by author). Thus, when Malachi said Elijah was to come "before the great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Mal. 4:5), its meaning is obvious: Just before the day of the Lord's second advent in the latter days, it will be "great" for the saints in the "Israel" of today (SDA church) who will be saved in God's soon-coming kingdom, ready to meet Christ at His second advent (Eph. 5:27); while it will be "dreadful" for the wicked who will be killed! "A great day is coming for the righteous, a dreadful one for the wicked."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 23, pg. 8:5--by VTH. "The tables are turned: What God's people once had to take from their enemies {killed by the wicked}, their enemies must soon take from them {be killed by angels--Acts 5:1-10}. Let us {SDA} therefore not neglect to take advantage of God's plea {to get the seal} of deliverance {from death}."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 37, pg. 19:5--by VTH (boldings, braces added). Thus, it will be a "dreadful" day for the wicked, because they will all die by wars, famines, seven last plagues (Rev. 16:1), or by the "brightness" of Christ's second advent (2 Thess. 2:8). But most Christians in the SDA church are not looking for another Elijah to come. Instead, they believe Malachi 4:5 can only apply to John the Baptist, because they do not study as they should. Therefore, they can only know what Matthew wrote: ELIJAH COMES TO RESTORE ALL THINGS "And His disciples asked Him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Then the disciples understood that He spake unto them of John the Baptist."--Matthew 17:10-13 (boldings added). Obviously Elijah who went to Heaven without dying (2 Ki. 2:11) did not come back as John the Baptist, because the Jews asked him, "Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not." (John 1:21). But John's words must agree with Jesus' words, because they were both born of the same Holy Ghost (Mt. 1:20, 21). This proves that John was right when he said "No" he was not Elijah, and Jesus right when He said "Yes" John was Elijah! "John the Baptist's statement that he himself was not the Elijah {who was translated--2 Ki. 2:11}, and Jesus' statement that John was the Elijah of that day, not of our day,..."--General Conference Special, pg. 31:3--by VTH (bolds, braces added). That is, though John said he was not ancient Elijah, Jesus said he did come in the same spirit and power of ancient Elijah "to do such a work as Elijah did" (DA135:3)--to rebuke the sins of Israel at Christ's first advent. And since that "day" of Elijah is reversed--great for the saints and dreadful for the wicked, then there must be another Elijah to come in the same spirit to do a similar work in the last days. "True, verse three {Isa. 40} found fulfillment in the work of John the Baptist; but the verses preceding and also the verses following, definitely apply to the {work of Davidian} people in the latter days and only partially to the people {Jews} in John's day. Therefore the truth stands out boldly that the direct fulfillment of this chapter is found in our time, thus making John's work an ensample of our work--John's work the type, ours {Davidian work} the antitype."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 36, pg. 4:1--by VTH (bolds, braces added). WORK OF LOVE THAT MALACHI SAID ELIJAH WAS TO DO So what is the work of this latter-day Elijah? Malachi says he is to "turn the heart of fathers to the children, and the heart of children to the fathers" (Mal. 4:6). But why this work? "Now it appears somewhat puzzling that the hearts either of the fathers or of the children need to be turned toward the other. But if we consider that the work of Elijah is not of a domestic nature, but spiritual, then we shall see that Elijah's message is to intensify in the heart of the parents, as well as in the hearts of the children, a burden for the salvation of the other."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 8, pgs. 16, 17--by VTH (boldings added by the author). "These facts prove also that the {domestic} love which the {SDA} parents have toward their children, and which the children have toward their parents, must be the wrong kind, else there would be no need for Elijah to come {to the Seventh--day Adventist church to} turn their hearts to each other. Love that frowns upon chastisement and that overlooks indulgence and self-gratification at the cost of eternal life, is like a lion's love for a tender lamb--hell's love....However, though on the one hand the Elijah message reveals that our hearts are not right toward one another, on the other hand it promises to correct our hearts {spiritually} if we will let it. This work of correction must be considered of first importance, for only it can fit a people to stand in 'the great and dreadful day of the Lord' {Mal. 4:5}, when He comes to 'smite the earth with a curse' {Mal. 4:6}."--5 Symbolic Code, No. 6, pg. 2--by VTH (boldings, braces added by author). It was long before Jesus sent Elijah (V.T.H.) to the SDA church in 1929 with a message of reform (2A34:1), that He spoke through Sis. White to rebuke the parents; because they are asleep and do not know they need the spiritual love of Elijah's message to turn their hearts to each other. Instead, they give their children domestic love, but the wrong kind! MOST SDA FATHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN DO NOT HAVE ELIJAH'S TRUE LOVE "The {SDA} parents have thought they loved their children, but have proved themselves their worst enemies."--Child Guidance, pg. 177:2--by EGW (boldings, braces added). "It is not mercy or kindness {for a SDA parent} to permit a child to have its own way, to submit to its rule, and to neglect to correct it on the ground that you love it too well to punish it. What kind of love is it that permits your child to develop traits of character that will make him and everyone else miserable? Away with such love!--Child Guidance, pg. 186:2--by EGW (boldings, braces added by author). "Weakness {by SDA parents} in requiring obedience, and false love and sympathy--the false notion that to indulge and not to restrain is wisdom--constitute a system of training that grieves angels; but it delights Satan, for it brings hundreds and thousands of children into his ranks."--Child Guidance, pg. 179:2--by EGW (boldings, braces added). This false concept of (domestic) love by which many Seventh-day Adventists parents train their children is perpetuated when they grow up. They imitate that false love and express it to their children, and call it charity, but which Jesus, in Sis. White's writings, thoroughly condemns: "'You must have charity' {love}, is the cry to be heard everywhere, especially from those who profess sanctification. But charity is too pure to cover an unconfessed sin. John's teachings are important for those who are living amid the perils of the last days....But the apostle teaches that while we should manifest Christian courtesy, we are authorized to call sin and sinners by their right names--that this is consistent with true charity {love}."--Sanctified Life, pg. 65:2--by EGW (boldings, braces added by author). Because of this false love, some Seventh--day Adventists become very indignant because Elijah or the Davidians manifest true love and rebuked the ministers in the SDA church, when they call them by their right names--sleeping preachers (113:3), dumb dogs (149:1), greedy dogs (121:1), etc.! Thus, the false love that many SDA parents give to their children, causes them to falsely love their parents; because most do not know that their children are born from the womb with a carnal "heart" which God says is "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9). They do not know that inside the child they love so much, though innocent of the "knowledge of good and evil" (Gen. 2:17), there dwells a wicked and deceitful heart--a sinful inclination that guides his thoughts, words, and actions to do evil. This evil heart will transform that cute and lovable baby into a horrible monster (an adulterer, rapist, thief, liar, or murderer), if the parents train him by a false love (child's way), rather than train him by the true love in the Bible (God's way)! Consider this: Suppose a baby could talk when he was first born, he would tell the parents right from his carnal heart how he wants to be trained two ways: (1) "I want what I want now!" (2) "And nobody is going to tell me what to do!" Think not? Okay, do you parents remember when your baby boy wanted something he shouldn't have, and you would not let him have it? Remember how he kicked and screamed because he could not have what he wanted right now? and that he became worse as he grew older? Remember that the first word he learned was an emphatic "NO"? and do you remember by experience what he meant by that word to you? That's right--"Nobody is going to tell me what to do!" You see? A cute innocent baby boy doesn't have to be trained to do evil; just let him alone and his wicked and deceitful heart, with the Devil's help, will do all that for you! You can be sure, then, that the Devil will see to it that these neglectful SDA parents will have bad children! And though their grown-up boys may have been baptized and appear to be law-abiding citizens, yet they refuse to obey God's law, attend church, read their Bibles, pray, and treat people with love and respect, while they excuse their bad habits. Thus, their actions express to others the cry of their deceitful hearts: "Nobody, not even God, is going to tell me what to do!" And the same for cute little girls. Most have been trained by SDA parents to follow the wicked fashions of the world--short dresses, cosmetics, jewelry; even though they appear to be law-abiding citizens. These fashions that God condemns, are excused as harmless, and reveal what is said in their deceitful hearts: "Nobody, not even God, is going to tell me what to do!" One day, both of these grown-up boys and girls in God's church will suffer His curse; because Sis. White warned these parents not to train their children by this false love. According to Isa. 3:24, she said their daughters will be cursed, and their husbands would die in the next war (Isa. 3:25)! Are you SDA parents horrified by this thought? and do not believe it. Read it for yourselves: WORLDLY SDA MEN WILL DIE IN THE NEXT WORLD WAR "The prophecy of Isaiah 3 {16-26} was presented before me as applying to these last days, and the reproofs are given to the daughters of Zion {SDA women} who have only thought of appearance and display {worldly dress--46:3}. Read verse 25: 'Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war.' I was shown that this scripture will be strictly fulfilled {when SDA men with hypocritical wives, will die in next war}." --1 Testimonies, pg. 270:1--by EGW (bolds, braces added). After Sis. White wrote these words and died in 1915, Elijah (V.T. Houteff) came in 1929; and he also gave the same warning to these Seventh--day Adventist women, whom Isaiah calls the "daughters of Zion" (Isa. 3:16), and said: "Dress properly and you will find not only that wicked men will not hang after you {lusting for you}, but neither will the Lord's curses fall upon you. "Isa. 3:25--'Thy {SDA} men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the {next world} war.' "If the daughters of Zion {hypocritical SDA worldly women} fail to reform {by Elijah's message of love--48:0}, then their men shall fall by the sword {die in the next war}. Do you want me to tell you why their men will fall by the sword?--Because no sincere Christian boy in his right senses, will ever as much as consider marrying a girl that dresses as a hypocrite dresses. And so if such a worldly-minded {unconverted} girl is ever to get married, what kind of man will she get?--Not an informed Christian in present Truth, I am sure. She will get the kind of {SDA} man that does not have God's protection over him {an unconverted hypocrite}, the kind that is to fall {die} in the war (14Tr22:2; 24:2), the war that is fought while God's people {144,000} are being delivered."--1 Timely Greeting, No. 6, pg. 31:2-4--by VTH (bolds, braces added). It was for this reason that the Lord sent Elijah the prophet (V.T. Houteff) during the latter days (Mal. 4:5) to the people of the Seventh--day Adventist church to "restore all things," beginning with The Shepherd's Rod message of love to the fathers and also to their children: "The Shepherd's Rod, the books that Inspiration so named and inspired its contents, being the only Rod in the world that can be heard speaking, the Lord commands that you should hear it, that you do not waste any time in deciding between the Rod literature and some other. For there is none other today than the {Shepherd's} Rod literature which God recommends you {Seventh--day Adventists} to hear {Mic. 6:9}. And when you hear the Rod, you will find yourself wrapped in the love of Christ and in the 'arms' of God. Try it."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 34, pg. 29:0--by VTH (boldings, braces added). Elijah came to rebuke the "false love"--the "wrong kind"--between fathers and children in the SDA church; and offered them the true spiritual love in the message of the SRod (Mic. 6:9). It's reformation will cause fathers and children (Mal. 4:6) to be concerned for each other's salvation. But if they refuse to reform (2A34:1) their lives to receive the seal to be one "of" or one "with" the 144,000 (182:2), and turn their hearts to each other with true spiritual love, they will suffer the Lord's curse. E.G. WHITE PREDICTS ELIJAH TO COME TO SDA CHURCH Most SDA members reject Elijah's reformatory message of love, because their leaders deceived them into believing that there is only one Elijah--John the Baptist at Christ's first advent. They refuse to believe that Malachi's prophecy has another latter day application, even though their prophetess, E.G. White, predicted that another Elijah would come to the SDA church, which Davidians believe applies to Bro. Houteff because of his teachings from the Bible. "But was the prophecy {Mal. 4:5} wholly fulfilled in John the Baptist? We answer, No; for it is more intimately connected with the great day {42:1} of the Lord than was the mission of John. His {preparatory} work had exclusive reference to the first Elijah before the} first advent {of Christ}; but the prophecy {of Malachi} must relate more especially to the {second Elijah before His} second advent, which is the crowning event of the ushering in of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.'--Review and Herald, Feb. 23, 1864."--1950 General Conference Special, pgs. 36, 37--by VTH (boldings, braces added). "The closing words of Malachi {41:1} are a prophecy regarding the work {of John} that should be done preparatory to the first {advent} and {of V.T.H. before} the second advent of Christ."--Southern Watchman, Mar. 21, 1905--by EGW--Gen. Conference Special, pg. 40:4--by VTH (bolds, braces added). "This verse of Malachi three...met only a partial, typical fulfillment with John the baptist, and that its antitypical fulfillment is now not only imminent but that aside from Christ's advent it is the most important."--9 Jezreel Letter, pg. 2:1--by VTH. In the two foregoing quotations, Sis. White stated emphatically that Malachi's prophecy (Mal. 4:5,6) has a dual application, because she stated that it predicts a "work" that must be done twice--two thousand years apart! (1) It applies to a man--John the baptist (first Elijah), who came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the way for Christ's first advent. He baptized the saints and rebuked the leaders, whom he called a "generation of vipers" (Mt. 3:7). (2) It also applies to another man--V.T. Houteff (second Elijah), who came before "the great and dreadful day of the Lord" in the same spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the way for Christ's second advent. He reformed the saints, and rebuked the sins of the leaders of the SDA church in modern Israel, whom he called "sleeping preachers" (113:3), "dumb dogs" (149:1), and "greedy dogs" (121:1). Why was Sis. White so emphatic about this dual "work"? Because she had already stated just as emphatic 15 years earlier in 1890 that Malachi's prophecy would again be fulfilled by another Elijah; who comes just before Christ's second advent. Read this most profound statement for yourself: "Prophecy {Mal. 4:5} must be fulfilled. The Lord says: 'Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.' Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah, and when he appears, men {Davidians--189:2} may say: 'You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the proper way. Let me tell you how to teach your message'."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 475:3--by EGW (bolds, braces added). Why would Sis. White be inspired of the Lord to write that Malachi's "prophecy must be fulfilled" if the prophecy had already been fulfilled by John the baptist? Obviously, because God intended the prophecy to have a dual application for a "work" to be done twice by two male Elijah's. That is, Malachi identified "Elijah" (Mal. 4:5) as a male "he" (Mal. 4:6), which Jesus applied to John; and now in the latter days Sis. White identified the Elijah to come to the SDA church as a "he"--another male "somebody," whom Davidians believe is Bro. Houteff because of his teachings from the Bible. But most SDA members think this word "he" is generic and applies to a male or a female person; because their leaders inserted a notation in the back of the above book on page 534, to make it appear that Sis. White was talking about herself (she) as that Elijah (he). The Lord, however, would not confuse His saints by telling Malachi to use the word "he" (Mal. 4:6) for the first Elijah to Israel (Jews) who was John, but the second Elijah to Israel (SDA church) is not a "he" but a she! Neither would He tell Malachi to say that the second Elijah was a "prophet" (he--Bro. Houteff), when He really meant a "prophetess" (she--Sis. White)! Read what title God always uses to identify a woman who is His inspired mouthpiece: "And Deborah, a prophetess {not a prophet}, the wife {not a husband} of Lapidoth, she {not he} judged Israel at that time."--Judges 4:4 (boldings, braces added by author). Deborah is a woman's name--a female person "she" (Ju. 4:4), whom God identified as a "prophetess" (Ju. 4:4). Likewise, Elijah is a man's name--a male person "he" (Mal. 4:6), whom God identified as a "prophet" (Mal. 4:5). Since Jesus said the saints cannot be deceived (Mt. 24:24), then the few saints in the church could not be deceived by the SDA leaders into believing Sis. White spoke of herself (she)--a prophetess, as the male person Elijah, the "he"--a prophet to come. Thus, she was telling all Seventh--day Adventists (modern Israel near the second advent) to search among themselves to find the second Elijah--V.T. Houteff, as the Jews (ancient Israel near the first advent) searched among themselves to find the first Elijah--John the Baptist. The few saints that did search (by prayer and Bible study) for Elijah found him (Bro. Houteff), and accepted the special truth he taught in his message--The Shepherd's Rod literature. They also learned the special work which Jesus said this last Elijah was to do: "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things."--Matt. 17:11 (bolds added). THE SPIRITUAL KINGDOM RESTORED BY ELIJAH (JOHN) There are two Elijah's: John who came before Christ's first advent; and Bro. Houteff who came before Christ's second advent. But only the last Elijah can do the work that is to "restore all things," because John did not restore Israel's kingdom, as the Jews expected. That is, most of the Jews believed Malachi's prophecy about Elijah restoring all things, only because they wanted the glory of their kingdom restored like the kingdoms of the world; but they did not care for John's call to repent and be baptized. So when John announced that Jesus was the Messiah (Jn. 1:29), they expected Him to exercise His mighty power to overthrow the Roman government by the sword, and sit on the throne of David to restore Israel's kingdom. But Jesus their Messiah, rather than speak about overthrowing the Romans by the sword, spoke of peace and love. And even after His death and resurrection, His disciples still believed that the literal kingdom was to be restored by the message of Elijah (John); and when He was about to return to Heaven they asked him this question: "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons {when it's restored}, which the Father hath put in His own power."--Acts 1:6, 7 (bolds, braces added). It's true, Jesus did say the kingdom was at hand (Mt. 4:17), but He meant its restoration in a spiritual sense, which was at that time to be set up in their hearts "within" them (Lu. 17:21), by conversion from a life of sin to a pure life of love and peace; first verified by John's baptisms (Mt. 3:6) and later by His baptisms (Jn. 4:1, 2). In that sense John was the first Elijah who did restore God's spiritual kingdom "within" the hearts of the Jews to accept Jesus as the true Messiah; and to all the saints in the Christian churches thereafter during the New Testament era up until the latter days. But the fact that almost two thousand years has passed, and still the literal kingdom has not yet been restored, proves that when Jesus said Elijah was to "restore all things" (Mt. 17:11), He included two Elijahs: The first Elijah (John the baptist) whose baptisms restored the spiritual kingdom in the hearts of the Jews at the beginning of the Christian era; and the second Elijah (V.T. Houteff) whose Shepherd's Rod message will restore the literal kingdom near the end of the Christian era. But most Jews did not want the spiritual restoration of the kingdom "within" their hearts (Lk. 17:21) by conversion of the Holy Spirit. They wanted John to lead them to defeat the Romans by the sword and restore the literal kingdom to the Jewish nation, which he did not do; so they did not accept John as the Elijah, or Jesus as the Messiah who said John was Elijah (Mt. 17:11). And when Pilate gave the Jews a choice (Mt. 27:21) between the true Messiah Jesus, who spoke of restoring the kingdom by love and peace "within" their hearts, and the false messiah Barabbas, who spoke of its restoration by killing the Romans with the sword (Mk. 15:7), they chose Barabbas (Lu. 23:18)! "The Jews looked for the kingdom of God to be established in the same way as the kingdoms of the world {by their defeating the empire of Rome with the sword}."--Christ's Object Lessons, pg. 77:1--by EGW (boldings, braces added). JEWS WANTED A WORLDLY KINGDOM BUT GOT NOTHING "He {Satan} succeeded with most of the Jews because they wanted the Kingdom set up {in their day} before its appointed time {in the latter days} or not at all."--2 Answerer, pg. 84:3--by VTH (boldings, braces added by author). "The Jews wanted back the kingdom which they had lost --a kingdom of {this world} sin and sinners. They were eager to be freed {by the sword} from Roman bondage only, instead of from sin and sinners also. Consequently, when Christ said, 'My kingdom is not of this world {of sinful people}' (John 18:36), they would not have it so;..."--8 Tract, pg. 73:1--by VTH (boldings, braces, underlines added). "The Jews wanted a kingdom of their own, a kingdom of this world (saint and sinner in it). Yes, they wanted a {worldly} kingdom on earth, but none in Heaven. What is more, they wanted it two thousand years ahead of schedule."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 15, pg. 20:2--by VTH (bolds, braces added). "The Jews wanted nothing but what they wanted {kingdom restored by sword}, and nothing is just what they got."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 15, pg. 20:3--by VTH (bolds, braces added). The Jews got nothing, because they didn't want the Messiah's spiritual kingdom in their hearts--a born again experience. Had they desired this born-again conversion and were baptized, they would have become Christians, as many did, and would have prayed for the kingdom's restoration by peace and love, not by the sword. And it might have been restored in their day had Israel repented and accepted their Messiah (Jesus), rather than crucify Him. The Christian Jews, however, prayed the Lord's prayer: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" (Mt. 6:10). And though they did not know when it would come, we now know the kingdom (Dan. 2:44) is restored in our day--the "latter days" (Dan. 2:28). "The disciples of Christ were looking for the immediate coming of the kingdom of His glory; but in giving them this prayer {Mt. 6:10} Jesus taught that the {literal} kingdom was not then to be established. They were to pray for its coming as an event yet future {last days}. But this petition was also an assurance to them. While they were not to behold the coming of the kingdom in their day, the fact that Jesus bade them pray for it {to be restored}, is evidence that in God's own time it will surely come {in the last days}."--Mount of Blessings, pgs. 107,108--by EGW (bolds, braces added). ELIJAH CAME TO RESTORE THE KINGDOM WHICH THE JEWS DID NOT WANT John the baptist was the first Elijah who was to prepare the way (Mt. 3:1-3) for Christ's first advent, by leading many of the Jewish people to repent of their sins and be baptized. By this very act he began the restoration of the spiritual kingdom of peace and love, which Jesus said was in their hearts--"Behold, the kingdom of God is within you" (Lu. 17:21). He also verified this fact when He said to Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight {by the sword and kill the Romans}, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."--John 18:36 (boldings, braces, underlines added by author). The words Jesus said at His first advent must be true near His second advent. That is, when God sent the first Elijah (John the baptist) to restore the spiritual kingdom "within" the hearts of the Christian Jews, it was to be established by the peace and love that Jesus spoke of. It was the false messiah, Barabbas the murderer, who tried to set up the kingdom of Israel by the "sword" (Mt. 26:52). This fact proves that when God sent the second Elijah in 1929 (V.T. Houteff), he would also teach that Christ's latter-day kingdom was not to be "of this world"; and that his Davidian followers were not to use violence or the "sword" to "fight" for His kingdom. Instead, God's latter-day kingdom "in" this earth is to be restored by peace and love through the "Power" (183:3) of Elijah's SRod message. It is this literal kingdom, which is set up "in" the earth, but not "of" this world, that many praying Christians have desired for nearly 2,000 years: "For centuries, Christ's followers have prayed, 'Thy kingdom come {restored in this world but not of this world}, Thy will be done.' Now that...time has come for the prayer to be fulfilled...{in the latter days}"--8 Tract, pg. 69:1--by VTH (boldings, braces, underlines added by author). "Now is our greatest chance to work and pray 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth {but not of this world} as it is in heaven.'"--1 Timely Greetings, No. 16, pg. 24:2--by VTH (boldings, braces, underlines added by author). "The Lord would have His {Seventh--day Adventist} people in the world, but not of the world."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 198:1--by EGW (bolds, braces, underlines added). Most Seventh--day Adventists (leaders, ministers, laymembers) do not know the difference between "in and "of" regarding Christ's kingdom. And though they may be praying ever so piously the Lord's prayer (Mt. 6:10) for His kingdom, they do not understand its true meaning; in spite of the fact that their own prophetess, Ellen White, told them they are not only to pray for its coming, but also to work for its coming: "They {SDA} are to be co-laborers with Christ in establishing His kingdom on the earth, in harmony with the prayer of the saviour, 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.'"--Gospel Workers, pg. 454:2--by EGW (boldings, braces added by author). Since the great majority of Seventh--day Adventists do not accept Elijah's message of the restoration, then they are not working for the kingdom restored in the earth. Instead, they are busy casting Davidians out of their churches, while they refuse to listen to what they are trying to tell them about the kingdom. Thus, they do all they can to work against the very kingdom which they claim they are praying for. And the main reason why is because of their misunderstanding of what their prophetess, Sis. White, said about this kingdom: "Christ is coming to establish His kingdom on earth."--9 Testimonies, pg. 63:0--by EGW (boldings added by author). Many in the SDA church say the kingdom in this statement is set up at Christ's second advent; but this is not true for this reason: After His "brightness" (2 Thess. 2:8) kills all the wicked, He takes the saints to heaven (2 Thess. 4:17); thus, no one is left "on earth" to make up a kingdom. When they are confronted with this fact, they say that 1,000 years later, this "kingdom on earth" is on the "new earth" (Rev. 21:1); but that event is not at His second advent. They cannot explain this obvious fact, yet they stubbornly refuse to study the message of V.T. Houteff to know if he is the Elijah who restores God's kingdom "in" this earth, but not "of" this world, before Christ's second advent. This profound fact was brought to my attention one day after Bible class at old Mt. Carmel: BRO. HOUTEFF TELLS HOW TO PROVE THAT HE IS ELIJAH One evening during my study time for class the next day, I was sitting at my table facing the window in the Rest Home, and I saw Bro. Houteff walking toward the front door; and he stopped when two visitors approached him. It was after they had introduced themselves as Seventh--day Adventists, and after they had talked a few minutes, that I heard one of them ask him if he was Elijah the prophet; wherein he said, "Read my writings." But this SDA brother was insistent as they talked on, and again he asked Bro. Houteff several times the same question, and each time he would give the same answer. His insistence gave me the impression that these two men did not want to read Bro. Houteff's writings to know if he was Elijah the prophet, and neither did they want Seventh--day Adventists to read his writings. Finally, it was obvious to me that they wanted him to say out of his mouth that he was Elijah the prophet, so they could report his words to other Seventh--day Adventists to prejudice their minds, and make them think that he was a false prophet who was boasting that he was Elijah. And this, they hoped, would keep them from reading his writings! But why? Because that is what the General Conference leaders of the Seventh--day Adventist church, and all their ministers fear and tremble the most about Bro. Houteff, even to this very day--that the members will read his writings! And that is why they cast the Davidians from their churches, so they cannot tell anyone in the church about God's soon-coming kingdom. Then I said to myself, that was how I knew he was Elijah the prophet by reading his writings. And that is how all other Davidians knew--not by outward signs and by miracles (such as dreams and visions as Sis. White had), but what he taught from the Bible in his writings: "Evidently God's {SDA} people at this particular time are not in need of visions, but rather of interpreters {22:6} of the visions of the prophets of old which are not as yet understood. And that is what He has seen fit to give us so that we may understand the Bible. This is the greatest miracle connected with The Shepherd's Rod."--5 Answerer Book, pg. 29:2--by VTH (boldings, braces added by author). After all, I thought, that was exactly what the Jewish people and the Christians were taught to do--test the writings of a prophet by a "thus saith the Lord God" (Isa. 7:7), not by what others say about him; or by what others say about Elijah the prophet of today, to prejudice the minds of the people against his teachings. Isn't that why the Jews, even the whole nation, desired Barabbas and crucified Jesus? because they listened to what their pharisaical leaders said against the Messiah, rather than hear a "thus saith the Lord." This caused me to wonder why the Seventh--day Adventist laity did not investigate the writings of Bro. Houteff's to learn whether or not he was Elijah the last prophet. And I thought that it must be because most of them believe the false reports against Bro. Houteff from their General Conference leaders and ministers, which has prejudiced their minds against reading his writings, so that they would not learn about God's kingdom soon to be set up. Seventh--day Adventists have not, of course, stopped fighting against the sealing message of Elijah. I have since learned that they have circulated false reports about him, even up until the Branch Davidians were burned out on April 19, 1993, and that afterwards certain information about his movement was distorted. I also learned that the news media has said things and books have been written that connect Bro. Houteff with the Branch Davidians which is not true. These are things which the readers of this book should know. Today, of course, its 1997, four years after the burn out, but in my biographical narration it is 1952, I am twenty years old, still living at old Mt. Carmel Center, and I am telling you some of the doctrines that I learned there in class. Eventually, I will tell you about that special doctrine we teach, and what the seven letters of doom to two presidents had to do with the Waco burn out. First, I must tell you about the reason why most Seventh--day Adventists have rejected the last Elijah (Bro. Houteff) who came to restore God's kingdom: To learn more about the seven letters of doom to President Bush and President Clinton, click on---> STUDY10B. To learn more about the special doctrine that Davidians teach, click on---> STUDY10A. END OF STUDY 5ACopyrighted
1997 by Don Adair |