STUDY 36 |
(This study was written by Bro. Don Adair in 1998. You can print a copy of this study for yourself and share it with others
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address, phone number, website, and e-mail, at the bottom.) DAVIDIANS WHO REJECT THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000 MT. CARMEL CENTER Preface This following study is a personal testimony written by Bro. Don Adair who has been a Davidian Seventh-day Adventist for forty-seven years (1951-1998). I have already written a book entitled, A DAVIDIAN TESTIMONY, which is a brief biography about the major events in my life as a Davidian. In that book I wrote briefly about the time in 1982 when I gave a Bible study to the Jamaican Davidians in the New York area about those living saints who will escape the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 and be saved along "with" the 144,000. However, rather than accept it, they not only rejected that truth and later rebelled against God's Association with its Headquarters in Salem, So. Carolina, but they also broke away to set up their own headquarters in Mountain Dale, New York. It was because of their rebellion and rejection of that truth that three letters were written, as is noted below: LETTER 1: In 1982 I wrote a 12 page letter to all the Salem Davidians to briefly explain the truth of the Bible study which the Jamaicans had rejected. LETTER 2: In 1983 the Jamaicans wrote back a 14 page letter to the Salem Davidians to justify their rebellion and rejection of that truth. LETTER 3: In 1983 I wrote back a 12 page letter to help them see the truth of those "with" the 144,000, and explain to other Salem Davidians why the Jamaicans rebelled and rejected that truth. And though my letters did help some of the other Davidians to see that truth, they were useless to the Jamaicans; and it became more and more evident that their secret rebellion had become open rebellion. And since "open rebellion...becomes incurable and ends in destruction" (5 Test. 672:1), then that is why my letters were useless to them and nothing more could be done for them. And because their open rebellion intensified for five more years and they spoke more boldly against that truth to other Davidians, I wrote and copyrighted in 1988 a booklet entitled, 144,000 AND THOSE "WITH" THEM," which explained in greater detail about that subject, and which has already been put on our web site. And now in 1998 I am writing this personal testimony, which includes the above mentioned three letters, to explain how the Jamaican rebels tried to refute that truth and why: End Preface Begin First Part Of Personal Testimony By Bro. Don Adair SUBJECT OF THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000 NOT NEW First, let it be understood that the subject of those saints who will be saved along "with" the 144,000 is not a new doctrine. It was dealt with briefly by Sis. E.G. White, the prophetess (1 S.M 34:5) of the Seventh-day Adventist church. In her book entitled, Early Writings, she spoke of this subject when she wrote about a world she visited in a vision she had, and what her attending angel told her: "I begged of my attending angel to let me remain in that place. I could not bear the thought of coming back to this dark world again. Then the angel said, 'You must go back, and if you are faithful, you, with the 144,000 shall have the privilege of visiting all the worlds and viewing the handiwork of God.'"--Early Writings, pg. 40:0 (bold emphasis added). "Ellen G. White and the 144,000: Nowhere in the Ellen G. White writings do we find a statement to the effect that Mrs. White would be one of the 144,000. As recorded in Early Writings, page 40, the angel did tell her when, in vision, that 'if you are faithful, you, with the 144,000, shall have the privilege of visiting all the worlds,' etc. See also statement in Selected Messages, b. 2, p. 263."--Index To Writings Of Ellen G. White, pg. 3,191:2 (bold emphasis added). Sis. E.G. White, however, was not the only Seventh-day Adventist who had stated that there would be other saints saved along "with" the 144,000. She was inspired of the Lord to predict that Elijah the prophet would come to the Seventh-day Adventist church, and he agreed with her about these other saints. Note below her prophecy of his coming: "Prophecy must be fulfilled. The Lord says: 'Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord' {Mal. 4:5}. Somebody is to come {future tense--sometime after 1890} in the spirit and power of Elijah, and when he (a male person--Mal. 4:6} appears, men may say: 'You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the proper way. Let me tell you how to teach your message'."--Testimonies to Ministers, pg. 475:3 (bold emphasis, braces added). Since Sis. White began her ministry in 1844 and wrote in 1890 that Elijah "is to come" in the future, then she could not have been that Elijah. The Lord proved this when He said: "And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time." (Judges 4:4). Did you notice that God's Word did not say that Deborah was a "prophet," a "husband" and a "he"? Why? because the Lord always refers to a male person as a "he" and a "prophet;" whereas He always refers to a female person (such as Deborah) as a "she" and a "prophetess"! And that is the reason why Malachi said that "Elijah the prophet" (Mal. 4:5) is to be a male person "he" (Mal. 4:6), as the first Elijah--John the baptist was a "he" (Mt. 3:1-3). This irrefutable fact proves, then, that Sis. White was not referring to herself as Elijah, but to a "somebody" who "is to come" after her day. It was in 1929 that the Lord called Bro. Victor T. Houteff to the prophetic office of Elijah the prophet, even while he was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Los Angeles, California. In 1930 he wrote a book entitled, The Shepherd's Rod, about the dead saints who would be resurrected and saved along "with" the 144,000 (1 S.R. 47,48). Later, he gave the name Davidian Seventh-day Adventists to his believers (1 T.G. 9:6:1); and in other publications he wrote about those saints saved along "with" the 144,000. In 1936 he wrote the statement below, and the one after that he wrote in 1946: LIVING WITH: "All {those Davidians and Seventh-day Adventists} that are found members in the faith up to the fulfillment of Ezekiel Nine {slaughter} will either receive the seal and be a part of or with the 144,000 {both of which never die}, or else be {the wicked} left without the seal and fall {die} under the 'slaughter weapons' of the 'five angels'."--2 Symbolic Code, No. 5, pg. 8:1 (bold emphasis, braces added). DEAD OR LIVING WITH: "Remember, too, that you {Davidians and Seventh-day Adventists} are candidates for the first fruits, to be either one with {dead or living} or one of the 144,000 {who never die}, that you are to be without guile in your mouths (Rev. 14:5)."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 4, pg. 27:1 (underlining belongs) (bold emphasis, braces added). WHEN I FIRST LEARNED ABOUT THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000 It was in 1951 when I first learned about Elijah's message of The Shepherd's Rod. In 1952 I moved from Odessa, Texas to old Mt. Carmel Center to attend the training class for three years (Jan., 1952 to Dec., 1954) to become a Bible teacher and minister. While I was there I was taught this subject about those dead saints who would be resurrected and saved "with" the 144,000, which no Davidian rejected or dared to contest; because both the prophetess (Sis. E.G. White) and the prophet (Bro. V.T. Houteff) were teachers of this doctrinally sound subject. I also learned Elijah's chart study from Tract 2 of the grisled and bay horses who pull the Laodicean chariot (Zech. 6:3). It has not only been common knowledge, but it is also been accepted by all true Davidians that this chart study shows the "bay horses" as the 144,000 (2 Tr. 39:1) who would never die. And it also shows that there will be living saints saved "with" the 144,000 as "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21:3) who would never die. After I left old Mt. Carmel Center in 1954, I began to teach the SRod message to Seventh-day Adventists where ever I lived. And some would ask if me if there were more saints than 144,000 saved from the Seventh-day Adventists church; because they had been taught that only 144,000 will be saved out of the entire world! I would answer by giving them the study about the grisled and bay horses to show them that there will be others saved "with" the 144,000 who would never die; then they would understand. MT. CARMEL SET UP AT SALEM, SO. CAR. IN 1970 In 1955 Bro. V.T. Houteff died, and his wife became Vice-President of the Executive Council at old Mt. Carmel Center. She bought another place and named it new Mt. Carmel Center and later sold old Mt. Carmel Center. In 1959 she called all the Davidians to her Solemn Assembly, and I was there; but it ended in failure, which eventually led her to put the property of old Mt. Carmel Center up for sale in 1961-1962. When the Davidians found out, they met together that year in Los Angeles, California to reorganize and set up God's Headquarters in Riverside, California; and I was there. In 1970 I went to Salem, So. Carolina to vote to move the Headquarters there, and returned to California. Later, in 1972 I moved to Salem Headquarters and was appointed their Bible teacher. In 1973 the Council sent me to the West Indies islands to tell the Davidians about the new Headquarters, and many joined with us, including some Jamaicans. After that I visited them in Jamaica five more times. In 1974 I was elected as the Vice-President and still held that office in 1981 when I trained a Jamaican, Bro. Tony Hibbert, in the SRod message; and the Council sent him to New York to be our leader for the Jamaicans and other African Americans. In 1982 the Council sent me to New York to marry him and his fiancee in April. And while I was there I gave several Bible studies to the Salem Davidians in Queens and New Rochelle. One particular study was about the fourth chariot (Laodicea) and its grisled and bayhorse leaders (Zech. 6); which included the living saints (the passengers in the chariot) who are saved along "with" the 144,000 (bay horses). But at one of my Bible studies Bro. Hibbert was there and stood up in the meeting and said "No, there is only 144,000 saved from the entire Seventh-day Adventist church and no more." After I returned to the Salem Headquarters, Bro. Hibbert influenced the Jamaicans and others to join with him in rebellion against the Salem Association. When we contacted them by letters and phone calls, they claimed that the doctrine I was teaching about the living saints saved along "with" the 144,000 is an error; and this, they said, was their reason and excuse for their rebellion. The Executive Council, therefore, had me write a brief study in a 12-page letter about the doctrine of the saints saved "with" the 144,000, and send it to all the Salem Davidians. It is quoted below as follows: End First Part Of Personal Testimony Begin First Letter By Bro. Don Adair Sent To Davidians In 1982 THE 144,000 AND THOSE WITH THEM ONLY THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND "But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."--Daniel 12:10. "Since none of the wicked shall understand in the day of the Lord, it shows that the Truth will become deeper and deeper until finally the wicked will not be able to comprehend it."--12 Symbolic Code, Nos. 6, 7, pg. 18. The basic truth that will "become deeper and deeper" is the subject of the 144,000. When Sister White had her first vision of that number in 1844, "'Seventh-day Adventists,' organized into a body, and zealously moved on with the prospect in view of gathering in 'the servants of our God' (the 144,000)....When the long-sought number (144,000) of living church members was finally reached in the year 1917...the leaders of the denomination became confused,..."--5 Tract, pgs. 102,103. Yes, they became so confused that today they teach there is to be only 144,000 translated when Jesus comes. But the Shepherd's Rod message came with deeper truth to show that there is more than just 144,000 translated at the second advent. A misunderstanding of this word "translate" has caused some confusion, even among Davidians, because the word "translate" really means: "to bear, remove, or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another." (Webster's Dictionary). In more simple terms it means "to change." Using this word in a religious sense it basically refers to all the saved (the dead and the living) at Christ's second advent who will be "changed" from a mortal state to an immortal state of life evermore. This change or translation affects both the dead and the living, because Paul the Apostle says that the dead who "sleep" shall be "changed" (1 Cor. 15:51), and the living also shall be "changed" (1 Cor. 15:52)--translated. So all the saints will be translated, some having seen death, and some not seeing death. Since, however, the subject of the 144,000 is basically dealing with the saints living at the time of the second advent, and not with the sleeping dead who are resurrected at that time, then let the subject of the resurrected saints at the second advent be excluded from this study of the translation (change) of the 144,000 so there will be no confusion. As for Seventh-day Adventists, they think only of two classes of saints at Christ's second advent: (1) 144,000 living and (2) all the resurrected dead, but the truth of the SRod message shows a deeper meaning, therefore only the wise shall understand. THE VANGUARD--THE FIRST OF THE FIRST FRUITS "The...Davidian... Association...purports itself to be the first of the first fruits of the living, the vanguard from among the present-day descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church. With the emergence of this vanguard and its army, the first fruits, from which are elected the 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes of Jacob, 'the 144,000' (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8) who stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8), the reign of antitypical David begins."--Leviticus, pg. 3. "This kingdom of Judah (the church purified and set apart), is therefore, not only pre-millennial, but also probationary. And how glad we ought to be for the privilege to be among the first of the first fruits."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 23, pg. 9. "As forerunners of His Kingdom, let us do all we can to prove worthy of standing with Him on Mount Zion,..."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 9, pg. 15. What a privilege God has given to us Davidians to be of the "vanguard" (Lev. pg. 3) the "first of the firstfruits" (1 T.G. 23:9), the "forerunners" (1 T.G. 9:15) of the Kingdom, the very ones who are to start the Kingdom small, as "yeast {Shepherd's Rod message} in a loaf {Seventh-day Adventist church} of bread" (2 T.G. 11:6--brackets added), put there by Brother Houteff--the "insignificant one." The truth of the Kingdom began with one person, and from there it will grow into the "vanguard," then to a "stone" (Dan. 2:34) and become "a great mountain, and fill the whole earth" (Dan. 2:35). But without the "vanguard" of Davidians who "sigh and cry for all the abominations" (Ezk. 9:4), "a group of people that He {God} can trust and use" (2 Ans. 55), a people who "take a firm and active stand with this laymen's movement" (1 T.G. 46:11). a people who "complie" with the demands of the message for today" (1 T.G. 31:9,) then our work to gather the 144,000 cannot be finished. These faithful Davidians realize the importance of believing all that the SRod message teaches as it becomes "deeper and deeper" (12 S.C. 6:18). They believe in God's true Headquarters a Salem, So. Carolina, and support its "storehouse" by their tithes, and they cooperate with the full power of the Executive Council. Such Davidians are those whom God can "trust and use" to gather in the rest of the 144,000, for they are only the "first of the firstfruits" (Lev. 3), and they are the "wise that shall understand," the truth as it becomes "deeper." FIVE REQUIREMENTS TO BE ONE "OF" THE 144,000 "Elijah was the type of the saints who will be living on the earth at the time of the second advent, and who will be 'changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump,' without tasting of death. 1 Corinthians 15:51,52."--Prophets and Kings, pg. 227. "Accordingly, Elijah, an Israelite himself, logically typifies the 144,000 ,..."--Shepherd's Rod, pocket edition, pg.22. This basic truth that the 144,000 never die is well understood by Seventh-day Adventists, but the Shepherd's Rod message shows a deeper meaning--that the 144,000 must be Israelites. That is, they must have Jewish blood in their veins, and be descendants of the early Christian Jews--such as "the apostles, the 120 in the upper room (Acts 1:15), and the 3,000 who were converted on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41) were all Jews" (8 Tr. 9). This is why the SRod calls Seventh-day Adventists the daughter of Judah (14 Tr. 21); they are the descendants of the "Christian church" (1 T.G. 37:11,12). "Consequently, the 144,000, being of the sons of Jacob, cannot be of the Gentile nations. They therefore, first of all, are lineal descendants of Jacob, though not necessarily of the present identifiable Jewish stock."--8 Tract, pg. 8. But there is still a deeper meaning than this; the 144,000 must especially be chosen of God. Not all Seventh-day Adventists who may have Jewish blood in their veins can be one "of" the 144,000, but only a specified number of 12,000 out of twelve tribes (Rev. 7:4-8). This means that there are more Seventh-day Adventists who have Jewish blood in their veins, but the 144,000 are especially handpicked by God from among the twelve tribes in the church--"The 144,000 guileless servants who are sealed from among the tribes of Israel (Rev. 7:4-7), the church." (2 T.G. 42:34). If there were only 144,000 Israelites in the church, then the SRod could not say they were "sealed from among the tribes of Israel," but since there are many more Israelites in the church than 144,000, then they must be sealed from "among" all other Israelites. Furthermore, since the Seventh-day Adventist church is modern Israel of today (9 T. 164), then all those who are chosen to be one "of" the 144,000 from the twelve tribes must be in the church believing in the third angel's message. "Let Leah represent the true church of Christ (Seventh-day Adventists); Rachel, a sister church, but not the true (Protestant); Zilpah and Bilhah, the world (religious and irreligious). These are the mothers of the 144,000, and the way they (144,000) are gathered. But while the twelve tribes came from many mothers, they were begotten by the same father. So with the true--the 144,000. While they are gathered from all churches and the world, they must be brought into one church, at the same period of church history, by the same message (the third angel's message)."--1 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 62. According to the above inspired reference, there will be both Jews and Gentiles brought into the Seventh-day Adventist church (from four mothers), but not all of them will be chosen as one "of" the 144,000. Now, since the Jewish blood is intermingled with Gentile blood, and since no Seventh-day Adventist can really verify whether he is Jew or Gentile (except he be a full-blooded Jew), and since only God knows who is Jew or Gentile (Ps. 87:4-6), then only He can choose 144,000 from "among" all the other Seventh-day Adventist Jews or Gentiles. Now, to summarize, we find that in order for some Seventh-day Adventists to be one "of" the 144,000 they must fulfill at least five requirements: (1) they must be Seventh-day Adventist believers in the third angel's message; (2) they must accept the sealing message, represented by the angel in the "east" (Rev. 7:2), to have the truth of the SRod message in their foreheads (E.W. 58; 3 T. 267; 2 Ans. 32); (3) they must be lineal descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, having Jewish blood in their veins; (4) they must be especially chosen and handpicked by God (Rev. 7:4-8) from "among" (2 T.G. 42:34) the other Seventh-day Adventist Israelites; and (5) they must never die. Now, if they have not fulfilled all of these requirements, but only part of them, then they cannot be one "of" the 144,000. However, if they have fulfilled only part of the five requirements it does not mean that they have to die in the slaughter of Ezekiel nine, because the 144,000 are not all that are saved from the Seventh-day Adventist church. There will be "others" from the church who are sealed and go "with" the 144,000. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--S.D.A. WITH JEWISH BLOOD IN THEIR VEINS According to the SRod message all Seventh-day Adventists living in the time of the sealing of the 144,000 (2 Ans. 34) are classified into three categories: (1) those who have Jewish blood in their veins that have been chosen (Rev. 7:4-8) to be one "of" the 144,000; (2) those who have Jewish blood in their veins, but who are not chosen to be one "of" the 144,000; and (3) those who are Gentiles with no Jewish blood in their veins. Although 1 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 62 does refer to the 144,000 in the church as being typified by Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, there are also other Seventh-day Adventists in the church who these four women symbolically represent. These others are not chosen to be one "of" the 144,000, but they also receive the seal. This fact is proven in the following reference concerning symbolic women. "...The 144,000 are called first fruits because they are the class of saints (wheat) first to be separated from the tares. They are, moreover a class not defiled with women....they have in other words, from their birth been God's people (Jews)--not defiled with heathen worship....And further, the fact that 'these are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins,' and that they are 'the servants of our God,' clearly imply that they are to gather a class defiled with women, a second fruits."--9 Tract, pp. 55,56. "So there are to be two harvests--one {harvest} from the church {144,000} and one {harvest} from the world {great multitude}: the record {in Rev. 7:4-8} of the former {S.D.A. church}, mentions only Israelites, the 144,000, those not defiled with women {"heathen worship"--9 Tr. 55}, though it {the record in Rev. 7:4-8} does not say that there may not be others {S.D.A. with Jewish blood who are not chosen to be one "of" the 144,000 or who are Gentiles with no Jewish blood}; "--9 Tract, pg. 56. This reference tightly closes all counter arguments that only 144,000 are saved from Laodicea, because the SRod says that we cannot say that the Rev. 7:4-8 "record" does not say that there will not be "other" Seventh-day Adventists with Jewish blood in their veins, but only that the "record" is showing that the ones whom God has especially chosen--the 12,000 out of twelve tribes--are to be the "nucleus" of His "infant Kingdom" (2 T.G. 46:30). "Other" Seventh-day Adventists who, although they are not chosen to be one "of" the 144,000, are still saved. These "others" could also have Jewish blood in their veins, or they may be Gentiles, and they all go "with" the 144,000 to the Kingdom. Until the SRod message came, all Seventh-day Adventists thought that the "record" in Rev. 7:4-8 showed that there would be only 144,000 sealed and saved from the church, and even the whole world, and that these would be the ones alive at the second advent. But, there is no excuse for Davidians believing this same error, because the SRod shows that while the 144,000 dwell on Mount Zion, there are "other" Seventh-day Adventists who go "with" them and dwell in Jerusalem. "'Zion' and 'Jerusalem' of Isaiah 52:1 must represent people {S.D.A.--1 T.G. 6:26:0; 1 T.G. 38:23:2},...So the royal family resided on Mount Zion, and the lesser rulers and other government representative dwelt in Jerusalem proper."--4 Answerer Book, pg. 20. "The call, 'Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem,' is applicable to the Laodicean {S.D.A.} church {not Babylon}, the last of the seven churches, and the one which terminates the period of the 'wheat' and the 'tares' commingled, because after she {S.D.A. church} puts on her beautiful garments {the slaughter destroys all the tares and}, 'the unclean {tares} shall no more come into' her. Those {S.D.A} who will awake to the rousing call {of the Shepherd's Rod message}, put on strength by separating {in principle and belief} from the wicked {in the S.D.A. church}, and put on the beautiful garments by turning to righteousness, are those {S.D.A.} who will, in the 'latter days,' make up Zion and Jerusalem--the princes {144,000} and rulers{"other" S.D.A} of the people in the Kingdom-church restored."--4 Answerer Book, pg. 20. The above inspired reference is too plain to be misunderstood by a true believer in the SRod message, which says that "Zion" and "Jerusalem" represent two classes of living Seventh-day Adventists saved from the slaughter who are to be leaders in the "Kingdom-church"--the 144,000 who dwell on Mt. Zion, and other Seventh-day Adventists who dwell in Jerusalem And on page 22, paragraph 1, of 2 Answerer Book, the SRod says that some of the "great multitude" will also "dwell in Jerusalem" with the Seventh-day Adventists already there, because "of those that are gathered, God will take some for priests and Levites" (12 S.C. 2:21). So, the idea that there can only be 144,000 Seventh-day Adventists with Jewish blood in their veins spared from the slaughter of Ezekiel nine, and no more is not correct. "Plainly, then, many {S.D.A} who are taken as Gentiles, are but unidentified descendants of ancient Judah, Israel, and the Jewish Christians. The Christian church herself is, as we have seen, a Jewish-Christian church."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 6, pg. 16. "Thus many of us {Davidians and Seventh-day Adventists} who suppose to be of the Gentile nations may at long last discover that we are of the lost tribes of Judah and Israel, and of the apostolic Christian Jews."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 21, pg. 6. Yes, many Seventh-day Adventists have Jewish blood in their veins, but only some of these will be chosen to dwell in Zion, and some will dwell in Jerusalem; all the rest go "with" the 144,000 to the Kingdom. But, there are also other Seventh-day Adventists who are to go "with" them. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST GENTILES "In the final analysis, however, it is neither the Rod's purpose nor its intent to say just how many wise and how many foolish there will be in this first-fruit harvest, for when the whole truth is made known, the figure of the 'five wise virgins,' besides comprehending the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel, may be found to include a considerable number from the Gentile nations."--4 Answerer Book, pg. 35. In this inspired reference the ten virgins represent the Seventh-day Adventist church only, for "they are called virgins because they profess a pure faith" (C.O.L. 406). "The ten virgins signify the church as a body,..." (2 S.R. 281). At no time have the ten virgins ever been applied by the SRod to any people outside the Seventh-day Adventist church. The ten virgins were awakened by a "cry" (message), which is why Brother Houteff said: "In as much as there is just such a 'cry' presented in 'The Shepherd's Rod' Vol. 1, it not only shows that the application of the parable is correct, but it also proves that the church {S.D.A.} to be the 'house of God.'"--2 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 182. Thus, when the SRod says that the five wise virgins represent the Seventh-day Adventist church (4 Ans. 34), then the 144,000 and the Gentiles (Ans. 35) must both be those saved from the slaughter--those "of" the 144,000, and those who go "with" them from the church, who are from the "Gentiles nations." These gentiles came into the Seventh-day Adventist church, accepted the SRod message, but were not chosen as one "of" the 144,000 because they had no Jewish blood in their veins. Yet, the SRod says they are part of the church (ten virgins), and when the 144,000 (the nucleus) go to Mt. Zion to set up the Kingdom, these Gentiles from the church go "with" them. Notice the word "include" that Bro. Houteff used concerning these Gentiles. "Include" means: "To take in or comprise as a part of a larger aggregate or principle" (Webster's Dictionary). Now when he wrote in 4 Answerer Book page 35 that the five wise virgins comprehends the 144,000 as well as includes some Gentiles, he could not have meant the Gentiles outside the Seventh-day Adventist church, but those in the church who are "a part" of them, because he used the word "include." Thus, there are two classes of Seventh-day Adventists who go "with" the 144,000; (1) those who have Jewish blood in their veins, but are not chosen (9 Tr. 56), and (2) those who are from the "Gentile nations" (4 Ans. 35). But these are not all those who go "with" them. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--SPECIAL RESURRECTION Seventh-day Adventists who may or may not have Jewish blood in their veins, but died in the third angel's message will come forth in the special resurrection of Daniel 12:2 (E.W. 285) to be one "with" the 144,000, as the angel told Sister White that she would be (E.W. 40), and as is explained by the SRod message. "And since she certifies that the 144,000 are 'living saints' (Early Writings, p. 15), and since she herself died, she cannot be one of them, though she can be one with them."--5 Answerer Book, pg. 90. "Remember, too, that you are candidates for the first fruits, to be either one with, or one of the 144,000,..."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 4, pg.27. Note, this statement from the SRod message says that the "candidates for the first fruits" are of two classes--one "of" and one "with." In White House Recruiter, page 46 the SRod refers to a "first-fruit period" in which are mentioned these two classes. This means that during this "first-fruit period" there are more than just 144,000 saved while Assyria, the leopard-like beast, reigns. (12 S.C. 1:7,9). This implies that others will be included in the second-fruit period besides the great multitude while Babylon, the scarlet-colored beast, reigns. But the resurrected saints of Daniel 12:2 are not the only ones who are to go "with" the 144,000, because there will be others who go with the 144,000 that have not died and who are not Seventh-day Adventists. THOSE "WITH THE 144,000--ASSYRIANS AND EGYPTIANS "It is Nahum's prophecy, the message contained in Tract 14, War News Forecast, that is to bring salvation to antitypical Assyria. She will not be saved from the nations not defeating her, for they will. But in her defeat she will be brought to repentance and be reconciled to God and be saved....And not only is antitypical Assyria to be saved, but 'Egypt' also is at last to be saved according to the 'more sure word of prophecy.'"--11 Symbolic Code, No. 8, pp. 12, 13. "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem."--Isaiah 27:13 (11 S.C. 8:13). "It is the great trumpet of the twenty-seventh chapter that will save them. It may be that there will be many from 'Assyria' and 'Egypt' that will join the 144,000 and go to worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem."--11 Symbolic Code, No. 7, pg. 23. The SRod message teaches that Assyria will lose out in the war in Palestine (13 S.C. 1:30,31) when the Seventh-day Adventist church is purified (14 Tr. 22), and this is why many of the Assyrians and Egyptians (Gentiles) will see the 144,000 and the "others" (Jews and Gentiles) that are spared from this slaughter, and will go "with" them into the Kingdom during the "Assyrian period" (12 S.C. 1:30,31). These Gentiles from Assyria and Egypt cannot be the Gentiles in the Seventh-day Adventist church (4 Ans. 35), because they are not part of the five wise virgins who profess a pure faith; they are from outside the church. All these saints are symbolically represented in Zechariah, chapter 6. THOSE "WITH THE 144,000--PASSENGERS IN THE CHARIOT "These symbolical 'horses,' therefore, each portray a certain class of people in connection with the church. And owing to the fact that each team is leading a chariot, they can denote only a class of church leaders. The chariots, consequently, must in some way depict the church membership which the symbolical horses are leading."--2 Tract, pg. 25. "The double team of horses, and their two kinds of colors, pulling in two different directions are immediately seen to symbolize a double set of church leaders (the Seventh-day Adventist leaders and the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist leaders) unlike in character and aim."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 22, pg. 22. "Plainly, the chariots symbolize the church militant at work between the two Pentecosts.... "Since the chariots are led by horses, the horses themselves must symbolize the chariot's (church's) leadership, and the passengers in the chariots must symbolize the laity."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 22, pg. 21. Now since the SRod says that the "bay horses...take over the chariot at the appointed time" (2 Tr. 43), and "the bay horses alone take the chariot to its destination--'to and fro through the earth'" (2 Tr. 46), then this proves that the 144,000 bay horses will be "unhitched" from the grisled horses by the slaughter (2 T.G. 22:25), and they will take the Seventh-day Adventist chariot of "passengers" (2 T.G. 22:21) to help finish the gospel. Who are these "passengers?" They are not the 144,000 leaders (bay horses), but they are laymembers of the Seventh-day Adventist church (chariot) who go "with" them: (1) all living Seventh-day Adventists who have Jewish blood in their veins but are not chosen as one "of" the 144,000 (9 Tr. 56), (2) all living Seventh-day Adventist Gentiles who do not have Jewish blood in their veins (4 Ans. 35), (3) along "with" these will be the dead Seventh-day Adventists who are resurrected, and also there will be (4) Assyrians and Egyptians who get into the chariot. Thus, there will be at least four classes of saints as "passengers" in the Seventh-day Adventist chariot being led to the Kingdom by the 144,000 horses, because the SRod plainly teaches that the 144,000 Jacobites do not go alone to set up the Kingdom. This is represented by the type of Jacob and his household with him. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--JACOB'S HOUSEHOLD "While Jacob was in Padan-aram away from home, he became very rich and his household increased greatly. Then he was commanded to return home. So it will be today in the antitype. The time will come when the church is to be multiplied and then return home."--12 Symbolic Code, No. 5, pg. 15. "Jacob, our type, well knew that God had directed his return from Padanaram to the homeland, yet he trembled when he heard that Esau, with four hundred men were on the way to meet him. Besides, he was led to wrestle with the angel all night long. He prevailed only because he would not let the Angel go until He blest him. The final result was that on the morrow, Esau, rather than destroying the whole company, very kindly greeted Jacob with a kiss, and cordially invited him to return home!"--1 Timely Greetings, No. 47, pg. 15. Now since the antitypical Jacobites were born in 1930 (12 S.C. 5:18) and they represent the 144,000 ( 1 S.R. p.e. 29) if they meet all five requirements (see page two), and since they are the bay horses, then the "passengers" in the Seventh-day Adventists chariot must be "Jacob's household" (12 S.C. 5:15), the "whole company" (1 T.G. 47:15) of servants (Gen. 30:43), other Seventh-day Adventists, those who are Jewish (9 Tr. 56) and those who are Gentile (4 Ans. 35). And as these servants went "with" Jacob to his homeland (Palestine), so these Jewish and Gentile "passengers" in the Seventh-day Adventists chariot also go "with" the 144,000 to the Kingdom, and some of these will dwell in Jerusalem as "rulers" (4 Ans. 21). But beware of the error. ERRONEOUS CONCLUSION THAT ONLY 144,000 ARE SAVED FROM THE S.D.A. CHURCH Because Sister White only mentioned the 144,000 in her first vision (E.W. 13), Seventh-day Adventists have erroneously concluded that there cannot be "others" saved from the church, whether they be Jews or Gentiles. To maintain their erroneous conclusion, they teach that all other Seventh-day Adventists must be laid to sleep in the grave, except the 144,000. Some Davidians have learned this idea as Seventh-day Adventists and even now think that unless you have been chosen to be one "of" the 144,000, you must die in the slaughter. Both of these conclusions are "false doctrines" (1 T.G. 12:21). "To cover up the deep slumber that is reflected by the aforesaid figures, one minister explained: 'When the work closes,' he said, 'there would be in the church many more thousands than 144,000 living saints, but rather than being translated, the greater number of them will have to die from the plagues or from epidemics before Jesus comes, because they could not be good enough for translation although perfect enough for resurrection!' What an eye-opener to the laity these outstanding false doctrines!"--1 Timely Greetings, No. 12, pg. 21. According to the above inspired SRod reference (1 T.G. 12:21:2), any Davidian who teaches that all Seventh-day Adventists or Davidians who are not chosen as one "of" the 144,000 must die, either laid in the grave as a righteous saint before the slaughter or slain by the angels as a wicked tare, is teaching "false doctrines," and he is denying the teaching of the SRod which says that there are more Seventh-day Adventists with Jewish blood in their veins then just 144,000. Notice that the following SRod references prove that this is true. "So, only those who survive the Judgment for the Living, {slaughter--12 S.C. 3:19:4}, in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17), those whose names are not blotted out from the Book (Rev. 3:5) will comprise the church, among whom are to be 144,000 sons of Jacob (Rev. 7:3-8), and when Michael stands up then those whose names are left in the Book will be delivered from the 'trouble such as never was' (Daniel 12:1). They are 'the remnant,' the ones who escape alive from the Judgment for the Living in the House of God."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 11, pg. 11. "The 144,000 guileless saints who are sealed from among the tribes of Israel (Rev. 7:4-7), the {S.D.A.} church, are but the first fruits. They are taken to Mt. Sion"--Timely Greetings, No.42, pg. 34. Davidians who claim to believe the SRod know that the judgement of the living begins with the slaughter of Ezekiel nine (12 S.C. 3:19:4; 1 T.G. 11:6:2), and the above inspired reference (1 T.G. 11:11) says that all Seventh-day Adventists who "survive" the slaughter "will comprise the church, among whom are to be 144,000." This shows that there will be many more Seventh-day Adventists escaping the slaughter, but "among" them will be a special class who have been especially chosen by God to be one "of" the 144,000. The other inspired reference (2 T.G. 42:34) shows the same thing, that there are many Seventh-day Adventists from Israel (Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, Bilhah--1 S.R. 62), but only the 144,000 are "sealed from among" them. But these are not all of the saints who go "with" the 144,000; some of them will be in Jerusalem who will not be killed in the "gigantic war" (14 Tr. 22) when "The greatest of all wars is to be fought in the holy land" (2 T.G. 41:18). THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--THE FAITHFUL RESIDUE IN JERUSALEM "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city."--Zechariah 14:2. "As the warring nations besiege the city, and rifle the houses, also ravish the women, they are by no means righteous nations, but since not all the inhabitants go into captivity, and since all are not cut off from the city, it must be that the wicked are taken away and the righteous left in to join the house of Juda."--1 Timely Greetings, No.19, pg. 4 (see 1 T.G. 19:8:5). "The first event predicted is a war against Jerusalem, in which all nations participate. In that war a part of the people in Jerusalem go into captivity, but the rest remain in the city....Evidently those who are not cut off, those who are left in Jerusalem, must be the faithful that are found therein. But those who flee to the valley to where the Lord's feet stand--flee to Him, not away from Him--must be the faithful from elsewhere."--1 Timely Greetings, No.20, pg. 11. These faithful ones "left in Jerusalem, the "residue," are "Jews and Arabs" (1 T.G. 22:28) who see that God is setting up a Kingdom, and who join "with" the 144,000. Since the 144,000 are the "nucleus," the "infant Kingdom" (2 T.G. 46:30), then they are "the faithful from elsewhere" (1 T. G. 20:11). And when they set up "the future Headquarters" (1 T.G. 25:6) on Mt. Zion, then these faithful "Jews and Arabs" (1 T. G. 22:28) will be "with" them as a part of the Kingdom, along with all the others who go "with" the 144,000 to the Kingdom. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--THE RESURRECTED HOUSE OF ISRAEL The valley of dry bones (Ezk. 37:1) represents all the righteous dead of ancient Israel who are resurrected and live again (Ezk. 37:10); they are the "whole house of Israel" (Ezk. 37:11) who go to the Kingdom to join "with " the 144,000 in "the land of Israel" (Ezk. 37:12). "In this resurrection only God's own people, Israel, arise with no sinner among them. Moreover, these do not meet the Lord in the air; they are taken to the land of Israel, Palestine."--2 Timely Greetings, No.7, pg. 13. But these are not the only ones who go "with" the 144,000, because there is also a "great multitude" (Rev. 7:9) brought into the Kingdom. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--A GREAT MULTITUDE "The strangers and aliens here mentioned, are of course not strangers and aliens to the Kingdom of God, but to the nation--not a blood relation to Judah and Israel, not of the stock of Jacob, not of the 144,000 who first stand on Mount Zion, but with them."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 7, pg.26. These "strangers and aliens," Gentiles without Jewish blood in their veins, are not of the 144,000, so they must be those of the great multitude called out of Babylon by the 144,000 to go "with" them into the Kingdom (1 T.G. 41:26). They are represented in type by Enoch (P.P. 89) as another group of saints translated besides the 144,000. The SRod message says that this group is the great multitude. "The 144,000, are Israelites; the great multitude are not. Enoch is not an Israelite, therefore he can not represent Israel, the 144,000. (The name 'Israel' did not come into existence until the time of Jacob, which was many centuries after Enoch was translated."--1 Shepherd's Rod, pg.44 Not all, however, of the great multitude will be Gentiles without Jewish blood in their veins, because the SRod says that some of those saved will be "Protestants (in the house of Israel)" who obviously must be of the Jewish blood-line (12 S.C. 8:15), because "many who are taken as Gentiles are but unidentified descendants of ancient Judah, Israel, and the Jewish Christians." (2 T.G. 6:16). In fact, not just "strangers and aliens" go "with" the 144,000, but all the saints who are saved and alive (some never dying and some resurrected) for translation at the second advent are those who go "with" the 144,000. THOSE "WITH" THE 144,000--ALL THE LIVING RIGHTEOUS The 144,000 are to be "kings and priests" who will "stand upon Mount Zion" in the Kingdom (5 T. 475; 2 Tr. 65,66). Thus, they are the "nucleus" (2 T.G. 46:30), the very beginning of the "infant Kingdom" (9 Tr. 43), as the SRod states: "This supernatural work of cutting out the stone, of separating the 144,000, the nucleus of the kingdom, is the purification of the church" (2 T.G. 46:30). Once the Seventh-day Adventist church is purified, then "all the saints" (Zech. 14:5) go "with" them--the 144,000, as seen from the following SRod references. "Having thus opened the way for the re-establishment of the house of Judah, His people, who beforehand have been informed of it through present truth, will flee to the valley, to where the Lord's feet stand, ...All the saints follow after them."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 19, pp. 4,5. "Obviously one part of the Gentile nations shall come against the part that is in the Holy Land, and chase them out to make room for God's people. Then will the Lord's feet stand on Mount Olives and the Mount shall cleave in the midst thereof and make therein a very great valley. Thus shall the Lord open the way for His people to flee there to the 'valley' where the Lord's feet stand, and all the saints with them (Zech. 14:4, 5)."--2 Timely Greetings, No. 44, pg. 51. "The servants of God shall then flee to the valley of the mountains, where the Lord's feet shall stand, and all the saints with them; that is, the Lord's 'feet' will open the way for the restoration of the Kingdom, and for the gathering of the people into it."--2 Timely Greetings, No.31, pg.7. SUMMARY OF THOSE IN THE KINGDOM In 2 Timely Greetings, No. 11--"The Way The Kingdom Is To Come," is taught how the Kingdom begins, like the "yeast in a loaf of bread," and how it will grow. This is also taught by other SRod references which have been quoted herein. (1) God sent the SRod message by Bro. V.T. Houteff, the "insignificant one," who put it as "yeast" into the Seventh-day Adventist church ("loaf of bread"--2 T.G. 11:6), and others joined "with" him. (2) A Davidian Association, divinely organized with its first Headquarters in L.A. California, which had 12 believers (1 S.C. 11,12, May-June 1935, pg.1), was moved to Waco, Texas because Ezekiel's stream moved "eastward" (1 S.C. 10, April 15, 1935). But after it dissolved in 1960 it moved "east" to Salem, So. Carolina in 1970, according to antitypical life of Moses (the last 40 years of his life from 1930 to 1970--1 S.R., p.e., pg. 71). (3) The Salem Association of Davidians will gather a faithful few--the "vanguard" (Lev. 3), who are to be the "first of the first fruits" (1 T.G. 23:9) during the reign of antitypical Assyria. (4) When the faithful few (vanguard) "oppose" the Assyrian Confederacy (13 S.C. 3:8), then the 144,000 will be "born in a day" (Isa. 66:8; 1 T.G. 49:8), and together they become the "vanguard and its army, the first fruits,...'the 144,000'"--Leviticus pg. 3. (5) Along "with" the 144,000 there will be other Seventh-day Adventists, Jewish (9 Tr. 56) and Gentile (4 Ans. 35), as "passengers" in God's chariot-church (2 T.G. 22:21). (6) Also, some Assyrians and Egyptians will join "with" the 144,000 and get into the chariot as "passengers" when Assyria falls in Jerusalem in the war (Zech. 14:1; 13 S.C. 1:30; 14 Tr. 22). (7) Seventh-day Adventists who died in the third angel's message will be resurrected (E.W. 285) to get into the chariot as "passengers" to go "with" the 144,000 (the exact time of the special resurrection is not too clear in the SRod message). (8) The 144,000 will "flee" to the valley where Christ's feet stand (Zech. 14:5), and they will bring "all saints" with them--Jewish and Gentile Seventh-day Adventists, Assyrians, Egyptians, resurrected Seventh-day Adventists, all of which is after Assyria has fallen in the promised land. (9) Those faithful "Jews and Arabs" (2 T.G. 22:28) left alive from the war in Jerusalem will be part of "all saints" (Zech. 14:5) that are to join "with" the 144,000. (10) All the righteous ancient Jews, "the whole house of Israel" (Ezk. 37:11) will be resurrected to go to the Kingdom (2 T.G. 7:13) to be "with" the 144,000. (11) Other saints from Babylon will join the 144,000, swelling them to two-hundred million "gospel workers" (5 Tr. 90,91; 12 S.C 2:17), and they will all go "with" the 144,000 to the Kingdom (1 T.G. 41:26). (12) All these people will be the living saints from the first-fruit period and second-fruit period to "possess the Promised Land," but all the resurrected dead at the second advent (Rev. 20:6) will be united together "with" the living to "collectively" possess "the whole earth" (9 Tr. 66). THE FIRST OF THE FIRST FRUITS As any Davidian can see from this summary that the Kingdom cannot be set up unless God can find "a group of people that He can trust and use" (2 Ans. 55), who are the "vanguard," "the first of the first fruits." These faithful Davidians believe in God's Headquarters at Salem, So. Carolina, and they support its storehouse by their tithes. They believe all of the SRod message and cooperate with the full power of God's appointed Executive Council. Now since the rest of the 144,000 first fruits will be born in a day (1 T.G. 49:7,8) after they see the snare of the confederacy (when the vanguard opposes the confederacy) and after they accept the SRod message to escape the trap and the slaughter of Ezekiel nine, then it's very obvious that the purpose of the Davidian Association in Salem is to gather "a group of people who God can trust and use" who are a chosen "vanguard"--"the first of the first fruits." They are a special people who have been revived by the SRod message (literature--1 Ans. 38) and reformed (Leviticus; 1 Ans. 38). That is, they not only believe all of the SRod literature, but they practice "gospel order" (E.W. 100) by obedience to the Leviticus--"Government" pg. 15, "Order" pg. 21, "Discipline" pg. 28, and "Education" pg. 41. They become eligible to hold a fellowship card (11 S.C. 3:11), and come to sessions (Lev. 7) to vote for organizational by-laws, which are necessary to protect the Association from "unworthy members" (T.M. 26), and to elect the Executive Council officers with full power (Lev.9) for the work of gathering the "vanguard"--"the first of the first fruits." Those Davidians who are really serious about becoming one of these vanguard members will not rebel against the session's by-laws or its Executive Council, but will "take orders" (1 T.G. 7:5) so that they may be eligible and worthy to hold positions of trust and give orders. If a Davidian cannot "take orders" in small things, then he would not "take orders" in large things concerning God's work (Luke 16:10). End First Letter By Bro. Don Adair Continuing With Second Part Of Personal Testimony When the Davidians read my letter above (written in 1982), it was obvious that the Jamaican rebels were faced with two choices: (1) They could decide to believe that the Salem Davidians would see the so-called errors in my letter, and join with them in their rebellion. Thus, they could say, "Why should we worry with an answer to his letter, lets ignore it." (2) Or they could decide that the evidences in my letter was too strong for them to ignore, because it would open the eyes of the other Davidians to see the truth of the living saints saved "with" the 144,000, and it would expose their rebellion. And that, of course, is the obvious reason why they choose to write a letter against my study. Their entire letter is quoted below, after my introductory page: End Second Part Of Personal Testimony Begin Introductory Page By Bro. Don Adair For The Second Letter Dear Brother and Sister Davidian, The enclosed 14-page letter was written by the Jamaicans in New York and endorsed by those in Jamaica who participated in their rebellion against God's Association at Salem and the truth of those that go "with" the 144,000. The main SRod reference that proves that there will be others "with" the 144,000 is in 4 Ans. pgs. 20-21; which is the one they fight against the hardest. On pg. 20, last par. to pg. 21 of 4 Ans. it plainly states that the saints in Zion and Jerusalem who are to awake (1 Tr. 26) come from the Seventh-day Adventist church--"Laodicea." But on pg. 4, last par. of the Jamaican's letter they say that two pages--"4 Ans. pg. 20, 21" are after the slaughter, which is not what the SRod says. It says in 4 Ans. pg. 20, last par. that Zion and Jerusalem both refer to the time of "Laodicea" before the slaughter, and that 4 Ans. pg. 22 refers to the time of "Babylon" after the slaughter. Then on the basis of their false premise that both pages in "4 Ans. pg. 20-22" are after the slaughter, the Jamacian rebels quoted in their letter on pg. 5, par. 1 this SRod reference (4 Ans. pg. 21, par. 0), and deliberately left off that part on pg. 20, last par. about "Laodicea." Their purpose is to try and make it appear that all those who dwell in Jerusalem come only from Babylon; whereas the SRod says that those who go "with" the 144,000, before the slaughter, first come from "Laodicea" (4 Ans. 20,21), and that later, after the slaughter and the setting up of God's kingdom, there will be others from Babylon who will also dwell in Jerusalem (4 Ans. 22). The Jamaican's deliberate manipulation of this SRod reference clearly identifies them for what they are--rebels. "We may be called rebels in New York, but if we have to be called rebels for truth and righteousness then so be it until the righteous Judge severs the goats from the sheep."--Jamaican letter, pg. 12, last par. (bold emphasis added by author). Why, though, was it necessary for the Davidian leaders of Salem Headquarters to identify the Jamaicans as rebels at the time of their rebellion? And why were the Jamaicans compelled to admit that they are rebels on pg. 12:9 of their letter? Because of the following inspired statement from the Spirit of Prophecy, which speaks about people who are rebels, and warns us: NOT TO UNITE WITH THE REBELLIOUS AND CALL IT LOVE "'You must have charity {love},' is the cry to be heard everywhere, especially from those {false Davidians} who profess sanctification. But charity {love} is too pure to cover an unconfessed sin {of rebellion} ....the apostle teaches that while we should manifest Christian courtesy {love}, we {Davidians at Salem Headquarters} are authorized to call sin and sinners by their right names {rebels}--that is consistent with true charity {love}. While we are to love the souls for whom Christ died, and labor for their salvation, we should not make a compromise with sin {rebellion}. We are not to unite with the rebellious, and call this charity {love}. God requires His people {all true Davidians} in this age of the world to stand, as did John in his time, unflinchingly for the right, in opposition to soul-destroying errors {of rebels who teach that no saints from Laodicea will escape the slaughter and go "with" the 144,000 to God's soon-coming kingdom}"--Sanctified Life, pg. 65:0,1 (bold emphasis, braces added by author). End Introductory Page To Second Letter Begin Second Letter By Jamaicans in 1983 Against Those "With" The 144,000 Begin Page 1 A TIMELY ADDRESS Dear Brethren and Present Truth Believers: Greetings to you all in the Precious name of Jesus who admonishes us to 'Hear the Rod and who hath appointed it.' After a close and through investigation, with much fasting and prayer, we as concerned brethren in New York thought it critically necessary to address a most sensitive and delicate issue that has arisen subsequent to the article published under the caption "The 14,000 and Those With Them." Of a fact, the article was indeed thought-provoking and precipitated the consciousness that there needs to be a careful investigation of the subject matter as it relates to Davidia considering that this subject of the 144,000 is a "life and death matter." 1SR p.e, pp.5 Thus, we crave your indulgence in taking much more than merely a surface look at this article since inspiration states our eternal destiny hinges on a thorough understanding of the truth concerning the 144,000. Now brethren, let us under the lense of the Rod (2 Ans. p. 74) start focusing on page 3, of article (The 144,000 and Those With Them) which quotes:
At a glance you will observe from this statement that the intent is to show the various places from which the 144,000 will be gathered, and not in any way showing the tribal lineage.
The church is called Israel - the twelve tribes, so the question is, where are the gentiles? We can see clearly this implication on page three, paragraph three of the article is misconstrued, in that it attempts to show gentles coming in the church whereas the above statement shows only that the 144,000 come from all walks of life into the Seventh-day Adventist church and are sealed as one of the 144,000 which brings us to the next point on page three, paragraph four: We quote:
Note this comment states 144,000 are sealed and others (more), but again the Rod says only 144,000 are sealed from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. End Page 1, Begin Page 2
It startles! it amazes! and then sadly reflects that man's theory cannot stand an investigation based on a "thus saith the Lord". 9Tr. p. 56
For us to better understand this inspired statement we will start by using an illustration: One afternoon as the sun was mirandering its way through the horizon, two young people were driving along a beautiful terrain laden with the magnificence of nature. In focusing on an unusually beautiful flower, a stop was inevitable. In stopping, one of the two rushed toward this flower while the other went in another direction. Interestingly enough, he stumbled upon an old stable which seemed pretty fenced in; in looking through the fence he saw and counted seven white horses. Upon his joining the other party, and heading back home he said, End Page 2, Begin Page 3 "Interestingly enough, I saw in an old ranch seven white horses even though there may have been others." (Note he said he saw seven white horses no more, but left the option if asked were there more). A week after this incident the individual that went toward the flower said, "My friend saw seven white horses, and many other black and white horses." We can clearly see up to this point that a false report was given, only seven white horses were seen and mentioned thus for anyone to take 9Tr. 56 and suggest or intimate what page four paragraph two of article claims
It is plain to see that he is kindling his own fire (Isa. 50:11). We cannot take this statement and manufacture our own theory (sparks), but better understand it only in the light of the Lord and not in the sparks of man." ITG #5 p. 21 In doing this
Let us now as bible students continue to allow the Rod to enable us to 'refuse the evil and choose the good.' Isa. 7:15. ZION AND JERUSALEM IN 4ANS. Pg. 20-22 To properly understand this we must first understand the titles of Zion and Jerusalem before and after the purification of the church. The titles definitely apply to the Laodicean church 4 Ans. p. 20, but what does the Rod mean by this? Well, let's find out. Seeing the focus is on 4 Ans. p. 20-22 which explains Isa. 52:1 we will spend some time on this verse:
Without scanning the verse one can see that Zion and Jerusalem exist before they (the church) awake and before the unclean (tares) are no more. Thus Zion and Jerusalem before the purification of the church or Ezekiel 9 is made clear for no one to misunderstand.
End Page 3, Begin Page 4
With these astounding eye-opening facts before us, the application of these titles before Ezekiel 9 becomes crystal clear that Zion (general conference) Jerusalem (local conference or under-rulers) and Judah (the laity) is what makes up the Laodicean church today, the church before the slaughter of Ezek. 9.
The faithful servants of God, 144,000 in number will be the only ones that will escape the slaughter in the church. (R. p.24)
Note that Israel, the twelve tribes, the church from which the cleanses (144,000) are taken are the only ones who inspiration declares as being: The result of the harvest - (6JL p.2, R. p. 25, 14Tr. p. 19 & 20, the escaped of the slaying - 1TG#25:11, separated and counted - 2TG#1:7&8, the remnant after the hypocrits are removed - 2TG#14:17&18, as a result of the purification - 2TG#14:20, the elect - 1SR p.214, 2JL p.20, the purified sinfree church - 1TG#5:12&13, the only ones cut by God's own might - 11SC#12:26, the wheat - 9Tr. p. 54&55, 1TG#8:27, the escaped Jacobites - 1TG#25:11. Please brethren, read every quote so that the devil will not be able to sow devilish seeds in your hearts. 1TG#21:12, and let not a word escape your attention - 5Ans. p. 29. In doing this we will not say as Laodiceans it does not matter which group we get in and drop our guards, but we will know God's voice through the Rod. 2TG#43:25 that only the 144,000 as the record shows will be sealed. May God have mercy on anyone who tries to teach more than the record. Now that we have dealt comprehensively with Zion and Jerusalem up to Ezekiel 9 with a few comments from 4Ans. p.20&22, we can better understand the titles after the purification of the church in the purified sin-free church. (1TG#5:12&13) End Page 4, Begin Page 5
After she puts on her garments the unclean no more comes in (church purified, the 144,000 - 1TG#8 p.27) They first put on the garments, but does this stop there? God's servants (second fruits) Rev. 7:9 also separates from the wicked, (Rev.171-4) not wicked from the righteous (Matt. 13:30). When is this? In the latter days. They all make up Zion and Jerusalem, the kingdom restored. (4Ans. p.21) One could question this, but let's follow 4Ans. 21 & 22 and see if it leads you anywhere else.
Inspiration is here certifying who makes up Zion and Jerusalem and from where they are taken. Zion (the 144,000 from the church) Jerusalem some of the great multitude, Rev. 7:9 who dwell in Jerusalem and be called under-rulers. The 144,000 grows into 200,000,000 gospel workers and what makes them grow? The great multitude of Rev. 7:9 (12 SC#2:17). Again, no room for private ideas that there are others from the church. These titles being properly understood again perfectly harmonizes all the other statements with 4 Ans. 20-22 in bringing out really what God truly wants to know, the subject of the 144,000, the only escaped from the church. The article ("The 144,000 and Those With Them") has deceptiously placed the application of the titles Zion and Jerusalem to the church before the slaughter but when clearly understood the proper application is definitely in the kingdom after the tares are removed as shown in 4Ans. p.20-22. Which brings us to the next point in 4Ans. p.35.
Above this inspired statement the Rod clearly shows only 144,000 are to be sealed, the number of the unsealed would even exceed the sealed. The prophet is showing that in the final analysis it is not the Rod's purpose to show just how many wise or foolish there will be in the first fruit harvest; End Page 5, Begin Page 6 the key is the first fruit harvest, or first fruit period.
Those with the 144,000 are explained in the very first paragraph of R. p.46 we quote:
There are three points in this inspired statement that we cannot allow to escape our attention: (1) - the resurrected dead of Daniel 12:2, (2) those that stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion - the 144,000, (3) - they are both gathered in the first fruit period. Notice that these two groups brought to view in the passage namely the resurrected saints - first fruits of the dead (3Tr.p.80) and the living saints - the 144,000 are those of and those with that make up the saints from the church in the first-fruit period. As the rising sun burns away the morning mist so the Rod quenches the 'sparks of men' (1TG#5:21) The stone continues to roll:
This plainly shows that the Asyrians and the Egyptians (Gentiles) will join the 144,000 after the slaughter. They also are gathered in the first-fruit period and not part of the church before Ezekiel 9. The second fruits are not gathered until the 144,000 stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion.
Not until then will the second-fruit harvest begin. Again in 2TG#4:15 we read:
End Page 6, Begin Page 7 It is, therefore, not the Rod's purpose or intent to tell us how many there will be in the first-fruit harvest, or first fruit period: How many resurrected, how many Asyrians or Egyptians (Gentiles) or residue in Jerusalem (Zech 14:12), but to bring to view the long obscured subject of the 144,000. However, going back to 4Ans. p.35 one may say they are virgins and virgins apply only to the SDA church which the article would have us believe, i.e. before Ezek. 9. but, does the virgins stop at Ezekiel 9 or does it continue in the first fruit period right into the kingdom? Put another way, could the saints going into the kingdom be called virgins? Well guestions! But praise God, the Rod gives the answer.
Notice that the purified church, the kingdom of God, cannot be misunderstood to mean the Laodicean church with wheat and tares, but instead this statement shows that all who get into the kingdom come under the figure of the virgins of Matt. 25. Thus, in the first-fruit harvest when the gentiles (Assyrians and Egyptians) are fully comprehended as virgins going into the kingdom it is definitely not the purpose or the intent of the Rod to say just how many there will be from the Gentile nations. Praise God! ERRONEOUS CONCLUSIONS....PAGE 8 OF ARTICLE
This above all crowns the false doctrine brought to view in this article. Note that this uninspired statement suggests that 1TG12:21 is saying that
This very obvious twisting, adding to and saying what the Rod is not saying, had to have been done in the hope that we would not go to 1TG12:21 and read it for ourselves closely. The Rod is commenting on what a minister's view was when Christ appears that only 144,000 would be living and the rest would have to die from the plagues or from epidemics. Observe nothing is mentioned in this statement (1TG12:21) of the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 or purification of the church yet the article would have us believe this manufactured theory (that 1TG12:21) is saying that "all Seventh-day Adventists or Davidians who are chosen as one of the 144,000 must die, either laid in the grave as righteous saint before the slaughter, or slain by the angel as a wicked tare, is teaching false doctrine.") This truly proves the words of the prophet "True indeed is the saying, "Give a a man a theory and the facts will come trooping after!". 3Tr.p.24 End Page 7, Begin Page 8
The Rod in 1TG#12:21 is telling anyone that if he or she teaches that there are only 144,000 living saints at Christ's second advent he or she is teaching false doctrines. To this we one hundred percent agree. The most freightening false doctrine yet to be brought to view is found on page eight paragraph 4 of the article. We quote:
Notice this uninspired, viscious and malicious twisting, private opinion states that anyone who teaches that the 144,000 are saved in the church and the rest put to sleep in their graves up to the purification of the church (Ezek. 9) is teaching false doctrines. Notice how the article condems the Rod as teaching false doctrines.
End Page 8, Begin Page 9 Truly in the light of what is brought to view it proves the inspired statements "What an eye-opener to the laity these outstanding false doctrines!" 1TG #12:21 Brethren, we cannot walk with the voice of Satan, but only with the Voice of God - the Rod - (2TG#43:25) So to be among the escaped, 144,000 (14Tr.p. 19&20 R. 24, 1TG#52:21 & 21, 1TG#25:11, 1SRp.218, or remnant ( 144,000) - 1SRp. 102 - 103, 177, 2SR p.165, the result of Ezekiel 9 - 1TG#22:21, 2TG #14:20, 6JL p.2.
We see him now telling Davidians that the truth of
In studing the article, page eight, the last line to page nine paragraph 2
This explanation of 1TG 11:11 definitely shows that these comments are from 'Satan's school of mistating'. For one to just pick out statements out of their context and build the walls of false doctrine that is expressed on page 9 of this article must come to naught.
For a better understanding of 1TG#11:11 let us put it in its proper context End Page 9, Begin Page 10
Before we go on let's understand when and where this will be. The horns as carpenters will rise up for God's people. Thus will the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke21 :24) The same passage (1TG#11:11 as quoted above) shows the horns rise against Palestine which shows where these events take place. But the question arises - when? Just as soon as the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled. But when is the time of the Gentiles? To find this out we will go 5Tr. 111 & 112:
It again becomes crystal clear that when the 144,000 are exalted on Mt. Zion 1TG#5:5 starting the ingathering of the second fruits that the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Put another way when the 144,000 escape the slaughter, 1TG 52:20 & 21 the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Bearing in mind up to this point you have the resurrection of Daniel 12:2, Asyrians and Egyptians with them (144,000) residue in Jerusalem, Zech. 14:2, 1TG#19:4, we again continue 1TG#11:11:
Very important to observe is that all this description is what makes up the antitypical temple of Ezek. chapters 40-43. With this understanding let's better understand the misleadings of page 9 paragraph 2 of article which if believed would make the Rod contradict itself. The judgement of the living in the house of God and those who escape is explained in the above inspired statement. It shows the judgement of the living in the house of God is not only in the church up to Ezekiel nine, but shows the remnant who comes out of the time of trouble such as never was they also escape the judgement of the living in the house of God. This time of trouble such as never was is the blowing of the four winds - 8Tr. 22, mark of the beast - 5T152 or End Page 10, Begin Page 11 Babylon - Rev. 18:1-4 of which the great multitude escapes. Therefore, 144,000 - Rev. 7:4 and the great multitude - Rev. 7:9 are brought to view as escaping the judgement of the living in the house of God. This is what makes up the antitypical temple of Ezekiel 40-43. All the saints brought to view will comprise the church (in the kingdom) among whom are to be the 144,000 sons of Jacob, note the conjunction and ...will comprise the church, among whom are the 144,000 sons of Jacob (Rev. 7:3-8), and when Michael stands up..." 1TG11:11 Note the underlined conjunction (and) which shows the thought is not completed for one to show his private idea. The great multitude will also escape the judgement of the living in the house of God. This again proves that any statement taken out of its proper context will lead into error, but truth taken in its proper context will harmonize with the entire tenor of every written statement. May God help us not to allow the devil to becloud this very vital subject of the 144,000. ZECHARIAH 6 - WHO ARE THE BAY HORSES? In the light of all the statements brought to view that only 144,000 escape the slaughter from the church, this being an immovable pillar in the Rod message one must better understand the grissled and bay horses before they are in the kingdom, and when they are in the kingdom. Also when it is that the Bay horses are commissioned to go to and fro through the earth. The first point we will allow the Rod to clear up will be the Bay horses before they become the spirit-filled 144,000 ministers before they are sent to and fro through the earth (nations).
Therefore, the SDA leadership and the DSDA leadership in addition to the laity, (chariot) comingled with wheat and tares. All this together makes up the church before Ezekiel 9 from which the purified ones (144,000 in number) will be taken. Thus, the result from the purification of the church (horses and chariot) will be made up only the 144,000 living saints. End Page 11, Begin Page 12 Now we'll continue in 2TG#22 starting on page 25 to find out what unhitches the horses. The Rod plainly shows Isa. 66:16, 19 &20 as being the instrument used to effect the purification of the church. After the purification the 144,000 are taken to the kingdom and exalted on Mt. Zion. Not until then they are sent to the nations (to and fro through the earth). 1TG#5:5, 2TG#4:15
The escaped ones, 144,000 (R.:24), the remnant - 1SR 102&103) are sent to gather the great multitude of Revelation 7:9 There are other saints that will join in going with the 144,000 to the kingdom.
The resurrected saints, (those with) will also join the 144,000, they being also first fruits of the harvest. (R. 46:1&2)
Brethren, many of the things that we have said may be misconstrued by some to be harsh or even personal but it is with burdened hearts that we state these plain facts to unmaks Satan's deceptions. We hope this letter will be a blessing to you all as it has been to us with the help of God's Spirit in truth to see the workings of Satan in this critical hour. We may be called rebels in New York, but if we have to be called rebels for truth and righteousness then so be it until the righteous Judge severs the goats from the sheep. End Page 12, Begin Page 13 Please brethren, let us be mindful of the main purpose of the Rod which is to break our confidence in the arm of flesh. (10SC#7:10) We have all seen gross injustices and ungodly deeds such as sending an article as the one captioned "The 144,000 And Those With Them" into the field without a body of people to question it, and worst of all, it has not been approved by anyone and those who exercise their God-given right of conscience to prove and investigate all things are cast out (cards taken). If we are awaken now by these obvious wickedness in high places, then it is very possible we may sleep forever. In scanning the article in question we see clearly that this is a reminder of how Satan took the truth in the garden and twisted it to deceive Eve. The question is are we going to allow him to succeed again or are we going to walk in the light of the Lord. If these ideas in the article in question, are the pet ideas of anyone the Rod tells them what to do with them "force it upon themselves and not others." (1TG#4:25), but it is Satan's nature to force and cause confusion among God people.
All this proves one very important thing to us here in New York, that the reasons for these staggering false doctrines even being around so long is because we have not been studying as we ought to.
The falsehood that there will be many more than 144,000 saved from Ezekiel 9 unmasked by the many inspired statements to be false show instead there will be only 144,000 living saints sealed from the church and who will escape the slaughter. If Satan can get us to drop our guards into believing that there are many more groups to be sealed from the church out of Ezekiel 9, when God says only 144,000 none others (R.24) then don't you see that Satan is up to his 6,000 year old trick that he played on Eve! Are not all these statements eye salve to the devisings, of what could lead us as victims blind-folded into perdition? Or is it that we are too lazy to study and have given the devil a chance to sow devilish seeds in our heards? (1TG#21:12 End Page 13, Begin Page 14 O Brethren! Will you now study with us as did the noble Bereans in the time of the Apostles and not wait as Achan did when it was too late to change what he had done to the cause of God? (3T p.270) We have a chance to come up to the help of the Lord, because the movement is in the balance. (2Tr. p.50) We can compromise with many things such as removal of cards, character assassination, political scheming to maintain office, etc., but when it comes to Truth and Righteousness our commission is "before compromise let there be differences and even war." GC p.45 Thus we as perspective subjects of the kingdom cannot walk with anything antagonistic to this kingdom nor can we compromise with the divisings of our great archenemy, the devil.
If we know the Spirit of Christ then automatically we will know the spirit of Satan because he will not speak according to the spirit of truth. For example, suppose one were to come suggesting that the twelve apostles is a type of the 144,000 and the rest that made up the 120 in the upper room is the type of those with the 144,000 one could know by going to the Voice of God - the Rod message, (2TG#43:25) that this is the voice of Satan due to the fact that the Rod does not make room for one to suggest this, but instead plainly shows the 120 to be the type ofthe 144,000 - the antitype. 2TG46:28. 3Tr. p.85-86, (3Tr. p.80 - 3Tr suppl. p.15 or 75) Praise be to God that this life and death subject of the 144,000 stands out brighter than ever before. O Brethren, In the name of Truth and that which is right we adjure you to pray and study with us remembering that the battle is the Lord's.
End Second Letter By The Jamaicans Continuing With Third Part Of Personal Testimony After the Jamaican rebels sent out their letter in 1982, the Headquarters received letters and phone calls from the Salem Davidians, and they asked me to write an answer for two basic reasons:
Basic Reason 1: The Salem Davidians could see that because the Jamacian rebels could not refute the truth in the SRod message about those saints saved "with" the 144,000, they tried to use many derogatory remarks made against me in their letter to prejudice other minds against me and that truth. Elijah wrote about such brethren: "And so, since they {rebels} cannot refute the Truth {those 'with' the 144,000}, they desperately resort to Pharisaical falsehoods with which to char the characters of those with whom they disagree."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 29, pg. 14:0 (bold emphasis, braces added). "As men {rebels} see that they cannot, by the Scriptures, maintain their position, they determine to vindicate it at whatever cost, and as the final resort of a lost cause they indulge in personalities, assailing the character and the motives of those who cross their paths with unpopular truth {such as those 'with' the 144,000}. Such self-justification is the same traditional defense mechanism which has been resorted to in all ages."--6 Tract, pg. 36:1 (bold emphasis, braces added).
Basic Reason 2: And the Salem Davidians could also see that because the Jamacian rebels could not refute the truth in the SRod message about those saints saved "with" the 144,000, they tried to explain away this truth, which Elijah said some would do: "At the time the great ingathering here projected is about to take place, His professed people, He declares, please themselves among the unconverted and are charged with being {Davidian} soothsayers, ably explaining away God's revealed Truth {of those living saints saved 'with' the 144,000} for this time rather than to magnify and to proclaim It."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 5, pg. 9:4 (bold emphasis, braces added). It was because of the above two basic reasons that the Council had me write one last letter, so that the Jamaican rebels and the others who joined them would have no excuse for their rebellion. My entire letter is quoted below: End Third Part Of Personal Testimony Begin Third Letter Written By Bro. Don Adair Sent To Davidians In 1983 THE PASSENGERS IN THE CHARIOT--ARE THEY DEAD OR ALIVE? Truth has always been subjected to opposition and rejection ever since the rebellion of Satan. When Seventh-day Adventists rebelled against Christ by turning their backs to Him (5 Test 217) they rejected the truth in 1930, which is history repeating itself. And it is being repeated today. In 1982 rebellion arose from Jamaicans in New York against the Council for putting a Jamaican brother on probation because of his wedding. It began with the smoke of a few sympathizers who murmured against the Council, which fanned the rebellion into an open flame, spreading it like wild fire to Jamaica. Though the target of their arrows of murmuring and rebellion was directed mainly at the Vice-President because of his reports to the Council for what he saw in New York, they rebelled against the whole Council. When their arrows fell powerless as straws, because his reports to the Council of the wedding were true, proving their rebellion unjustifiable, they took up new arrows, as did the enemies of Daniel who said, "We shall not find any occasion against Daniel except we find it against him concerning the law of his God." (Dan. 6:5) So they launched an attack, and directed their arrows at his teachings, hoping to prove him wrong as an excuse for their rebellion. In a desperate effort to put together other Rod quotes in their article entitled "A Timely Address" to prove wrong the Vice-President's article entitled "The 144,000 And Those With Them," they ended up teaching some errors themselves. And the spirit of their article and style of writing was opposite the Vice-President's, in which he only presented Truth. Whereas the Jamaican's article was not written to reveal truth, but to character assassinate and instill in other Davidians the same spirit of rebellion which they have. All through their article they use derogatory remarks against the Vice-President, not for truth's sake, but to engender hatred toward him. These are the words they use: "Man's theory" (pg. 2:7), "kindling his own fire" (pg. 3:3), "private ideas" (pg. 5:7), "deceptiously" (pg. 5:8), "sparks of men" (pg. 6:5), "obvious twisting" (pg. 7:6), "false doctrines" (pg. 8:3), "uninspired, vicious, and malicious twisting, private opinion" (pg. 8:4), "comments from Satan's school of misstating" (pg. 9:6), "misleading" (pg. 10:6), "Satan's deceptions" (pg. 12:8), and "wickedness in high places" (pg. 13:3). And by using these derogatory remarks in gleeful triumph--"praise the Lord"--they thought these words proved their opposition to be right. But can God be praised by such words in the manner in which they were used? Then they ended with an apology (pg. 12:8) for the "harsh" and "personal" way they wrote against him, but excused it by saying they had "burdened hearts" (pg. 12:8), yet hoping to make him look bad and themselves look good. However, true Davidians with "burdened hearts" of love do not mix the Rod message with such derogatory remarks, to cheapen it with "strange fire." The Jamaicans should teach what they think is Truth in a Christian manner, so each Davidian can read both articles and make up his own mind. Then they would not have cheapened themselves and discredited their motives. Their intentions, however, were exposed, obviously to manipulate and control the minds of the Davidian reader by engendering hate against the Vice-President to poison their minds against him, so that they would reject what he taught, and accept what the Jamaicans taught. If the Jamaicans can prove their teachings by a "thus sayeth the Lord," then why do they resort to tactics that Seventh-day Adventists use to poison the minds of the laity against the Rod message? But they desperately need an excuse to justify their rebellion, because they disliked the Council's actions for putting the Jamaican brother on probation, which started the whole rebellion in the first place. Though they admitted on page 12:9 of "A Timely Address" to being called "rebels in New York," and proudly wrote "so be it," to make it appear that they are justified in their rebellion, by standing up against the Vice-President's article, yet, they are ashamed to endorse their article with their personal names, because of so many derogatory remarks. Since most of the New York Jamaicans are united with nearly all the brethren in Jamaica in rebellion, they are rightly addressed as Jamaicans in this article, not to debase them, but to give them the respect they deserve as fellow Davidians. After all, each Davidian has a right to his own personal beliefs, and we should be tolerant of his right to express his belief without retaliating in an ugly manner by derogatory remarks to poison the minds of others so as to control their thinking. Therefore, to give proper respect to the Jamaicans, this article will be written in the same manner as the one entitled "The 144,000 And Those With Them" for the purpose of showing truth by explaining the Jamaicans objections to this article, with no cheap name calling or derogatory remarks used, while showing their errors and where they are confused. Now when the Jamaicans published and sent out their opposing article, "A Timely Address," their arrows missed their intended target, the Vice-President, and instead hit directly against the Rod message (but their arrows did no harm, because nothing can hurt the truth) showing they had rejected truth after rebelling. OTHERS WITH THE 144,000 The whole misunderstanding is based on 9 Tract, pg 56, which refers to the "record" (Rev. 7:4-8) of sealing 144,000 "servants" (Rev. 7:3), wherein Elijah explains about this record: " does not say that there may not be others," telling Davidians that they cannot positively conclude that there can not be "others" in Israel to be sealed by the same message. But the Jamaicans come to a definite conclusion and stoutly maintain that there cannot and will not be "others" sealed from the church by using a fictitious "illustration" ("A Timely Address, pg. 2,3) of "seven white horses," which teaches the same thing that the Rod teaches in 9 Tract, pg. 56, because after the man saw the horses he said that it was not final and so he could not positively conclude that there were no other horses, when he said, "there may have been others." Even the ending of the Jamaican's fictitious story illustrates just what the Rod is teaching: "my friend saw seven white horses {the Rod's teaching of the 144,000 bay horse leaders}, and many other black and white horses {the Rod's teaching of the Jews and Gentiles in the chariot as passengers--9 Tr. 56; 4 Ans. 20,21,35; 1 T.G. 29:10; 1 T.G. 11:11}." This proves that though the Jamaican's real intention was to use their fictitious "illustration" to prove the Vice-President wrong, their opposition was really aimed at the Rod message to discredit 9 Tract, pg. 56, but the story ended up proving that what the Vice-President taught from the Rod was true after all. So there is no justifiable reason for the Jamaicans to have rebelled against the Executive Council. THE FOURTH CHARIOT--SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST LAYMEMBERS The symbolism of the fourth chariot being the Seventh-day Adventist laity and the bay horses being the 144,000 leadership is well understood by Davidians. Even the Jamaicans have taught many times that the 144,000 are the bay horses. But because they are trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, which clearly shows that the "others" besides the 144,000 have to be in the chariot, they now change what they once taught to others and say that from both the "(horses and chariot) will be made up of only the 144,000 living saints" ("A Timely Address," pg. 11, par. 5). That means they are implying that part of the 144,000 as bay horses will pull the rest of the 144,000 to the kingdom as laymembers--the "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21), which is their error # 1. The Rod says the 144,000 are the bay horses only! "In view of this sad fact, God must have a second leadership to finish His greatest work since the world began. Of this second set of servants we read:...Rev. 7:2,3; 14:5"--2 Tract, pg 39 (bold emphasis, braces added). This reference clearly states that the "second leadership," the "second set of servants" are the 144,000, which Elijah proves by quoting Rev. 7:2,3 and Rev. 14:5; texts that refer to the 144,000 only. He didn't say the bay horses, the "second leadership" was the laity (chariot), because he says "the bay take the chariot to the promised land" (2 Tr. 45). But the Jamaicans erroneously say on pg. 5 of "A Timely Address" that "(horses and chariot) will be made up of only the 144,000 living saints" to imply that "Some of the 144,000 bay horse leaders pull the rest of the 144,000 laymembers in the chariot to the promised land." Since the chariot is not a literal church building, but the laity, it proves that the 144,000 are the bay horses, and the Laodicean chariot must be "other" Seventh-day Adventists (Jews and Gentiles grafted in) who follow the 144,000 to the promised land. In trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, the Jamaicans say on page 12 of "A Timely Address" that the 144,000 "are sent to the nations (to and fro through the earth)" after they get to the Kingdom, which is absolutely true, but they completely ignore the fact that when the slaughter cuts the traces of the grisled horses, it will leave 144,000 bay horses with the Seventh-day Adventist chariot (laymembers) still attached to its traces while away from the Kingdom, which they take to "the promised land" (2 Tr. 45). Then after the bay horses get to the Kingdom with the chariot, it takes the chariot "to and fro through the earth" (2 Tr. 46). In trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, the Jamaicans have confused themselves and can't tell the difference between the 144,000 pulling the chariot to the Kingdom from America where its Headquarters was (8 Tr. 24), and afterwards the 144,000 pulling the chariot "to and fro through the earth" from its Headquarters in Zion and Jerusalem (1 T.G. 25:6). They are confused because they don't want to admit that there are "others" in the chariot when the traces are cut (2 Tr. 45), who are Seventh-day Adventists, because the slaughter is for Laodicea only (3 Ans. 43), not for Assyrians who are ungrafted Gentiles. On page 12 of "A Timely Address" the Jamaicans say the Assyrians go with the 144,000, which is very true, but these Assyrian Gentiles are not in the chariot escaping the slaughter, being attached by traces to the 144,000 bay horses, and being pulled in the chariot as Seventh-day Adventists to the Kingdom, which again confuses the Jamaicans. They can't tell the difference between Gentiles grafted into the Laodicean chariot before the slaughter, and Assyrian Gentiles who are grafted into the (newly named--Isa. 65:15) chariot after the slaughter. If any Assyrian Gentile from the protestant churches in the world should get into the Laodicean chariot before the slaughter, they must be grafted in as Israelites, Seventh-day Adventist laymembers, who are no longer Gentiles anymore, but spiritual Jews, and they must get the seal in order to escape the slaughter. Over and over again the Jamaicans quote statement after statement from the Rod that undeniably say that only 144,000 are sealed (Rev. 7:3), and they think that this proves that the Vice-President is teaching error, and they shoot these statements as arrows at him. But their arrow-references are really aimed at the Rod message, which proves the Vice-President's teachings are right, because they strengthen Elijah's teaching that the "record" (Rev. 7:4-8) is only for the "servant" leadership, not the laity, and therefore Davidians can't say there won't be "others" sealed from the Laodicean chariot besides the 144,000 bay horses. GENTILES ARE GRAFTED INTO ISRAEL--THE FOURTH CHARIOT Because the Jamaicans do not believe there are "others" saved alive in the chariot from the slaughter, as Gentiles, they ask this question on page 1 of "A Timely Address", "The church is called Israel--the twelve tribes, so the question is, where are the Gentiles?" Yes, it's true, the 144,000 are "servants," the "second leadership" bay horses (2 Tr. 39) who are all "lineal descendants" of the twelve tribes of Israel (8 Tr. 8), therefore they are not Gentiles (5 Ans. 90). This point of truth is well established in the Rod message, but this is not the point of contention. It's the "others" (9 Tr. 56) who are sealed in the Laodicean chariot, some of whom are Gentiles, which the Jamaicans can not and will not accept, though the Rod says "As there were Gentiles among Israel (the type), there would be Gentiles in Israel the true." (1 S.R. 64). "By faith 'Rahab perished not with them that believed not.' Hebrews 11:31. And her conversion was not an isolated case of God's mercy toward idolators who acknowledged His divine authority. In the midst of the land a numerous people--the Gibeaonites--renounced their heathenism and united with Israel, sharing in the blessings of the covenant."--Prophets and Kings, pg. 369 (bold emphasis, braces added). Notice how clear the Rod message answers this question: "How can there be Gentile Seventh-day Adventists as "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21), when the Laodicean chariot is Israel?" "So it is that the kingdom of Christ is made up of Spirit-born Jews only....Thus it is that all through the prophecies which point to this day and age God addresses the church not a Christians or as Gentiles, but as Judah, Israel, Zion, Jerusalem and so on. Furthermore, all the covenants and all the promises are made to the descendants of Jacob. Aside from a privilege to join the Jews--the church--there is not one promise made to the Gentiles. When a Gentile, therefore, accepts Christ and joins His church, he then becomes a Jew and thus subject to share in the promises to the Jew and to keep the Jewish Sabbath if we must call it such."--13 Symbolic Code No. 11, pp. 6,7,8 (bold emphasis, braces added). Notice that Elijah say: "When a Gentile...joins His church, he then becomes a Jew," even though the "record" in Rev. 7:4-8 proves he cannot be one "of" the 144,000, because they are not Gentiles (5 Ans. 90), who have no Jewish blood in their veins. This means that every person saved in the Laodicean chariot or of the bay horses is a "spirit-born Jew" (13 S. C. 11:6,7), whether he is a literal Jew (144,000) or a Gentile (laymember in the chariot). That's why Elijah says "God addresses the church, not as Christian or as Gentiles, but as Judah, Israel,..." even though there are Gentiles grafted into Judah and Israel--the Seventh-day Adventist church. But the Jamaicans cannot accept this fact because they are trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, so they ask: "The church is called Israel--...where are the Gentiles?" Will they say that God does not have even one Gentile saved in the Seventh-day Adventist chariot who was grafted into Israel to become a Jew and "share in the promises to the Jew" (13 S.C. 11:8). If their answer is "yes" then how do the Jamaicans account for all the Davidian Negroes in the Laodicean chariot who have good reason to believe that they are Gentiles? How did these Gentiles get into Israel, the Seventh-day Adventist church? Will the Jamaicans accept the Negroes in America as well as their own race? Or do they pronounce them as tares, doomed to be slaughtered because they say Israel has no Gentiles in her midst, especially as "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21)? In 1 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 62, Elijah says the 144,000 are brought in by four mothers, which the article "The 144,000 And Those With Them" quoted, on page 3, to show that not only the bay horses, but the laity (Gentiles grafted into the chariot) must come into the Seventh-day Adventist church to be one "of" or one "with" the 144,000. But the Jamaicans objected to this in their article "A Timely Address" on page 1 by saying this is "misconstrued," because they think God does not bring into Laodicea any other Jews besides the 144,000 or any Gentiles at all who will be saved from the slaughter. However, just as the 144,000 Jews must come into the Seventh-day Adventist church by these four mothers, so they are the same avenues from the Protestant churches and the world by which the Gentiles are grafted into the Laodicean chariot, because Gentiles are not grafted into Gentiles, but into Israel. Thus, from Leah (S.D.A.) come some of the 144,000 and some grafted in Gentiles who are born into Laodicea by Gentile parents; from Rachel (Protestant churches) come some of the 144,000 and some Gentiles who are grafted into Laodicea; and from Zilpah and Bilhah (world religious and irreligious) come some of the 144,000 and some Gentiles who are grafted into Laodicea. Thus, from these four mothers come the 144,000 descendants of literal Israel, as well as spirit-born Jews who are grafted into Laodicea through these same mothers, because "adoption is accorded only to the Gentiles" (5 Ans. 90), and they have a perfect right to share in the blessings to the Jews (144,000) and be saved from the slaughter as "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21). This is not to teach that the four mothers are any part of the Gentiles, because they are not, but as Gentiles were grafted in with ancient Israel (1 S.R. 64; P.K. 369), so today, Gentiles are grafted in with modern Israel--Laodicean chariot. That's because Jews are never grafted in as Gentiles, but always the Gentiles are grafted in as Jews. All this proves that the Jamaicans have no excuse to rebel against 9 Tract, pg. 56, trying to prove there are not any Gentiles saved from the slaughter in the Laodicean chariot. When the Jews were scattered among the Gentiles their blood was so intermingled that "many of us who suppose to be of the Gentile nations may at long last discover that we are of the lost tribes of Judah and Israel, and of the apostolic Christian Jews" (2 T.G. 21:6). Yes, "many of us" Davidians are of Jewish descent, but "may...never means all" (W.H.R. 22), so some Davidians are Gentiles. For years after the Rod message came teaching that only 144,000 as bay horse "servants" are sealed, many Negro-Gentile Davidians have inquired: "How can I escape the slaughter since I have good reason to believe that I am a Gentile?" He is given hope when he is told that there is a slight chance that he might be of Jewish descent, but if he is not, then he can be one "with" the 144,000 bay horses as a laymember in the chariot grafted into Israel, or if he died in the third angels message he will be resurrected to be one "with." But the Jamaicans have cut off all hope to the Negro Davidian of escaping the slaughter by saying that the 144,000 are symbolized by both the bay horses and the chariot ("A Timely Address," pg. 11), because they are all literal Israelites! So, is every Davidian saved from the church a literal Jew? Is that what Jamaicans are trying to boast to all black Davidians?--thus guaranteeing that every Negro Davidian is to be of Jewish descent as one "of" the 144,000 in the bay horses and the chariot? The white Davidians do not boast this guarantee to the Caucasians, because there is no such guarantee in the Bible or the Shepherd's Rod message for black or white Davidians. And if there is no such guarantee, then what right do the Jamaicans have to pronounce judgement on the Negro-Gentiles, or any Gentile, as being unworthy of being grafted into Israel to share in its blessings, and to get the seal to escape the slaughter as "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21), (as though they are too weak in faith and must be laid in their graves) by teaching that Israel has no Gentiles, all because they are trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56? It would seem as if the Jamaicans are saying that the Salem Association should not have sent to Jamaica a Bible teacher, who later became Vice-President, to share the Rod message with them, to get the seal to escape the slaughter and be in the chariot as one "with" the 144,000 bay horses, as though it would all be useless and a waste of time because there are no Negro-Gentiles in Israel! The Jamaicans are still trying to deny 9 Tract, pg. 56, by quoting 1 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 219, on page 8 of their article "A Timely Address," to make it appear that all Davidians, black or white, who are not "of" the 144,000 are "those who cannot undergo the trial are laid in the grave." But Elijah did not say "all," he simply said "those" Davidians who cannot undergo the trial. For the Jamaicans to say "those" means "all" is teaching that the 144,000 bay horses will pull a hearse-chariot to the Kingdom, full of dead Jews and Gentiles who could not undergo the trial! That can't happen because the chariot would go "nowhere," as the red horses and the chariot "went nowhere" because they were martyred--dead! But the Rod says the bay horses pulled the chariot, not dead, in order for the chariot to go somewhere. Yes, it is true, some Davidians will not be able to endure the trial, and "many," not all, will be laid to sleep, but there will be "other" (9 Tr. 56) black and white Davidians who will endure the trial with the 144,000 bay horses, and they will be alive, not dead, laymembers in the chariot. Now why is it that some Davidians are laid to sleep? Is it because they are weak physically (their bodies old and diseased)? Or is it because they are weak in the faith? Or is it because they are Gentiles? It can't be because they are Gentiles for they are grafted into Israel and have a right to share in its blessings to escape the slaughter as one "with" the 144,000 bay horses. So it must be that they are "laid in the grave" because they are weak physically, or because they are weak in the faith. Which is it? The Rod says Davidians must be "developing in the faith" to seek death and not find it (13 S.C. 3:9), and it also says: "Those, however, who have been sealed when the decree comes will seek death and death will flee from them. God will not let them die. By faith it is not difficult to understand how this could be, for you know that if God wills that you live you simply cannot die." (12 S.C. 2:14). So if a Davidian has faith, but he is old or diseased and cannot physically endure the severe persecution before the slaughter, then God mercifully lays him to sleep until the special resurrection. (This persecution is not after the slaughter when the Kingdom is set up, when those in the Kingdom are healed and no one is sick--Isa. 33:24). But all Davidians who have either little faith now (G.C. 622:1), or very much faith (12 S.C. 1:10:2) will not die, whether they are the 144,000 bay horse Jews, or Gentiles grafted into the Laodicean chariot. But the Jamaicans do not believe there are Gentiles in the chariot saved from the slaughter, so they will point their fingers at the black Davidian and say: "You are a Negro-Gentile, who cannot be in Israel, and you also cannot "undergo the trial" (1 S.R. 219), so you must be put to sleep, because the laity hearse-chariot, full of dead Gentiles, is pulled by the bay horses with no live Gentiles saved from the slaughter." The article "The 144,000 And Those With Them" on page 8 explains why Elijah said it was "false doctrine" to teach that all Seventh-day Adventists must die except the 144,000 (1 T.G. 12:21). The Jamaicans disagree with this in "A Timely Address" on page 7, because they are trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, so they want all Seventh-day Adventists dead (either laid in the grave or die in the slaughter) except the 144,000, just as Seventh-day Adventists teach. What Elijah objected to was Seventh-day Adventists saying that all the laymembers must die except the 144,000, because "they could not be good enough for translation although perfect enough for resurrection" (1` T.G. 12:21), which he calls a "false doctrine," and which the Jamaicans cannot understand. So they quoted 1 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 219, in "A Timely Address" on page 8, "those who cannot undergo the trial are laid in their graves," in order to try to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56. But Elijah clarified this even further when he referred to those who come out of Babylon by saying: "...the standard of translation is not lower for the resurrected than it is for the translated" (1 Jezreel Letter 9), which also applies to Laodicea. That is, if a Davidian cannot meet the standard of translation and escape the slaughter, then their dying and being laid in their graves would not save them, because they could not meet the standard of resurrection either. But those Davidians who are laid to sleep because of old age or diseased bodies, yet have faith, cannot only meet the standard for translation, but they also meet the standard for resurrection! However, Seventh-day Adventists teach the "false doctrine" that except for the 144,000, no one out of the whole world is "good enough for translation although perfect enough for resurrection" (1 T.G. 12:21), so the Jamaicans teach the same "false doctrine," that the 144,000 as bay horses and Laodicean chariot combined ("A Timely Address, pg. 11, par. 5) are the only ones "good enough for translation," but the Davidian Negro-Gentile must die, because he is "not good enough for translation, although he is perfect enough for resurrection." Now the Rod teaching is not hard for any honest Davidian to believe and accept--that the standard for translation is just as high as is the standard for resurrection! But the Jamaicans are determined to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, so will they point to their black brothers in America and in Jamaica and say: "You are a Negro-Gentile, and you are not good enough for translation as are the 144,000 Jews, so you must die"? Why do the Jamaicans open their eyes to the 144,000 bay horse Jews, but close their eyes to the grafted in Gentile "passengers in the chariot"? Now the Jamaicans say that after the bay horses get to the Kingdom they are "sent to gather the great multitude" ("A Timely Address," pg. 12) for converts, which means "the bay horses alone taking the chariot to its destination--'to and fro the earth'" (2 Tract 46). Then "these converts will be Israel either by birth or by being grafted in as Paul describes in Romans 11" (11 S.C. 7:18). But the Jamaicans also say in "A Timely Address," page 1, that there are no Gentiles in Israel--the Laodicean church. Now will they also say that there are no Gentiles in purified Israel--the Kingdom? Is God a respecter of persons in Israel? Will he graft Gentiles from the great multitude into the Kingdom--Israel, because they are "good enough for translation," but he will not graft Gentiles into Laodicea--Israel, to be translated along "with" the 144,000 as "passengers in the chariot" because they are "not good enough for translation"? (1 T.G. 12:21) FIVE WISE VIRGINS INCLUDE GENTILE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS This subject of Gentiles grafted into the Laodicean chariot is also taught in 4 Answerer Book, pg. 35, in which Elijah says the wise virgins "include a considerable number from the Gentiles nations." This quote refers to both the wise and foolish virgins in the Seventh-day Adventist church "in the first-fruit harvest" (4 Ans. 35), before the slaughter, for there are no foolish virgins in the Kingdom purified. So these Gentiles can not be those Assyrians in the first-fruit harvest or the great multitude of the second-fruit harvest, because these Gentiles are "defiled with women" (9 Tr. 55), and could not be included with the wise virgins--undefiled. "The virgins are figurative of a church. Number 'ten,' has the symbolic meaning of universal (the church as a body). Note that they are all 'virgins.' The 144,000 are designated by the same word. (see Rev. 14:4). The word 'virgins,' signify that the class represented by them (ten) are not those who are called out from Babylon (fallen churches) at the time the cry is made. For, if they would come out of Babylon by the call 'come out of her my people' (Rev. 18:4), they would not be called 'virgins.' Thus, the message of the 'midnight cry' must find them in the house of God--virgins."--2 Shepherd's Rod, pg. 181 (bold emphasis, braces added). The Rod says all ten virgins represent the Seventh-day Adventist church up until the slaughter, so the Gentiles who are included with the wise virgins (4 Ans. 35) must be grafted into the Laodicean chariot before the slaughter, because they are not defiled with women, not members of the other churches when the slaughter took place. But the Jamaicans, still trying to refute 9 Tract, pg. 56, say on page 6 of "A Timely Address" that the Assyrian Gentiles "will join the 144,000 after the slaughter," which is very true, but they are defiled with women, whereas the Gentiles in 4 Ans., pg. 35, are those grafted into Laodicea represented by ten virgins before the slaughter. There is a difference between the two Gentiles, which confuses the Jamaicans, therefore they misapply 2 T.G. 42:31 on page 7 of "A Timely Address" to make it appear that the Gentiles in 4 Ans., pg 35, in connection with the ten virgins before the slaughter, applies to all who get into the Kingdom" after the slaughter, such as the Babylonians. But these Gentiles who "join" the Kingdom are from "Babylon (fallen churches)" (2 S.R. 181), and like the Assyrians they are defiled, so they cannot be included with the virgins as are the Seventh-day Adventist Gentiles who are grafted in before the slaughter. Thus, the Rod reference (2 T.G. 42:31), like all the other references about the ten virgins, refers to the Laodicean chariot just before the slaughter. Notice the page before where Elijah talks about the "purification of the church," the "cleansing of the the house of God" (2 T.G. 42:30), and then read where Elijah proves this by quoting Ezekiel 9 on the next page (2 T.G. 42:32). Thus, by reading 2 T.G. 42, pg. 30, 31 and 32, any honest Davidian can see that the context of what Elijah says concerning the virgins is about the slaughter of Ezekiel nine in the "house of God" (2 T.G. 42:30), which does not apply to the Assyrians or the Babylonians, but only to Laodicea (3 Ans. 43). THE CHURCH OF JEWS AND GENTILES--AMONG WHOM ARE TO BE 144,OOO Elijah says "only those who survive the judgement of the living in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17),...will comprise the church, among whom are to be 144,000..." (1 T.G. 11:11), which refers to the Seventh-day Adventist church only--"the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17)," the same as the ten virgins, and cannot refer to the great multitude from "Babylon (fallen churches)" (2 S.R. 181). It proves that those who escape the slaughter are Jews and also grafted in Gentiles in the Laodicean chariot--the "house of God," with the bay horses being those "among whom are to be 144,000," leading them to the Kingdom. But the Jamaicans try to refute 1 T.G. 11:11 by saying on page 11 of "A Timely Address" that "therefore, the 144,000--Rev. 7:4 and the great multitude--Rev. 7:9 are brought to view as escaping the judgement of the living in the house of God." They are teaching their error #3, that Seventh-day Adventists and those from Babylon both escape the slaughter in the "house of God," to make it appear that when Elijah said in 1 T.G. 11:11 "among whom are to be 144,000," that he was supposed to have meant that the 144,000 are those "among" the great multitude, both of which are supposed to be from the same "house of God"--Laodicea. But the Rod always teaches that the "house of God, the church" (3 Tr. 8) is the Seventh-day Adventist church, and after the slaughter is completed in Laodicea, then the great multitude are gathered from Babylon, which is not the "house of God," because "the church is not Babylon" (3 Tr. 71). Even the Jamaicans admit this fact on page 6 of "A Timely Address" by quoting the following reference: "After the judgement in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17) is completed and the 144,000 guileless servants of God, the first fruits (Rev. 14:4) take their high and exalted post with the Lamb on Mt. Zion (Rev. 14:1) then commences the ingathering of the second fruits."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 5, pg. 5. The Jamaicans are trying to refute 4 Answerer Book, pg. 35, on page 5 and 6 of "A Timely Address," wherein they quote the above reference (1 T.G. 5:5) and they underline "then" to emphasize that after the slaughter in the "house of God" (S.D.A. church) "is completed ...then commences the ingathering of the second fruits," to show only 144,000 escape the slaughter from the church. But in trying to refute 1 T.G. 11:11 they contradict the Rod statement (1 T.G. 5:5) which they quoted on page 6, paragraph 8 of "A Timely Address," and say on page 11, paragraph 1, of their article that "the great multitude will also escape the judgement of the living in the house of God." No where does the Rod ever say that the great multitude from "Babylon (fallen churches)" (2 S.R. 181) will escape the slaughter in the "house of God"--Seventh-day Adventist church. That's why the Rod says "the church is not Babylon" (3 Tr. 71), and that "Ezekiel nine pictures the judgement of the living in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17)--sealing of the saints and the destruction of the wicked in the church" (1 T.G. 3:13). Will the Jamaicans say the Ezekiel 9 slaughter in the "house of God" (1 Pet. 4:17) is for Babylon? when the Rod says "the slaughter as described in Ezekiel's prophecy takes the lives of only those wicked who are 'in the house of Israel and Judah' (Ezek. 9)--the church; whereas the destruction of the plagues falls upon all who are found in' Babylon' (Rev. 18:4)" (3 Ans. 43). Furthermore, the Rod says: "Even an altogether uninformed Christian knows that the terms Jerusalem, Judah, and Israel, mean the church, never even as much as imply the 'world,'" (1 T.G. 3:12). Surely the Jamaicans can boast that they are more informed than the "uninformed Christian" (1 T.G. 3:12) who know that the slaughter in the "house of God" (Judah and Israel) is not those in Babylon, which can never mean what the Jamaicans say on page 11 of "A Timely Address" that the great multitude from Babylon will escape the slaughter in the Seventh-day Adventist church--Judah and Israel--the "house of God." Will the Jamaicans go so far in their desperate attempt to refute 1 T.G. 11:11 that they will say that the "house of God" is "part of Babylon" (T.M. 37), when it is strictly forbidden for anyone to teach that the "Seventh-day Adventist churches constitute Babylon, or any part of Babylon" (T.M. 37,41)? FROM LAODICEA--ZION AND JERUSALEM--ARE PRINCES AND RULERS In question # 85 in 4 Answerer Book, pg.20, is asked what is the difference between Zion and Jerusalem of Isa. 52:1 (which refers to people), and Rev. 14:1 (which refers to the location of the Kingdom), these must not be confused with each other. The text of Isa. 52:1 plainly refers to people, not literal places, as the Rod says--"'Zion' and 'Jerusalem' of Isa. 52:1 must represent people,..." (4 Ans. 20). These people are clearly identified in the Rod as Seventh-day Adventists in the "Laodicean church" (4 Ans. 20), who are divided into two classes of leaders in the Kingdom--"princes and rulers" (4 Ans. 21). Now the text of Rev. 14:1 refers to literal locations in the promised land--Zion and Jerusalem. Taking the two texts together, the Rod clearly teaches that when the Kingdom is set up in literal Zion and Jerusalem (Rev. 14:1; Isa. 2:3), the highest leaders are all Seventh-day Adventists from the "Laodicean church," symbolically represented as Zion and Jerusalem (Isa. 52:1). Yes, some of the great multitude will also share in the leadership at Jerusalem (4 Ans. 22) as "lesser rulers" (4 Ans. 20), but the highest leaders are all Seventh-day Adventists. This is so plain that the Jamaicans cannot refute it. But in the hope of making other Davidians believe they did refute it, they quoted a part of the Rod reference (4 Ans. 21) on page 5, paragraph 1, of "A Timely Address" to make it appear that it refers to the purified church, when it really refers to Laodicea before the purification, because they are told to "awake," and only Seventh-day Adventists need to awake, not those in the Kingdom. The sentence about the "Laodicean church" starts on page 20 of 4 Answerer Book and continues on to page 21, referring to "those" who make up Zion (princes) and Jerusalem (rulers) in the Kingdom. The Jamaicans left off the part about Laodicea on page 20 and began in the middle of the sentence, so as to leave off the part about the "Laodicean church." (Read "A Timely Address" for yourself and see where they left of the part about Laodicea). If the whole paragraph on page 20 to 21 is read together like Elijah said it, then it would prove that both classes of leaders, those who "make up Zion (princes) and Jerusalem (rulers)" (4 Ans. 21) are from the "Laodicean church" (4 Ans. 20)--Seventh-day Adventists. This is not the only reference in the Rod about Seventh-day Adventists being the inhabitants of Zion and Jerusalem. "When the present controversy over the message of the hour is ended, then those who survive the purifying process, the judgement for the living in the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17), the cleansing of the sanctuary (Dan. 8:14), will be the inhabitants of Zion and of Jerusalem, the members of the church, the body of Christ."--1 Timely Greetings, No. 29, pg. 10 (bold emphasis, braces added). Only the 144,000 stand on Mt. Zion (Rev. 14:1), but this reference plainly says "those" (S.D.A.) "who survive the purifying process" (slaughter) "in the house of God" (S.D.A. church) "will be the inhabitants of Zion" (princes--144,000 bay horses) "and of Jerusalem" (rulers--Jews and Gentiles in the chariot). This is not talking about the great multitude from Babylon, because "the church is not Babylon" (3 Tr. 71), but those from the "house of God"--Laodicea. Thus, the statement in 4 Ans., pg. 20 and 21, still stands to show two classes of rulers from Laodicea--the 144,000 (symbolic Zion) who dwell in literal Zion, and Jews and Gentiles in the chariot (symbolic Jerusalem) who dwell in literal Jerusalem. THE VANGUARD AND ITS ARMY TOGETHER ARE THE 144,000 JACOBITES The vanguard, according to Leviticus, pg. 3, are "the first {part} of the first-fruits" (1 T.G. 23:9). They are represented by the bay horses--"Davidian Seventh-day Adventist leaders" (2 T.G. 22:22), starting in 1930 with Brother V.T. Houteff being the first Davidian (see Zech. 6 chart showing the year the bay horses began). The bay horses represent the 144,000 (2 Tr. 39), so from 1930 to 19?? all Davidians are candidates to be one "of" the 144,000 if they came into Laodicea by one of the four mothers (1 S.R. 62), are of Jewish descent, get the seal, and never die. But since many of the Davidians died, they were then sealed to be one "with" the 144,000 to be resurrected (Dan 12:2). Thus, the Davidians living today as bay horses are only the "first {part} of the first fruits" (144,000), and when that number is completely made up just before the slaughter, then all the 144,000 will be Davidian bay horses (2 Tr. 39). The Rod says that Esau represents the Seventh-day Adventist ministers, and that Jacob represents the Davidian laymembers born since 1930 (12 S.C. 5:18). But Esau, as the grisled horse leaders, is pulling Jacob as laymembers--"passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21) toward Egypt, because he despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob (Gen. 25:33,34), and that is why the Jacobite laymembers from the Laodicean chariot came forward in 1930 to begin the bay horse leadership--"Davidian Seventh-day Adventist leaders" (2 T.G. 22:21), to pull the chariot to the Kingdom (2 Tr. 45). And they will continue to come forward until there are 144,000 bay horse (2 Tr. 39) Jacobites (1 S.R., p.e., 29 ), who escape the slaughter. Once the complete number of 144,000 is made up, they will all be the "first fruits," because the "first" (part--vanguard) of the first fruits have all been absorbed into one complete number--144,000 first fruits. Then the 144,000 bay horses who escape the slaughter will pull to the Kingdom the "others" (Jews and Gentiles) in the Laodicean chariot who were "good enough for translation" (1 T.G. 12:21), and who escape the slaughter (1 T.G. 11:11). So today, the bay horse "Davidian Seventh-day Adventist leaders" (2 T.G. 22:22), are the "vanguard" (Leviticus 3), the "first {part} of the first fruits," and the Laodicean chariot has the rest of the 144,000 Jacobites, as well as the "others" (Jews and Gentiles) who are "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21), who the Rod message has not yet reached, and who have not yet got the seal to be one "of" the 144,000 or one "with" the 144,000. But because the rest of the 144,000 are still in the Laodicean chariot today, Davidians cannot teach the error that they will stay there to be led to the Kingdom by some of the 144,000 bay horses, as the Jamaicans imply on page 11, paragraph 5, of "A Timely Address" when they say that both "(horses and chariot) will be made up of only 144,000 living saints," because the Rod says the 144,000 are not in the chariot at the time the traces are cut (2 Tr. 3), the time of the slaughter, but they are the bay horses (2 Tr. 39). Read it (2 Tr. 39) for yourself. So since the 144,000 are irrefutably the bay horses only when the traces are cut, then they cannot also, at the same time, be in the chariot and pull themselves to the Kingdom! This irrefutable truth (the bay horses represent all the 144,000 when the traces are cut) proves that it is error # 4 to teach that the bay horses are only the vanguard, who are supposed to pull the rest of the 144,000 in the chariot to the Kingdom after the slaughter! SUMMARY OF TWO IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS Truth # 1: The Rod message teaches irrevocably from many undeniable Bible texts that the 144,000 are the only "numbered company" (2 T.G. 15:8) sealed from the Laodicean church who are "servants" (Rev. &:3), the "second leadership" (2 Tr. 39), being represented by the bay horses (Zech. 6:7), which is an irrefutable truth that cannot be proven wrong by any true and honest Davidian. Truth # 2: But just as equally irrevocable, undeniable, and irrefutable is the Rod's teaching that there will be an "unnumbered company" of "others" (9 Tr. 56; 4 Ans. 20, 21; 1 T.G. 29:10; 1 S.R. 64; 4 Ans. 35; 2 T.G. 22:21; 2 Tr. 45; 1 T.G. 11:11) sealed from the Laodicean church who are Jews and grafted in Gentiles, who "are good enough for translation" (1 T.G. 12:21), being represented by the "passengers in the chariot" (2 T.G. 22:21), which cannot be proven wrong by any true and honest Davidian. WHY DO THE JAMAICANS ACCEPT THE ONE TRUTH BUT REJECT THE OTHER TRUTH? Why, though, do the Jamaicans profess to believe all the Rod teaches, and claim they accept the above truth #1, but totally rebel against truth #2? What's the hidden motive behind their rebellion? Do they reject truth #2 because it really is error as they claim? or do they reject it because the Vice-President teaches it? Why did they write so many derogatory remarks against him in their article "A Timely Address" to poison the minds of the Davidians against him? Where did all this rebellion begin? Well, there was an outward show of peace among the Salem Davidians in New York until the worldly wedding of a Jamaican brother caused the Council to put him on probation. Then the inward rebellion hidden by an outward show of peace burst forth in false sympathy toward the brother, and anger, resentment, and rebellion toward the Council. The Jamaicans in New York and those in Jamaica united together to contest the Council's "full power," claiming that all the Davidians should decide in the matter as to whether the brother should be put on probation or not. But the by-laws of the Association and the application form left them with nothing concrete to justify their rebellion and anger, and prevented their rebellion from going any further than their just writing angry letters, and murmuring and complaining to each other. Of course, the Jamaicans could reason that if there were no by-laws and no high-standard application form, then there would be no Council to put anyone on probation, or to take away his card, and no application form to keep anyone from being a member. So their rebellion expanded from the Council to include rebellion against the by-laws and application form. The Jamaican leader wrote a letter dated January 19, 1983, to Headquarters from Jamaica, to let it be known of "the displeasure of our Jamaicans brethren about the multiplicity of the yes, yes application form which brings grating all the years of Don's administration." This quote from the letter means that the Jamaicans do not want to answer "yes" to questions about what they believe and how they live to prove that they are Davidians who fully believe in the Rod message and in the Salem Association. They think all this is "Don's administration," as ancient Israel thought it was "Moses' administration" that they rebelled against. But the Rod message, which sets the standards of beliefs and conduct for the Davidians, is "God's administration," not "Don's administration"! The Jamaicans "chafe at bringing themselves under the rule of Christ now when 'He is taking the reigns in His own hands.' Testimonies to Ministers, p. 300." (3 Ans. 33). And it is through the Rod message "revival" (1 Ans. 38) and The Leviticus which is "reformation" (1 Ans. 38), which gives "full power" to the Executive Council, that Christ reigns over Davidians. But the Jamaicans think that all of their irritation and vexation, which "chafes" them, is caused by the rules of the by-laws and the standards of the "yes, yes" application form, which is a yoke on their necks under "Don's administration"! They want to throw off all restraint and do as they please, so that they do not have to "take receive the seal" (1 T.G. 7:5), and be in subjection to the "full power" of the Executive Council. The Jamaicans don't like having to send to Headquarters the workers reports, Board of Trustees minutes, the treasurer reports, and bank statements, which the by-laws require, and which shows they recognize Salem as God's Headquarters. Therefore, because the Vice-President, as the Editor, was given the duty of writing up the by-laws and the application form, they could reason among themselves that if he was removed from office, then all the by-laws and the many "yes, yes" questions on the application form could be changed or done away with altogether. (This is false reasoning, because the session voted to pass the by-laws and the application form, not the Vice-President only). But, before the Jamaicans could find a way to remove the Vice-President, they needed an excuse to justify their rebellion, and they decided their excuse would be his article entitled "The 144,000 And Those With Them." Thus, by writing their article entitled "A Timely Address," with all of its derogatory remarks, they try to poison the minds of the Davidians against him, and try to prove his article wrong, hoping that the 1983 session would remove him from office, which would be their first step toward changing the by-laws and application form, or doing away with them altogether. But if the Jamaicans do not carefully examine the real motives for their rebellion, and for rejecting the truth of "others" with the 144,000, it will lead them on to reject other truths, until finally they will be led away from the Rod message altogether, leaving them to move from one Usurper Association to the next in search of the peace of mind they lost by their open rebellion, because "open rebellion...becomes incurable and ends in destruction." (5 T. 672). And because their Jamaican pride will not allow them to admit that they are wrong in fighting against the Rod teaching of "others" (Jews and Gentiles saved from the slaughter in the Laodicean chariot), they are compelled to maintain a continual warfare against 9 Tract, pg. 56, in order to save their face. And as time goes on, they will become a "by-word" among all the Davidians, as the Jamaicans who say there are no Gentiles in Israel saved from the slaughter in the chariot, so their own race of Negro-Gentiles cannot be grafted in to share in the blessings to Israel, and be "good enough for translation," because they cannot undergo the trial and must be laid in their graves! May God help them to repent! However, not all Jamaicans have rebellion in their hearts against the Council, and not all of them have rejected the truth of "others" with the 144,000. Even though the Jamaicans as a whole (a nation of Davidians) are compared to Judah as a whole (a nation of Jews) who rejected the truth of the Messiah, a few Jews accepted Christ, so a few Jamaicans have accepted the Rod's teaching of those with the 144,000. So, let not the faithful few Jamaican Davidians be discouraged by the majority of the rebellious ones. Why should the few faithful ones bear the reproach of the other Jamaicans who teach that no Negro-Gentile Davidian can be saved from the slaughter? Being born a Jamaican does not mean the few faithful ones cannot break away from the majority of rebellious Jamaicans, and pledge their allegiance to God's Association in Salem. It's honorable for the Jamaican brothers to desire unity among themselves as a race of people from Jamaica, but not in rebellion against God's Executive Council. The greatest honor would be to stand on God's side, even if it meant to break off from the unity the rebellious Jamaicans have formed in defiance against God's Association. Thus, two roads are before each Jamaican. One road of truth (others saved besides the 144,000) leads to the Salem Association, but the other road of rebellion (no others saved besides the 144,000) leads away from it. Let each Jamaican Davidian decide which road he wants to take, because "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"--Amos 3:3. THE RESIDENT COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL VOTE The 1980 session voted for an application form that requires a Davidian to accept all that the Rod message teaches before he can be issued a fellowship card. The Rod message includes the teachings of "others" (9 Tract, pg. 56), the Jews and Gentiles saved from the slaughter. But because of the Jamaicans rebellion against this Rod teaching as explained in the article "The 144,000 And Those With Them," the Executive Council has voted to accept the article as teaching the truth from the Rod message, and to invalidate the fellowship cards of any Davidian who does not accept the Rod's teaching of "others" with the 144,000 who are saved from the slaughter. End Third Letter By Bro. Don Adair Continuing With Fourth Part Of Personal Testimony A WARNING TO DAVIDIANS AGAINST REBELLION Paul the apostle said: "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples {types--see margin}: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world {the latter days} are come."--1 Corinthians 10:11. The Lord has inspired his prophets to write about certain events in the Bible, which are "ensamples" (types) for His people living in the "ends of the world"--the latter days, to warn them not to be guilty of the same sin. One such sin recorded in the Bible is rebellion against Jesus, which began in Heaven with Lucifer, who first rebelled in his "heart" (Isa. 14:13,14); then later it ripened into open rebellion. The Bible also records the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, Abiram against Moses (Num. 16:1-3), which was indirectly a rebellion against Jesus who appointed Moses as their leader. It is by no means the first and only open rebellion against Jesus; because there have been, down through the years, many other rebellions against the leaders appointed by Jesus, even until the latter days. And now today Elijah (Bro. V.T. Houteff) has not failed to warn the Davidians against rebellion in his publication, The Leviticus Of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, pgs. 3-11, which are the laws and by-laws to elect the officers of the Executive Council to be the leaders at God's Headquarters, which was at that time in Salem, So. Carolina. The rest of this publication from pgs. 12-102 is about "GOVERNMENT" (pg. 15), "ORDER (pg. 21), "DISCIPLINE" (pg. 28), and "EDUCATION" (pg. 41). His obvious purpose for the subject of "DISCIPLINE" (pg. 28), which recites the rebellion of Korah against God's appointed leader, Moses, was to reveal the fact that some Davidians who cannot be disciplined, will secretly harbor rebellion in their hearts against the leaders at Jesus' Headquarters--the "Executive Council" (Lev. 9:2) in Salem, So. Carolina. This irrefutable fact was made manifest by the secret rebellion in the hearts of some Jamaicans, which was exposed after it erupted into open rebellion in 1982, when Bro. Tony Hibbert rejected the SRod study about the saints who are saved along "with" the 144,000. This put him into a trap. If he admits that there will be living saints saved "with" the 144,000, then he must confess that their association, which they later set up at Mountain Dale is false; because it was set up by rebellion, not by God. But if he continues to reject that truth, then how can he and the other Jamaicans who rebelled with him expect to escape the slaughter of Ezek. 9? Today it is obvious that the study was not the real issue with the Jamaicans; they only used it as a means to justify their open rebellion against the Salem Headquarters. Since that time, however, they have been forced to admit two facts: (1) They cannot prove that the study of the saints saved "with" the 144,000 is wrong. (2) Therefore, they cannot use that study to justify their rebellion. So they try to divert the attention of other Davidians away from that study and justify their rebellion by boasting of their prosperity--the money, property, and membership they have accumulated. It was for this very reason that Elijah also warned Davidians that truth, not prosperity or number of members, is what will save the Davidians: "Do not, though, forget that the message which he {Elijah} proclaims will in itself bear the Divine credentials of Truth, and that no priest or prelate can decide for you who the Elijah may or may not be. No, not even the appearance of what his message is doing or not doing, or whether it is prospering or disintegrating, can be taken as evidence that God is in it. Neither can numbers of adherents {Davidian supporters}, for such have never signified a right cause at any time, not even in the day Christ Himself preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. The message {containing the truth of those 'with' the 144,000} he brings is the only thing to go by."--General Conference Special, pg. 8:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). Let all Davidians beware of rejecting the truth of those living saints who are saved "with" the 144,000; because the SRod says: "Even as it is a blessed thing to accept the truth, so it is a fearful thing to reject it. And rejection need not include all truth. To reject a part {those living saints saved "with" the 144,000} may be just as fatal as to reject the whole."--1 Shepherd's Rod book, pg. 160:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). "The rejecting of light and present truth {those living saints saved "with" the 144,000} is the sin against the Holy Ghost."--2 Shepherd's Rod book, pg. 198:2 (bold emphasis, braces added). Do not give your sympathy to the Jamaican rebels or support their work, much less unite with them and say that is love, lest you find yourself condemned by Jesus as a rebel working against His Headquarters in So. Carolina. "We are not to unite with the rebellious, and call this charity {love}. God requires His people {all true Davidians} in this age of the world to stand, as did John in his time, unflinchingly for the right, in opposition to soul-destroying errors {of rebels who teach that no saints from Laodicea will escape the slaughter and go 'with' the 144,000 to God's soon-coming kingdom}"--Sanctified Life, pg. 65:0,1 (bold emphasis, braces added by author). End Fourth Part Of Personal Testimony By Bro. Don Adair If you want to read a brief review about the book entitled, A DAVIDIAN TESTIMONY, then click on---> BOOK REVIEW. If you want to order the book entitled, A DAVIDIAN TESTIMONY, then click on---> ORDER FORM. If you want to read the subject material entitled, "LIVING SAINTS SAVED 'WITH' THE 144,000," then click on---> STUDY24. If you want to know more about the grisled and bay horses, then click on---> STUDY12A. If you want to know more about the Davidian rebels, then click on---> STUDY. If you want to know more about the Davidian usurpers, then click on---> STUDY11. END OF STUDY 36Written by
Don Adair |