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Welcome to our website.

We are not affiliated with other Davidian associations, and we are not Branch Davidians.


(Some Bible Studies In Spanish)


  If you examine our logo closely you will notice that we are Christian Davidians; but we are not Branch Davidians who were burned out in Waco in 1993, because we have nothing to do with them.  So that is not the reason why we have been cast out of the Seventh-day Adventist church!  If you are not a Seventh-day Adventist or a Christian, then you may think that this website has nothing for you.  But think again, it may concern you but you don't know that; so out of curiosity you may want to know what doctrines we teach concerning the NEW WORLD ORDER, or World War III, or other events which are not broadcast in the news media.  If you are a Christian or a Seventh-day Adventist, you may think that we were cast out because we have been called an offshoot.  But think again, being an offshoot should not necessarily be an offense to you, because Jesus, the apostles, and the Christians (Acts 11:26) were an offshoot from the Jewish church!  "For the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was the Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue (Jn. 9:22).  For this reason, we are glad to receive the blessing from being been cast out of God's church, because Jesus said: "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake." (Lk. 6:22).  But we are even more than that--we are an "upshoot"! 
   "The Davidians are the upshoot from decadent Seventh-day Adventists prophetically envisioned in Ezekiel, chapter nine.  Its members are in the main those who have been cast out and deprived of the fellowship of their Seventh-day Adventist churches.  Thus being separated from their church and denied its name because of their having given heed to the voice of  the Rod, the voice of the Good Shepherd, they are called by the name imbedded in the work of the Rod, 'Davidian Seventh-day Adventists,' until the time they shall be 'called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall  name.' Isa. 62:2."--The Leviticus Of The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, pg. 12:1  (bold emphasis added).      

Need answers?  Some questions answered now, others later.  Click on---> QUERY.

   You can learn more about other subjects on our website if you click on--->STUDIESIf you want to read a brief history about the Davidians being cast out  of the Seventh-day Adventist church, and to learn when the Branch Davidian movement began, and find out why they were burned out in Waco, then click on---> STUDY1.   To continue the subject of offshoots click on --->STUDY7B.  In the "studies" section you will see that some subjects are not yet finished, but we are working on them.
If you a Seventh-day Adventist,  we suggest that you click on --->STUDY9A--"ARE SDA THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD?"; or click on --->STUDY20A--"SDA CHURCH IS NOT BABYLON!  WHY?"; or click on --->STUDY8A--"BRETHREN OF EXPERIENCE" .

World War II will be resumed in Jersualem.  Read our special NEWS STUDIES related to this subject.  Click on---> NEWS.

  If you click on---> STUDIES you can   choose Bible studies  and print those you like.
  If you click on--->
BOOK REVIEW you can read a brief review  about our seven books.
  If you click on--->
BOOK COVER you can
see the front cover of the books in full color.
  If you want to  purchase a copy of  these
books, then click on the---> ORDER FORM.

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(911 Address)
282 Davidian Way
Tamassee, S.C.  29686

